l10n = $l10n; } /** * Get a localization string. * The string is taken from the ones specified at step 1 of WSX5 * * @method l10n * * @param {string} $id The localization key * @param {string} $default The default string * * @return {string} The localization */ public function get($id, $default = "") { if (!isset($this->l10n[$id])) return $default; return $this->l10n[$id]; } } /** * Blog class * @access public */ class imBlog { private $comments; private $targetTopic = "blog-topic"; private $comPerPage = 10; /** * Set the number of comments to show in each page * @param integer $n */ function setCommentsPerPage($n) { $this->comPerPage = $n; } /** * Format a timestamp * * @param string $ts The timestamp * * @return string */ function formatTimestamp($ts) { return date("d/m/Y H:i:s", strtotime($ts)); } /** * Parse the given array and extract the URL data for this post * * @param Array $array The URL array ($_GET) * @return Array An associative array containing the post data */ function parseUrlArray($array) { global $imSettings; $data = array('valid' => true); $keys = array_keys(@$_GET); if (isset($_GET['start']) && isset($_GET['length'])) { $data['start'] = @$_GET['start']; $data['length'] = @$_GET['length']; } if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $data['id'] = @$_GET['id']; $data['valid'] = isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']]) && $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']]['utc_time'] < time(); } else if(isset($_GET['category'])) { $category = $this->getUnescapedCategory(@$_GET['category']); if ($category !== NULL) { $data['category'] = $category; } } else if(isset($_GET['author'])) { $author = $this->getUnescapedAuthor(@$_GET['author']); if ($author !== NULL) { $data['author'] = $author; } } else if(isset($_GET['tag'])) { $data['tag'] = @$_GET['tag']; } else if(isset($_GET['month'])) { $data['month'] = @$_GET['month']; } else if(isset($_GET['search'])) { $data['search'] = @$_GET['search']; } if (count($data) == 1 && count($keys) > 0) { if ($this->slugExists($keys[0])) { $id = $this->getSlugId($keys[0]); if ($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['utc_time'] < time()) { $data['slug'] = $keys[0]; $data['id'] = $id; } else { $data['valid'] = false; } } else { $data['valid'] = false; } } return $data; } /** * Show the pagination links * * @param string $baseurl The base url of the pagination * @param integer $start Start from this page * @param integer $length For this length * @param integer $count Count of the current objects to show * * @return void */ function paginate($baseurl, $start, $length, $count) { $pages = ceil($count / $length); if ($pages < 2) { return; } $current = $start / $length + 1; echo "
"; if ($start > 0) { echo "" . l10n("cmn_pagination_prev") . ""; } $leading_dots = false; $trailing_dots = false; for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { if ($pages < 7 || $i == 1 || $i == $pages || ($i >= $current - 1 && $i <= $current + 1)) { echo "" . $i . ""; } else if ($i < $current - 1 && !$leading_dots) { echo "..."; $leading_dots = true; } else if ($i > $current + 1 && !$trailing_dots) { echo "..."; $trailing_dots = true; } } if ($count > $start + $length) { echo "" . l10n("cmn_pagination_next") . ""; } echo "
"; } /** * Provide the page title tag to be shown in the header * Keep track of the page using the $_GET vars provided: * - id * - category * - author * - tag * - month * - search * * @param string $basetitle The base title of the blog, to be appended after the specific page title * @param string $separator The separator char, default "-" * * @return string The page title */ function pageTitle($basetitle, $separator = "-") { global $imSettings; $urlData = $this->parseUrlArray(@$_GET); if (isset($urlData['id']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$urlData['id']])) { // Post return htmlspecialchars($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$urlData['id']]['tag_title']); } else if (isset($urlData['category']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts_cat'][$urlData['category']])) { // Category return htmlspecialchars($urlData['category'] . $separator . $basetitle); } else if (isset($urlData['author']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts_author'][$urlData['author']])) { // Author return htmlspecialchars($urlData['author'] . $separator . $basetitle); } else if (isset($urlData['tag'])) { // Tag return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($urlData['tag']) . $separator . $basetitle); } else if (isset($urlData['month']) && is_numeric($urlData['month']) && strlen($urlData['month']) == 6) { // Month return htmlspecialchars(substr($urlData['month'], 4, 2) . "/" . substr($urlData['month'], 0, 4) . $separator . $basetitle); } else if (isset($urlData['search'])) { // Search return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(urldecode($urlData['search'])) . $separator . $basetitle); } // Default (Home page): Show the blog description return htmlspecialchars($basetitle); } /** * Provide the page header title tag to be shown in the h1 header * Keep track of the page using the $_GET vars provided: * - id * - category * - author * - tag * - month * - search * * @param string $basetitle The base title of the blog, to be appended after the specific page title * @param string $separator The separator char, default "-" * * @return string The page title */ function pageHeaderTitle($basetitle, $separator = "-") { global $imSettings; $urlData = $this->parseUrlArray(@$_GET); if (isset($urlData['id']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$urlData['id']])) { // Post return htmlspecialchars($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$urlData['id']]['title']) ; } else if (isset($urlData['category']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts_cat'][$urlData['category']])) { // Category return htmlspecialchars($urlData['category']); } else if (isset($urlData['author']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts_author'][$urlData['author']])) { // Author return htmlspecialchars($urlData['author']); } else if (isset($urlData['tag'])) { // Tag return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($urlData['tag'])); } else if (isset($urlData['month']) && is_numeric($urlData['month']) && strlen($urlData['month']) == 6) { // Month return htmlspecialchars(substr($urlData['month'], 4, 2) . "/" . substr($urlData['month'], 0, 4)); } else if (isset($urlData['search'])) { // Search return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(urldecode($urlData['search']))); } // Default (Home page): Show the blog description return htmlspecialchars($basetitle); } /** * Get the open graph tags for a post * @param $id The post id * @param $tabs The tabs (String) to prepend to each tag * @return string The HTML tags */ function getOpengraphTags($id, $tabs = "") { global $imSettings; $html = ""; if (!isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]) || !isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['opengraph'])) { return $html; } $og = $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['opengraph']; if (isset($og['url'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['type'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['title'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['description'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['updated_time'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['video'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['video:type'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['audio'])) $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; if (isset($og['images']) && is_array($og['images'])) { foreach ($og['images'] as $image) { $html .= $tabs . '' . "\n"; } } return $html; } /** * Get the count of valid posts * @return integer */ function getPostsCount() { global $imSettings; $count = 0; $utcTime = time(); foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts'] as $id => $post) { if ($post['utc_time'] <= $utcTime) { $count++; } } return $count; } /** * Get the comments sent in the specified period that are already validated * * @param String $from * @param String $to * * @return Array */ function getComments($from = "", $to = "") { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; $commentsArray = array(); foreach ($bs['posts'] as $post) { $comments = new ImTopic($bs['file_prefix'] . 'pc' . $post['id'], $this->targetTopic, "../", $post['rel_url']); if ($bs['sendmode'] == "db") $comments->loadDb(ImDb::from_db_data(getDbData($bs['dbid'])), $bs['dbtable']); else $comments->loadXML($bs['folder']); foreach ($comments->getComments($from, $to) as $comment) { $comment["title"] = $post['title']; $comment["category"] = $post['category']; $comment["postid"] = $post['id']; $commentsArray[] = $comment; } } // Order the array in descending order usort($commentsArray, array("ImTopic", "compareCommentsArray")); return $commentsArray; } /** * Get the comments sent in the specified period that are still to be validated * * @param String $from * @param String $to * * @return Array */ function getCommentsToValidate($from = "", $to = "") { $settings = Configuration::getSettings(); $bs = $settings['blog']; $toApprove = array(); foreach ($bs['posts'] as $post) { $comments = new ImTopic($bs['file_prefix'] . 'pc' . $post['id'], $this->targetTopic, "../", $post['rel_url']); if ($bs['sendmode'] == "db") $comments->loadDb(ImDb::from_db_data(getDbData($bs['dbid'])), $bs['dbtable']); else $comments->loadXML($bs['folder']); foreach ($comments->getComments($from, $to, false) as $comment) { $comment["title"] = $post['title']; $toApprove[] = $comment; } } // Order the array in descending order usort($toApprove, array("ImTopic", "compareCommentsArray")); return $toApprove; } /** * Get the posts enabled for visualization * @return array */ function getPosts() { global $imSettings; $posts = array(); $utcTime = time(); foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts'] as $id => $post) { if ($post['utc_time'] <= $utcTime) { $posts[$id] = $post; } } return $posts; } /** * Get the posts enabled for visualization filtered by category, author, tag, etc. * Possible filter names: posts_author, posts_cat, posts_month, posts_tag * @param array $filters associative array $filter_name => $filter_value. es: array('posts_author' => 'the author name'). * @return array */ function getFilteredPosts($filters) { global $imSettings; $utcTime = time(); $posts = array(); if (is_array($filters)) { foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $filter_value) { if($filter_value == '|All|'){ return $this->getPosts(); } if (isset($imSettings['blog'][$filter_name][$filter_value])) { foreach ($imSettings['blog'][$filter_name][$filter_value] as $id) { if (isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]) && $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['utc_time'] <= $utcTime) { $posts[$id] = $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]; } } } } } return $posts; } function getPostsFromUrlData() { global $imSettings; $data = $this->parseUrlArray(@$_GET); if (isset($data['id'])) { return isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']]) ? array($data['id'] => $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']]) : array(); } else { $posts = array(); if (isset($data['category'])) { $posts = $this->getCategoryPosts($data['category']); } else if (isset($data['author'])) { $posts = $this->getAuthorPosts($data['author']); } else if (isset($data['tag'])) { $posts = $this->getTagPosts($data['tag']); } else if (isset($data['month'])) { $posts = $this->getMonthPosts($data['month']); } else if (isset($data['search'])) { $posts = $this->getSearchPosts($data['search']); } else { $posts = $this->getPosts(); } $start = isset($data['start']) ? max(0, (int) $data['start']) : 0; $length = isset($data['length']) ? (int) $data['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; return array_slice($posts, $start, $length); } } /** * Get Unescaped Category * @return boolean */ function getUnescapedCategory($category) { if ($category == "|All|") return "|All|"; global $imSettings; foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts_cat'] as $cat => $posts) { if (str_replace(' ', '_', $cat) === str_replace(' ', '_', $category)) { return $cat; } } return NULL; } /** * Get Unescaped Author * @return boolean */ function getUnescapedAuthor($author) { if ($author == "|All|") return "|All|"; global $imSettings; foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts_author'] as $aut => $posts) { if (str_replace(' ', '_', $aut) === str_replace(' ', '_', $author)) { return $aut; } } return NULL; } /** * Get the count of valid posts in a category * @return integer */ function getCategoryPostCount($category) { return count($this->getCategoryPosts($category)); } /** * Get the count of valid posts by an author * @return integer */ function getAuthorPostCount($author) { return count($this->getAuthorPosts($author)); } /** * Get the posts enabled for visualization in a category * @return array */ function getCategoryPosts($category) { return $this->getFilteredPosts(array('posts_cat' => $category)); } /** * Get the posts by an author * @return array */ function getAuthorPosts($author) { return $this->getFilteredPosts(array('posts_author' => $author)); } /** * Get the count of valid posts in a Tag * @return integer */ function getTagPostCount($tag) { return count($this->getTagPosts($tag)); } /** * Get the posts enabled for visualization in a tag * @return array */ function getTagPosts($tag) { return $this->getFilteredPosts(array('posts_tag' => $tag)); } /** * Get the posts of a month * @param string $month * @return integer */ function getMonthPostsCount($month) { return count($this->getMonthPosts($month)); } /** * Get the posts of a month * @param string $month * @return array */ function getMonthPosts($month) { return $this->getFilteredPosts(array('posts_month' => $month)); } /** * Show the page description to be echoed in the metatag description tag. * Keep track of the page using the $_GET vars provided: * - id * - category * - author * - tag * - month * - search * * @return string The required description */ function pageDescription() { global $imSettings; $data = $this->parseUrlArray(@$_GET); if (isset($data['id']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']])) { // Post return htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\n", " ", $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']]['tag_description'])); } else if (isset($data['category'])) { // Category return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($data['category'])); } else if (isset($data['author'])) { // Author return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($data['author'])); } else if (isset($data['tag'])) { // Tag return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($data['tag'])); } else if (isset($data['month'])) { // Month return htmlspecialchars(substr($data['month'], 4, 2) . "/" . substr($data['month'], 0, 4)); } else if (isset($data['search'])) { // Search return htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(urldecode($data['search']))); } // Default (Home page): Show the blog description return htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\n", " ", $imSettings['blog']['description'])); } /** * Show the page keywords to be echoed in the metatag keywords tag. * * @return string The required keywords */ function pageKeywords() { global $imSettings; $data = $this->parseUrlArray(@$_GET); if (isset($data['id']) && isset($imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']])) { // Post return htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\n", " ", $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$data['id']]['keywords'])); } return ""; } /** * Get the last update date * * @return string */ function getLastModified() { global $imSettings; $c = $this->comments->getComments($_GET['id']); if ($_GET['id'] != "" && $c != -1) { return $this->formatTimestamp($c[count($c)-1]['timestamp']); } else { $utcTime = time(); foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts'] as $id => $post) { if ($post['utc_time'] < $utcTime) { } } $last_post = $imSettings['blog']['posts']; $last_post = array_shift($last_post); return $last_post['timestamp']; } } /** * Get the slug URL of the given post id * @param string $id * @return string Empty if the slug does not exist */ function getSlugUrl($id) { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; if (isset($bs['posts'][$id]) && $this->slugExists($bs['posts'][$id]['slug'])) { return "?" . $bs['posts'][$id]['slug']; } return ""; } /** * Get the slug ID given the slug itself * * @param string $slug * @return string Empty if the slug was not found */ function getSlugId($slug) { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; foreach ($bs['posts'] as $id => $post) { if ($post['slug'] == $slug) { return $id; } } return ""; } /** * Check if a slug exists in this blog * @param string $slug The slug you're looking for * @return bool True if the slug exists */ function slugExists($slug) { global $imSettings; return isset($imSettings['blog']['posts_slug'][$slug]); } /** * Show a post * * @param string $slug the post slug * @param inetger $ext Set 1 to show as extended * * @return void */ function showSlug($slug, $ext=0) { global $imSettings; if ($this->slugExists($slug)) { $this->showPost($imSettings['blog']['posts_slug'][$slug], $ext); } } function getRichDataType($amp = false) { $rich_data = $this->getRichDataFromPosts($this->getPostsFromUrlData(), $amp); if (!is_null($rich_data)) { return json_encode($rich_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } return null; } function getRichDataFromPosts($posts, $amp = false) { global $imSettings; $count = count($posts); if ($count == 1) { $post_rich_data = $imSettings['blog']['posts'][array_keys($posts)[0]]['rich_data_type']; if ($amp && isset($imSettings['blog']['amp_logo'])) { $post_rich_data['publisher']['logo'] = $imSettings['blog']['amp_logo']; if ($post_rich_data['author']['@type'] == 'Organization') { $post_rich_data['author']['logo'] = $imSettings['blog']['amp_logo']; } } return $post_rich_data; } else if ($count > 0) { $rich_data = array( '@context' => 'https://schema.org', '@type' => 'ItemList', 'numberOfItems' => $count, 'itemListElement' => array() ); $count = 1; foreach ($posts as $id => $post) { $rich_data['itemListElement'][] = array( '@type' => 'ListItem', 'position' => $count++, 'url' => $post['rich_data_type'][0]['mainEntityOfPage'] ); } return $rich_data; } return null; } /** * Show a post * * @param string $id the post id * @param integer $ext Set 1 to show as extended * * @return void */ function showPost($id, $ext=0, $isHighlighted = false) { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; $bp = isset($bs['posts'][$id]) ? $bs['posts'][$id] : false; $utcTime = time(); if (is_bool($bp) || $bp['utc_time'] > $utcTime) return; if ($ext) { $text = l10n('date_full_months'); $timestamp = explode('/', $bp['timestamp']); $timestamp[1] = $text[$timestamp[1] - 1]; $timestamp = implode(' ', $timestamp); $cover_html = ($bp['cover'] !== '' ? "
\n" : ''); if (isset($bs['article_type']) && $bs['article_type'] == 'covertitlecontents') { echo $cover_html; } echo "
\n"; echo " <" . $bp['title_heading_tag'] . " class=\"imPgTitle\" style=\"display: block;\">" . $bp['title'] . "\n"; echo "
\n"; // Publisher Microdata echo ""; echo "" . $imSettings['general']['sitename'] . ""; if (strlen($imSettings['general']['icon'])) { echo ""; } echo ""; echo "
"; if ($bp['author'] != "" || $bp['category'] != "") { echo l10n('blog_published') . " "; if ($bp['author'] != "") { echo l10n('blog_by') . " " . $bp['author'] . " "; } if ($bp['category'] != "") { echo l10n('blog_in') . " " . $bp['category'] . " "; } echo "· "; } echo $timestamp . ""; if (count($bp['tag']) > 0) { echo "
Tags: "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($bp['tag']); $i++) { if ($i > 0) echo ", "; echo "" . $bp['tag'][$i] . ""; } } echo "
\n"; if (isset($bs['article_type']) && $bs['article_type'] == 'titlecovercontents') { echo $cover_html; } echo "
\n"; // Check if post's body contains PHP code: in this case evaluate it if (strpos($bp['body'], '') !== false) { $body = $bp['body']; eval("?> $body \n"; // Audio/video if (isset($bp['mediahtml'])) { echo $bp['mediahtml'] . "\n"; } // Slideshow if (isset($bp['slideshow'])) { echo $bp['slideshow']; } echo "
\n"; } if (count($bp['sources']) > 0) { echo "\t
\n"; echo "\t\t" . l10n('blog_sources') . ":
\n"; echo "\t\t\n\t
\n"; } echo (isset($imSettings['blog']['addThis']) ? "
" . $imSettings['blog']['addThis'] : "") . "

\n"; if (isset($bp['foo_html'])) { echo "
" . $bp['foo_html'] . "
\n"; } // Schema.org Image if (isset($bp['opengraph']['postimage'])) { echo "\"\""; } if ($bp['comments']) { if ($imSettings['blog']['comments_source'] == 'wsx5') { echo "
targetTopic . "\">\n"; $this->comments = new ImTopic($imSettings['blog']['file_prefix'] . 'pc' . $id, $this->targetTopic , "../", $bp['rel_url']); $this->comments->setCommentsPerPage($this->comPerPage); // Show the comments if ($bs['sendmode'] == "db") $this->comments->loadDb(ImDb::from_db_data(getDbData($bs['dbid'])), $bs['dbtable']); else $this->comments->loadXML($bs['folder']); $this->comments->setPostUrl($bp['rel_url']); if ($imSettings['blog']['comment_type'] != "stars") { $this->comments->showSummary($bs['comment_type'] != "comment"); $this->comments->showForm($bs['comment_type'] != "comment", $bs['captcha'], $bs['moderate'], $bs['email'], "blog", $imSettings['general']['url'] . "/admin/blog.php?category=" . str_replace(" ", "_", $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['category']) . "&post=" . $id); $this->comments->showComments($bs['comment_type'] != "comment", $bs["comments_order"], $bs["abuse"], $bs["comments_on_multiple_columns"]); $newMessage = $this->comments->checkNewMessages($bs['moderate'], $bs['email'], "blog", $imSettings['general']['url'] . "admin/blog.php?category=" . str_replace(" ", "_", $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['category']) . "&post=" . $id); // Send the notification if ($newMessage && $imSettings['admin']['enable_manager_notifications']) { $notificationType = strtoupper("blog_" . ($bs['moderate'] ? "approve" : "new") . "_comment"); $queryString = "redirect=blog-comment&post=" . $id . "&category=" . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $imSettings['blog']['posts'][$id]['category'])); Configuration::getNotifier()->sendNotification($notificationType, '{ "controlPanelQueryString": "' . $queryString . '"}'); } } else { $this->comments->showRating(); } echo "
"; echo "\n"; } else { echo $imSettings['blog']['comments_code']; } } } else { echo "
"; if ($bp['cardCover'] !== "") { echo "
"; } if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_title']) { echo "

" . $bp['title'] . "

"; } if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_category']) { echo "
" . $bp['category'] . "
"; } if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_description']) { echo "
" . $bp['summary'] . "
"; } if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_author'] || $imSettings['blog']['show_card_date']) { echo "
"; echo "
"; if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_author']) { echo "" . $bp['author'] . ""; } if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_date']) { if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_author'] && $bp['author'] != "") { echo " | "; } echo "" . $bp['timestamp'] . ""; } echo "
"; } if ($imSettings['blog']['show_card_button']) { echo "
" . l10n('blog_read_all') . "
"; } echo "
"; } } /** * Prints the scripts to be included * * @param string $id The post id * @param string $tabs The script tag prefix * * @return void */ function printAMPIncludes($id, $tabs) { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; $bp = isset($bs['posts'][$id]) ? $bs['posts'][$id] : false; $utcTime = time(); if (is_bool($bp) || $bp['utc_time'] > $utcTime) return ""; if (isset($bp['slideshow_amp']) && stristr($bp['slideshow_amp'], "amp-carousel") !== false) { echo $tabs . "\n"; } if (isset($bp['mediahtml_amp']) && stristr($bp['mediahtml_amp'], "amp-video") !== false) { echo $tabs . "\n"; } if (isset($bp['mediahtml_amp']) && stristr($bp['mediahtml_amp'], "amp-audio") !== false) { echo $tabs . "\n"; } if (isset($bp['mediahtml_amp']) && stristr($bp['mediahtml_amp'], "amp-youtube") !== false) { echo $tabs . "\n"; } } /** * Get the AMP CSS for a post * * @param string $id The post id * * @return string The CSS Code */ function getAMPCSS($id) { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; $bp = isset($bs['posts'][$id]) ? $bs['posts'][$id] : false; $utcTime = time(); if (is_bool($bp) || $bp['utc_time'] > $utcTime) return ""; $cover = ""; if ($bp['cover'] !== '') { $cover = "\t\t\t.post-cover { background-image: url('../../" . $bp['cover'] . "'); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: " . ($bs['cover_adapted'] ? "cover" : "contain") . "; height: " . $bs['cover_height'] . "px; margin: 10px 0; }\n"; } return $cover . $bs['amp_css'] . $bp['body_css']; } /** * Prints WebFonts Link tags for AMP * * @param string $id The post id * @param string $tabs The link tag prefix * * @return void */ function printAMPWebFontsLinks($id, $tabs) { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; $bp = isset($bs['posts'][$id]) ? $bs['posts'][$id] : false; $utcTime = time(); if (is_bool($bp) || $bp['utc_time'] > $utcTime) return ""; if (isset($bs['amp_webfonts_links']) && is_array($bs['amp_webfonts_links'])) { foreach ($bs['amp_webfonts_links'] as $link) { echo $tabs . $link; } } if (isset($bp['body_webfonts_links']) && is_array($bp['body_webfonts_links'])) { foreach ($bp['body_webfonts_links'] as $link) { echo $tabs . $link; } } } /** * Get the AMP CSS for a post * * @param string $id The post id * * @return string The CSS Code */ function getAMPHeaderHTML() { global $imSettings; $bs = $imSettings['blog']; return $bs['amp_header']; } /** * Show the AMP version of a Post * * @param string $id The post id * * @return void */ function showAMPPost($id) { global $imSettings; // Post Data $bs = $imSettings['blog']; $bp = isset($bs['posts'][$id]) ? $bs['posts'][$id] : false; $utcTime = time(); if (is_bool($bp) || $bp['utc_time'] > $utcTime) { return; } // Build Timestamp $text = l10n('date_full_months'); $timestamp = explode('/', $bp['timestamp']); $timestamp[1] = $text[$timestamp[1] - 1]; $timestamp = implode(' ', $timestamp); // Prepare Cover $cover = ""; if ($bp['cover'] !== '') { $cover = "\t\t\t
\n"; } // Prepare Details $details = ""; if ($bp['author'] != "" || $bp['category'] != "") { $details .= l10n('blog_published') . " "; if ($bp['author'] != "") { $details .= l10n('blog_by') . " " . $bp['author'] . " "; } if ($bp['category'] != "") { $details .= l10n('blog_in') . " " . $bp['category'] . " "; } $details .= "· "; } $details .= $timestamp; if (count($bp['tag']) > 0) { $details .= "
Tags: "; for ($i = 0; $i < count($bp['tag']); $i++) { if ($i > 0) $details .= ", "; $details .= "" . $bp['tag'][$i] . ""; } } if (isset($bs['article_type']) && $bs['article_type'] == 'covertitlecontents') { echo $cover; } echo "\t\t\t

" . $bp['title'] . "

\n"; echo "\t\t\t
" . $details . "
\n"; if (isset($bs['article_type']) && $bs['article_type'] == 'titlecovercontents') { echo $cover; } echo "\t\t\t
" . $bp['body_amp'] . "
\n"; if (isset($bp['mediahtml_amp'])) { echo $bp['mediahtml_amp']; } if (isset($bp['slideshow_amp'])) { echo $bp['slideshow_amp']; } } /** * Show a list of posts * * @param string $posts Array of posts * @param integer $start First post to show * @param integer $length Total posts to be shown * @param integer $count Total posts into array * * @return void */ function showPosts($posts, $start, $length, $count) { global $imSettings; $end = ($count < $start + $length ? $count: $start + $length); if ($start >= $count || $end <= $start) return; $urlData = $this->parseUrlArray(@$_GET); $isBlogHome = !isset($urlData['category']) && !isset($urlData['author']) && !isset($urlData['tag']) && !isset($urlData['month']) && !isset($urlData['search']) ? true : false; if ($isBlogHome && $imSettings['blog']['highlight_mode'] == 'card') { // Highlighted posts as card - if more than max posts per page, they'll appears also in next pages... echo "
"; for ($i = $start; $i < min($imSettings['blog']['highlighted_count'], $end); $i++) { echo $this->showPost($posts[$i]['id'], 0, true); $start += 1; } echo "
"; } else if ($isBlogHome && $imSettings['blog']['highlight_mode'] == 'slideshow' && $start == 0) { // Highlighted posts as slideshow - they are repeated also as cards echo "
"; for ($i = 0; $i < min($imSettings['blog']['highlighted_count'], $count); $i++) { echo $this->showPost($posts[$i]['id'], 0, true); } if ($imSettings['blog']['highlighted_count'] > 1) { echo "
"; echo "
"; echo ""; } echo "
"; } for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { echo $this->showPost($posts[$i]['id'], 0); } echo "\n"; } /** * Find the posts tagged with tag * * @param string $tag The searched tag * * @return void */ function showTag($tag) { global $imSettings; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? max(0, (int)$_GET['start']) : 0; $length = isset($_GET['length']) ? (int)$_GET['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; $count = $this->getTagPostCount($tag); if ($count == 0) return; $bps = array_values($this->getTagPosts($tag)); $this->showPosts($bps, $start, $length, $count); $this->paginate("?tag=" . $tag . "&", $start, $length, $count); } /** * Find the post in a category * * @param strmg $category the category ID * * @return void */ function showCategory($category) { global $imSettings; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? max(0, (int)$_GET['start']) : 0; $length = isset($_GET['length']) ? (int)$_GET['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; $bps = array_values($this->getCategoryPosts($category)); $count = count($bps); $this->showPosts($bps, $start, $length, $count); $this->paginate("?category=" . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $category)) . "&", $start, $length, $count); } /** * Find the posts by an author * * @param strmg $author the author ID * * @return void */ function showAuthor($author) { global $imSettings; $isAllAuthorsPage = $author == "|All|" ? true : false; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? max(0, (int)$_GET['start']) : 0; $length = isset($_GET['length']) ? (int)$_GET['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; $count = $isAllAuthorsPage ? $this->getPostsCount() : $this->getAuthorPostCount($author); $bps = $isAllAuthorsPage ? array_values($this->getPosts()) : array_values($this->getAuthorPosts($author)); $this->showPosts($bps, $start, $length, $count); $this->paginate("?author=" . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $author)) . "&", $start, $length, $count); } /** * Find the posts of the month * * @param string $month The mont * * @return void */ function showMonth($month) { global $imSettings; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? max(0, (int)$_GET['start']) : 0; $length = isset($_GET['length']) ? (int)$_GET['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; $count = $this->getMonthPostsCount($month); $bps = array_values($this->getMonthPosts($month)); $this->showPosts($bps, $start, $length, $count); $this->paginate("?month=" . $month . "&", $start, $length, $count); } /** * Show the last n posts * * @param integer $count the number of posts to show * * @return void */ function showLast($count) { global $imSettings; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? max(0, (int)$_GET['start']) : 0; $length = isset($_GET['length']) ? (int)$_GET['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; $bpsc = $this->getPostsCount(); $bps = array_values($this->getPosts()); $this->showPosts($bps, $start, $length, $bpsc); $this->paginate("?", $start, $length, $bpsc); } function getSearchPosts($search) { $queries = preg_split("/\s+/", trim(imstrtolower($search))); $weights = array(); foreach ($this->getPosts() as $id => $value) { $weight = 0; foreach ($queries as $query) { $queryRegex = '/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/'; // Conto il numero di match nei titoli if (($t_count = preg_match_all($queryRegex, imstrtolower($value['title']), $matches))) { $weight += ($t_count * 3); } // tag_description if (preg_match($queryRegex, $value['summary']) === 1) { $weight += 2; } // keywords if (preg_match($queryRegex, $value['keywords']) === 1) { $weight += 2; } // Conto il numero di match nei tag if (in_array($query, $value['tag'])) { $weight += 4; } // Conto occorrenze nel contenuto if (($t_count = preg_match_all($queryRegex, imstrtolower(strip_tags($value['body'])), $matches))) { $weight += $t_count; } } if ($weight > 0) { if (!isset($weights[$weight])) { $weights[$weight] = array(); } $weights[$weight][$id] = $value; } } krsort($weights); $posts = array(); foreach ($weights as $p) { $posts = array_merge($posts, $p); } return $posts; } /** * Show the search results * * @param string $search the search query * * @return void */ function showSearch($search) { global $imSettings; $start = isset($_GET['start']) ? max(0, (int)$_GET['start']) : 0; $length = isset($_GET['length']) ? (int)$_GET['length'] : $imSettings['blog']['home_posts_number']; $results = array_values($this->getSearchPosts($search)); $count = count($results); if ($count > 0) { $this->showPosts($results, $start, $length, $count); $this->paginate("?search=" . $search . "&", $start, $length, $count); } else { echo "
" . l10n('search_empty') . "
"; } } /** * Show the categories sideblock * * @param integer $n The number of categories to show * * @return void */ function showBlockCategories($n) { global $imSettings; if (is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts_cat'])) { $categories = array(); foreach ($this->getPosts() as $id => $post) { if (!in_array($post['category'], $categories)) { $categories[] = $post['category']; } } sort($categories); echo ""; } } /** * Show the authors sideblock * * @param integer $n The number of authors to show * * @return void */ function showBlockAuthors($n) { global $imSettings; if (is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts_author'])) { $authors = array(); foreach ($this->getPosts() as $id => $post) { if (!in_array($post['author'], $authors)) { $authors[] = $post['author']; } } sort($authors); echo ""; } } /** * Show the cloud sideblock * * @param string $type TAGS or CATEGORY * * @return void; */ function showBlockCloud($type) { global $imSettings; $max = 0; $min_em = 0.95; $max_em = 1.25; if ($type == "tags") { $tags = array(); foreach ($this->getPosts() as $id => $post) { foreach ($post['tag'] as $tag) { if (!isset($tags[$tag])) $tags[$tag] = 1; else $tags[$tag] = $tags[$tag] + 1; if ($tags[$tag] > $max) $max = $tags[$tag]; } } if (count($tags) == 0) return; $tags = shuffleAssoc($tags); foreach ($tags as $name => $number) { $size = number_format(($number/$max * ($max_em - $min_em)) + $min_em, 2, '.', ''); echo "\t\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t" . $name . "\n"; echo "\t\t\t\n"; } } else if ($type == "categories") { $categories = array(); foreach ($this->getPosts() as $id => $post) { if ($post['category'] == "") { continue; } if (!isset($categories[$post['category']])) $categories[$post['category']] = 1; else $categories[$post['category']] = $categories[$post['category']] + 1; if ($categories[$post['category']] > $max) $max = $categories[$post['category']]; } if (count($categories) == 0) return; $categories = shuffleAssoc($categories); foreach ($categories as $name => $number) { $size = number_format(($number/$max * ($max_em - $min_em)) + $min_em, 2, '.', ''); echo "\t\t\t\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t" . $name . "\n"; echo "\t\t\t\n"; } } } /** * Show the month sideblock * * @param integer $n Number of entries * * @return void */ function showBlockMonths($n) { global $imSettings; if (is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts_month'])) { $months = array(); foreach ($this->getPosts() as $id => $post) { if (!in_array($post['month'], $months)) { $months[] = $post['month']; } } rsort($months); echo ""; } } /** * Show the last posts block * * @param integer $n The number of post to show * * @return void */ function showBlockLast($n) { global $imSettings; $posts = array_values($this->getPosts()); if (is_array($posts)) { echo ""; } } } /** * Create the required instanced basing on the configuration setup by the user */ class Configuration { static private $analytics = false; static private $blog = false; static private $cart = false; static private $controlPanel = false; static private $privateArea = false; static private $l10n = false; static private $notifier = false; static public function getAnalytics() { global $imSettings; if (!isset($imSettings['analytics']) || $imSettings['analytics']['type'] != 'wsx5analytics') { return null; } if (self::$analytics == false) { $prefix = $imSettings['analytics']['database']['table']; $dbconf = getDbData($imSettings['analytics']['database']['id']); self::$analytics = new Analytics(ImDb::from_db_data($dbconf), $prefix); } return self::$analytics; } static public function getBlog() { if (self::$blog == false) { self::$blog = new imBlog(); } return self::$blog; } static public function getCart() { global $imSettings; if (self::$cart == false) { self::$cart = new ImCart(); } return self::$cart; } static public function getControlPanel() { global $imSettings; $icon = ""; if (isset($imSettings['admin']['icon'])) { $icon = $imSettings['admin']['icon']; } else if (isset($imSettings['general']['icon'])) { $icon = $imSettings['general']['icon']; } // Try to transform the url to a relative one $icon = str_replace($imSettings['general']['url'], "", $icon); // Prepend the logo icon with the correct path to root if it's not absolute if (strlen($icon) && substr($icon, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($icon, 0, 8) != "https://") { $icon = "../" . trim($icon, "/"); } if (self::$controlPanel == false) { self::$controlPanel = new ControlPanel( isset($imSettings['general']['sitename']) ? $imSettings['general']['sitename'] : "", $imSettings['general']['url'], $icon, isset($imSettings['admin']['theme']) ? $imSettings['admin']['theme'] : "orange" ); } return self::$controlPanel; } static public function getPrivateArea() { global $imSettings; if (!self::$privateArea) { self::$privateArea = new imPrivateArea(); if (isset($imSettings['access']['dbid'])) { $db = getDbData($imSettings['access']['dbid']); self::$privateArea->setDbData(ImDb::from_db_data($db), $imSettings['access']['dbtable']); } } return self::$privateArea; } /** * Load a dynamic object starting from its ID * @param String $id The dynamic object id * @return DynamicObject The dynamic object */ static public function getDynamicObject($id) { global $imSettings; $data = false; if (isset($imSettings['dynamicobjects']['pages'][$id])) { $data = $imSettings['dynamicobjects']['pages'][$id]; } else if (isset($imSettings['dynamicobjects']['template'][$id])) { $data = $imSettings['dynamicobjects']['template'][$id]; } if (!is_array($data)) { return null; } $dynObj = new DynamicObject($id); $dynObj->setDefaultText(str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("
", ""), $data['defaultContent'])); if (isset($data['dbid'])) { $db = getDbData($data['dbid']); $dynObj->loadFromDb(ImDb::from_db_data($db), $data['dbtable']); } else if (isset($data['subfolder'])) { $dynObj->loadFromFile(pathCombine(array($imSettings['general']['public_folder'], $data['subfolder']))); } return $dynObj; } static public function getNotifier() { if (self::$notifier === false) { $settings = self::getSettings(); $serverUrl = "https://notifications.incomedia.eu/wsx5manager/"; $publicKey = $settings['admin']['notification_public_key']; $privateKey = $settings['admin']['notification_private_key']; self::$notifier = new Notifier($settings['general']['url'], $serverUrl, $privateKey, $publicKey); self::$notifier->siteTitle = $settings['general']['sitename']; $icon = ""; if (isset($settings['admin']['icon'])) { $icon = $settings['admin']['icon']; } else if (isset($settings['general']['icon'])) { $icon = $settings['general']['icon']; } if (strlen($icon)) { if (strpos($icon, "http") !== 0) { $icon = pathCombine(array($settings['general']['url'], $icon)); } self::$notifier->siteImage = $icon; } } return self::$notifier; } /** * Get the localization object * * @return L10n */ static public function getLocalizations() { global $l10n; if (self::$l10n === false) { self::$l10n = new L10n($l10n); } return self::$l10n; } /** * Get the configuration array */ static public function getSettings() { global $imSettings; return $imSettings; } } function im_cookie_name($key) { $settings = Configuration::getSettings()['general']; return isset($settings['site_id']) ? $settings['site_id'] . '_' . $key : $key; } function im_set_cookie($key, $value = '', $expire = 0, $path = '') { setcookie(im_cookie_name($key), $value, $expire, $path); } function im_get_cookie($key) { $cookie_name = im_cookie_name($key); return isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ? $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] : null; } function im_check_cookie($key, $value_to_check) { $cookie_name = im_cookie_name($key); return isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) && $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] == $value_to_check; } /** * x5Captcha handling class * @access public */ class X5Captcha { private $nameList; private $charList; /** * Build a new captcha class * @param {Array} $nameList * @param {Array} $charList */ function __construct($nameList, $charList) { $this->nameList = $nameList; $this->charList = $charList; } /** * Show the captcha chars */ function show($sCode) { $text = " "; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($sCode); $i++) { $text .= "nameList[substr($sCode, $i, 1)].".gif\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\">"; } $text .= ""; return $text; } /** * Check the sent data * @param {String} code The correct code * @param {String} ans The user's answer */ function check($code, $ans) { if ($ans == "") { return '-1'; } for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) { if ($this->charList[substr(strtoupper($code), $i, 1)] != substr(strtoupper($ans), $i, 1)) { return '-1'; } } return '0'; } } /** * reCaptcha handling class * @access public */ class ReCaptcha { private $secretKey; /** * Build a new captcha class * @param {String} $secretKey */ function __construct($secretKey) { $this->secretKey = $secretKey; } /** * Check the response * @param $response The response to be checked */ function check($response) { // Create the POST data $post = "secret=" . urlencode($this->secretKey) . "&response=" . urlencode($response); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $post .= "&remoteip=" . urldecode($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); } else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $post .= "&remoteip=" . urldecode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } // Use curl instead of file_get_contents (which can be blocked) $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; } } class Router { private $routes = array(); public function addRoute($check, $callback) { $this->routes[] = array( 'check' => $check, 'callback' => $callback ); } public function handleRoute($data) { foreach ($this->routes as $route) { if ($route['check']($data)) { $route['callback']($data); return; } } } } class CartRouter { public static function handleRoute($params) { $router = new Router(); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'chkcpn' && isset($_POST['coupon']); }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $params['cart']->checkCoupon($_POST['coupon']); }); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'userdata'; }, function ($params) { $cart = $params['cart']; $data = $params['private_area']->whoIsLogged(); $response = array( 'success' => false ); if (strlen(@$data['email'])) { $response['success'] = true; $order = $cart->getOrders(0, 1, $data['email']); if (count($order['orders'])) { $order = $cart->getOrder($order['orders'][0]['id']); $response['invoiceData'] = $order['invoice']; $response['shippingData'] = $order['shipping']; } else { $response['invoiceData'] = array( array('field_id' => 'Email', 'value' => $data['email']), array('field_id' => 'Name', 'value' => $data['firstname']), array('field_id' => 'LastName', 'value' => $data['lastname']) ); } } header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($response); }); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'productstatus'; }, function ($params) { if (isset($_POST['product_id'])) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo $params['cart']->getDynamicProductQuantity(@$_POST['product_id']); } else if (self::checkServerToken($params['server_token'])) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('data' => $params['cart']->getDynamicProductsStatus())); } }); $router->addRoute(function () { return isset($_GET['download']); }, function ($params) { try { $params['cart']->startProductDownload($_GET['download']); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } }); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'uploadattachment'; }, function () { $result = array(); if (empty($_FILES['attachment']['name']) || empty($_FILES['attachment']['type'])) { $result['error'] = 'fileMissing'; } else { $targetFolder = self::getPublicFolder(); if ($targetFolder === false) { $result['error'] = 'folderMissing'; } else if (!is_writable($targetFolder)) { $result['error'] = 'folderUnwritable'; } else { $fileName = time() . '_' . $_FILES['attachment']['name']; $sourcePath = $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name']; $targetPath = pathCombine(array($targetFolder, $fileName)); if (!move_uploaded_file($sourcePath, $targetPath)) { $result['error'] = 'genericError'; } else { $result['fileName'] = $fileName; } } } $result['status'] = isset($result['error']) ? 'no' : 'ok'; header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($result); }); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'sndrdr' && isset($_POST['orderData']); }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($params['cart']->sendOrder($_POST['orderData'], $params['notifier'])); }); if ($params['send_email_after_payment']) { $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'pmntcmplt' && isset($_GET['oi']) && isset($_GET['pi']) && isset($_GET['si']); }, function ($params) { $params['cart']->paymentCompleted(isset($_GET['st']), $_GET['oi'], $_GET['pi'], $_GET['si']); }); } $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'prddnvl'; }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => 'ok', 'data' => $params['cart']->get_products_dynamic_availability() )); }); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'dscprd'; }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => 'ok', 'data' => $params['cart']->get_discounted_products() )); }); $router->addRoute(function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'srcpg'; }, function ($params) { $cart = $params['cart']; header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => 'ok', 'data' => array( 'discountedProducts' => $cart->get_discounted_products(), 'availabilityData' => $cart->get_products_dynamic_availability() ) )); }); $router->addRoute( function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'prdinfo'; }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => 'ok', 'data' => $params['cart']->getProductsData(isset($_POST['products']) ? $_POST['products'] : array(), true) )); } ); $router->addRoute( function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'prddyna'; }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => 'ok', 'data' => $params['cart']->getProductsDynamicData(isset($_POST['products']) ? $_POST['products'] : array()) )); } ); $router->addRoute( function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'prdid'; }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => isset($_POST['slug']) ? 'ok' : 'ko', 'data' => isset($_POST['slug']) ? $params['cart']->getProductIdBySlug($_POST['slug']) : 'the slug is mandatory' )); } ); $router->addRoute( function () { return $_GET['action'] == 'crtvrs'; }, function ($params) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array( 'status' => 'ok', 'data' => $params['cart']->getCartDataVersion() )); } ); $router->handleRoute($params); } private static function checkServerToken($server_token) { if (($headers = imRequestHeaders()) !== false) { foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { if (strtolower($key) == 'x-incomedia-wsx5-token') { return $value == $server_token; } } } return false; } private static function getPublicFolder() { global $imSettings; $targetFolder = pathCombine(array('../', $imSettings['general']['public_folder'])); // If the folder doesn't exists, try to create it if ($targetFolder != "" && $targetFolder != "/" && $targetFolder != "." && $targetFolder != ".." && $targetFolder != "./" && !file_exists($targetFolder)) { @mkdir($targetFolder, 0777, true); } if (is_dir($targetFolder)) { return $targetFolder; } return false; } } /** * Provide support for sending and saving a cart order as well as checking the coupon codes */ class ImCart { /** * Contains the coupon data structured as follows: * "cart" => array( * "coupon" => "CARTCOUPON", * "amount" => 10 * ), * "products" => array( * "prod1" => array("coupon" => COUPONFORPROD1", "start_time" => 20493437492837, "end_time" => 304923840938), * "prod2" => array("coupon" => COUPONFORPROD2", "start_time" => 20493437492837, "end_time" => 304923840938), * "prod3" => array("coupon" => COUPONFORPROD3", "start_time" => 20493437492837, "end_time" => 304923840938) * ) * * @var Array */ private $couponData; /** * Maximum coupon requests every 60 seconds. This is set to prevent the coupon spoofing. * Set to 0 to disable the requests limit. * * @var integer */ public $couponRequestsPerMinute = 0; /** * The public folder path used to store the anti-spoofing log to protect the coupon codes * * @var string */ private $publicFolder; /** * Save the order data with the following structure: * "orderNo": "", * "userInvoiceData": {}, * "userShippingData": {}, * "shipping": { * "name": "", * "description": "", * "email_text": "", * "price": "", * "rawPrice": * "vat":"" * "rawVat": * }, * "payment": { * "name": "", * "description":"", * "price": "", * "rawPrice":"" * "email_text": "", * "vat": "", * "rawVat":"" * "html": "" * }, * "products": [{ * "id" : "", * "name": "", * "description": "", * "option": "", * "suboption": "", * "rawSinglePrice": "", * "rawPrice": "", * "rawFullPrice": "", * "singlePrice": "", * "singleFullPrice": "", * "price": "", * "fullPrice": "", * "quantity": "", * "vat": "" * }], * "rawTotalPrice": "", * "rawTalVat": "", * "totalPrice": "", * "totalVat": "", * "coupon": "", * "currency": "" * @var array */ public $orderData; /** * Database connection * * @var boolean */ private $db = false; private $table_prefix = ""; /** * True to directly remove the bought dynamic items. * False to wait until the order is archived by the user. * @var boolean */ private $availabilityDirectCount = true; private $digitalProducts = array(); private $products = array(); private $categories = array(); private $commentsData = null; private $slugToProductIdMap = array(); private $cartDataVersion = ''; private $sendEmailNotification = false; private $sendManagerNotification = false; private $payments = array(); private $shippings = array(); private $priceFormat = array( 'decimals' => 2, 'decimal_sep' => '.', 'thousands_sep' => '', 'currency_to_right' => true, 'currency_separator' => ' ', 'currency_symbol' => '€', 'currency_code' => 'EUR', 'currency_name' => 'Euro', 'show_zero_as' => '0' ); /** * Contains the cart settings * * @var array */ public $settings = array( 'orders_table' => 'orders', 'shipping_addresses_table' => 'shipping_addresses', 'invoice_addresses_table' => 'invoice_addresses', 'products_table' => 'products', 'dynamicproducts_table' => 'dynamicproducts', 'attachments_table' => 'orders_attachments', 'force_sender' => false, 'email_opening' => '', 'email_closing' => '', 'email_payment_opening' => '', 'email_payment_closing' => '', 'email_physical_shipment_opening' => '', 'email_physical_shipment_closing' => '', 'email_digital_shipment_opening' => '', 'email_digital_shipment_closing' => '', 'order_data_cookie_prefix' => 'WSX5_ORDER_ENC_DATA_', 'useCSV' => false, 'header_bg_color' => '#FFD34F', 'header_text_color' => '#404040', 'cell_bg_color' => '#FFFFFF', 'cell_text_color' => '#000000', 'availability_reduction_type' => 1, // Default is reducing the availability when the order is set 'border_color' => '#D3D3D3', 'owner_email' => '', 'vat_type' => 'none' ); /** * The paths to the email templates * * @var array */ private $emailTemplates = array( "order_html" => "../res/emailtemplates/order.html.template.php", "order_text" => "../res/emailtemplates/order.text.template.php", "physical_shipment_text" => "../res/emailtemplates/physicalshipping.text.template.php", "physical_shipment_html" => "../res/emailtemplates/physicalshipping.html.template.php", "digital_shipment_text" => "../res/emailtemplates/digitalshipping.text.template.php", "digital_shipment_html" => "../res/emailtemplates/digitalshipping.html.template.php", "address_csv" => "../res/emailtemplates/address.csv.template.php", "products_csv" => "../res/emailtemplates/products.csv.template.php" ); /** * Format a number basing on the cart settings * * @param integer $number * @param string $currency The currency sign to use. Leave empty to set it automatically * * @return string */ public function toCurrency($number, $currency = "") { if (strlen($currency) == 0) { $settings = Configuration::getSettings(); $currency = $settings['ecommerce']['database']['currency']; } return number_format($number, 2) . $currency; } /** * Format a number basing on the price format settings * * @param float $price * * @return string */ private function applyPriceFormat($price) { $frmt = $this->priceFormat; if($price == 0 && $frmt['show_zero_as']){ return $frmt['show_zero_as']; } $priceString = number_format($price, $frmt['decimals'], $frmt['decimal_sep'], $frmt['thousands_sep']); return $frmt['currency_to_right'] ? $priceString . $frmt['currency_separator'] . $frmt['currency_symbol'] : $frmt['currency_symbol'] . $frmt['currency_separator'] . $priceString; } public function setSettings($data) { // Copy the settings preserving the default data when a key is missing foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->settings[$key] = $value; } } public function setOrderData($data) { // Sanitize the form data if (isset($data['userInvoiceData'])) { foreach ($data['userInvoiceData'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['value']) && isset($value['label'])) { $data['userInvoiceData'][$key] = array( "id" => strip_tags($key), "label" => strip_tags($value['label']), "value" => strip_tags($value['value']) ); } } } if (isset($data['userShippingData'])) { foreach ($data['userShippingData'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['value']) && isset($value['label'])) { $data['userShippingData'][$key] = array( "id" => strip_tags($key), "label" => strip_tags($value['label']), "value" => strip_tags($value['value']) ); } } } $this->orderData = $data; } public function applyFilter($obj, $filter) { $filteredObj = array(); foreach ($obj as $key => $value) { if (!$filter[$key]) { $filteredObj[$key] = $value; } else if ($filter[$key]['type'] == 'setFromKey') { $filteredObj[$key] = $obj[$filter[$key]['key']]; } else if ($filter[$key]['type'] == 'addKey') { $filteredObj[$key] = $value; $filteredObj[$key][$filter[$key]['key']] = $filter[$key]['value']; } } return $filteredObj; } public function get_discounted_products() { $discounted_prds_regardless_of_coupon_and_quantity = array(); $discounted_prds_because_of_quantity = array(); foreach ($this->products as $prd_id => $prd_info) { $is_discounted_regardless_of_coupon_and_quantity = false; if (isset($prd_info['fixedDiscount'])) { $d = $prd_info['fixedDiscount']; $start_date_check = !isset($d['startDate']) || time() > $d['startDate']; $end_date_check = !isset($d['endDate']) || time() < $d['endDate']; $coupon_check = !isset($d['coupon']); if ($start_date_check && $end_date_check && $coupon_check) { $is_discounted_regardless_of_coupon_and_quantity = true; $discounted_prds_regardless_of_coupon_and_quantity[] = $prd_id; } } if (isset($prd_info['quantityDiscounts']) && !$is_discounted_regardless_of_coupon_and_quantity) { $discounted_prds_because_of_quantity[] = $prd_id; } } return array( 'regardlessOfCouponAndQuantity' => $discounted_prds_regardless_of_coupon_and_quantity, 'becauseOfQuantity' => $discounted_prds_because_of_quantity ); } public function setOrderDataFromDB($orderId, $paymentId, $shippingId) { $dbOrder = $this->getOrder($orderId); $payment = $this->payments[$paymentId]; $shipping = $this->shippings[$shippingId]; $orderData = $this->fromDbOrderToOrderData($dbOrder, $payment, $shipping); $this->setOrderData($orderData); } public function isDbConnected() { return $this->db != false; } public function setCouponData($data) { $this->couponData = $data; } public function setPublicFolder($path) { $this->publicFolder = $path; } /** * Check if the current IP can use a coupon code without spoofing * * @return boolean */ public function canCheckCoupon() { $path = "../" . $this->publicFolder . "/nospoof.txt"; if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) || !@file_exists($path)) return true; foreach (explode("\r\n", @file_get_contents($path)) as $line) { $columns = explode("|", $line); if (count($columns) == 3 && $columns[0] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strtotime($columns[1]) > time() - 60 && $columns[2] * 1 >= $this->couponRequestsPerMinute) return false; } return true; } /** * Save the current user fingerprint. Keeps track of the requests number for each IP address. * * @return void */ public function saveFingerPrint() { if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) return; $path = "../" . $this->publicFolder . "/nospoof.txt"; $content = ""; $old_content = ""; // Remove the old data from the file to avoid it to become too large if (@file_exists($path)) $old_content = @file_get_contents($path); $found = false; foreach (explode("\r\n", $old_content) as $line) { if (strlen($line) !== 0) { $columns = explode("|", $line); // If the line contains the current IP, let's check the last request date if ($columns[0] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) { if (strtotime($columns[1]) < time() - 60) $columns[2] = 0; $content .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "|" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "|" . (($columns[2] * 1) + 1) . "\r\n"; $found = true; } else if (strtotime($columns[1]) > time() - 60) { // Otherwise, let's save the entry only if it's recent $content .= $columns . "\r\n"; } } } if (!$found) $content .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "|" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "|1" . "\r\n"; @file_put_contents($path, $content); } /** * Provide the discount data of a coupon code * * @param string $coupon The coupon code * * @return string The data in JSON format */ public function checkCoupon($coupon) { // Avoid spoofing by allowing only 6 tries in 1 minute if ($this->couponRequestsPerMinute !== 0) { if (!$this->canCheckCoupon()) return "false"; $this->saveFingerPrint(); } $coupon = trim($coupon); if (!is_array($this->couponData)) return "false"; // Check the cart coupon if (isset($this->couponData['cart']) && array_key_exists($coupon, $this->couponData['cart'])) { $utcTime = time() + date("Z",time()); if ( (isset($this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['start_time']) && $this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['start_time'] >= $utcTime) || (isset($this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['end_time']) && $this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['end_time'] <= $utcTime) ) return "false"; // Coupon not valid now because its start/end validity datetime else { if (array_key_exists('apply_on_shipping_and_payment', $this->couponData['cart'][$coupon])) { $apply_on_shipping_and_payment = ($this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['apply_on_shipping_and_payment']) ? ", \"apply_on_shipping_and_payment\": true" : ", \"apply_on_shipping_and_payment\": false"; } else { $apply_on_shipping_and_payment = ""; } return '{ "type": "cart", "discount_type": "' . $this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['type'] . '", "amount": ' . number_format($this->couponData['cart'][$coupon]['amount'], 4, '.', '') . $apply_on_shipping_and_payment . ' }'; } } // Check the products coupon if (isset($this->couponData['products'])) { $products = array(); foreach ($this->couponData['products'] as $productId => $couponData) { $utcTime = time() + date("Z",time()); if (!isset($couponData['coupon']) || $couponData['coupon'] != $coupon) continue; if (isset($couponData['start_time']) && $couponData['start_time'] > $utcTime) continue; if (isset($couponData['end_time']) && $couponData['end_time'] < $utcTime) continue; $products[] = '"' . $productId . '"'; } if (count($products)) return '{ "type": "product", "ids": [' . implode(", ", $products) . '] }'; } // No coupon! return "false"; } /** * Send the order email * * @param boolean $isOwner true to send the owner's email * @param string $from from address * @param string $to to address * @param Array $filters filter object used to change orderData and settings * * @return boolean */ private function sendOrderEmail($isOwner, $from, $replyTo, $to, $filters = array()) { global $imSettings; global $ImMailer; $orderData = $filters['order'] ? $this->applyFilter($this->orderData, $filters['order']) : $this->orderData; $settings = $filters['settings'] ? $this->applyFilter($this->settings, $filters['settings']) : $this->settings; // Text Message $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["order_text"]); $template->orderData = $orderData; $template->settings = $settings; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $template->showCustomerMessages = !$isOwner; $txtMsg = $template->render(); // HTML Message $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["order_html"]); $template->orderData = $orderData; $template->settings = $settings; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $template->showCustomerMessages = !$isOwner; $htmlMsg = $template->render(); $attachments = array(); // If an order attached file exists, attach it to the order email if (array_key_exists("Attachment", $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']) && $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']['Attachment']['value'] != "") { $attachment = $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']['Attachment']['value']; // Strip the attachment name removing the timestamp prefix $splittedAttachment = explode("_", $attachment, 2); $attachmentName = $splittedAttachment[1]; $attachmentPath = pathCombine(array("../", $this->publicFolder, $attachment)); $attachments[] = array("name" => $attachmentName, "content" => @file_get_contents($attachmentPath), "mime" => @mime_content_type($attachmentPath)); // Delete the file if no database is selected for ecommerce purposes if (!isset($imSettings['ecommerce']['database'])) @unlink($attachmentPath); } if ($this->settings['useCSV'] && $isOwner) { // Invoice address CSV $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["address_csv"]); $template->address = $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']; $userDataCSV = $template->render(); // Shipping address CSV if (isset($this->orderData['userShippingData'])) { $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["address_csv"]); $template->address = $this->orderData['userShippingData']; $shippingDataCSV = $template->render(); } // Order Data CSV $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["products_csv"]); $template->orderData = $this->orderData; $template->settings = $this->settings; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $orderDataCSV = $template->render(); // Attach the CSV files $txtMsg .= "\n" . $userDataCSV . "\n"; if (isset($shippingDataCSV)) { $txtMsg .= "\n" . $shippingDataCSV . "\n"; $attachments[] = array("name" => "shipping_data.csv", "content" => $shippingDataCSV, "mime" => "text/csv"); } $txtMsg .= "\n" . $orderDataCSV; $attachments[] = array("name" => "user_data.csv", "content" => $userDataCSV, "mime" => "text/csv"); $attachments[] = array("name" => "order_data.csv", "content" => $orderDataCSV, "mime" => "text/csv"); } if ($isOwner) { return $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, l10n('cart_order_no') . " " . $this->orderData['orderNo'], $txtMsg, $htmlMsg, $attachments); } else { return $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, str_replace('[ORDER_ID]', $this->orderData['orderNo'], l10n('cart_email_obj_order')), $txtMsg, $htmlMsg, $attachments); } } /** * Send the order email to the owner * * @return boolean */ public function sendOwnerEmail() { global $imSettings; $replyTo = ''; if (isset($this->orderData['userInvoiceData']['Email']['value'])) { $replyTo = $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']['Email']['value']; } return $this->sendOrderEmail(true, $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres'], $replyTo, $this->settings['owner_email']); } /** * Send the order email to the customer * * @return boolean */ public function sendCustomerEmail() { $paymentId = $this->orderData['payment']['id']; if ($this->settings['sendEmailBeforePayment'] || !$this->payments[$paymentId]['enableAfterPaymentEmail']) { return $this->sendBeforePaymentEmail(); } return false; } public function sendBeforePaymentEmail() { global $imSettings; $data = $this->getEncodedOrderDataAndCleanIt(); $filters = isset($data) && is_string($data) && strlen($data) > 0 ? array( 'order' => array( 'payment' => array( 'type' => 'addKey', 'key' => 'html', 'value' => '' . l10n('cart_paynow_button', 'Pay now!') . '' ) ) ) : array(); return $this->sendOrderEmail(false, $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres'], $this->settings['owner_email'], $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']['Email']['value'], $filters); } public function sendPaymentCompletedEmail($paymentOk, $orderId, $paymentId, $shippingId) { if ($this->settings['sendEmailAfterPayment']) { $this->setOrderDataFromDB($orderId, $paymentId, $shippingId); if($paymentOk) return $this->sendAfterPaymentEmail(); else return $this->sendBeforePaymentEmail(); } return false; } public function sendAfterPaymentEmail() { global $imSettings; $this->getEncodedOrderDataAndCleanIt(); $filters = array( 'order' => array( 'payment' => array( 'type' => 'addKey', 'key' => 'hidePaymentTxtAndButton', 'value' => true ) ), 'settings' => array( 'email_payment_opening' => array( 'type' => 'remove' ), 'email_payment_closing' => array( 'type' => 'remove' ), 'email_opening' => array( 'type' => 'setFromKey', 'key' => 'email_payment_opening' ), 'email_closing' => array( 'type' => 'setFromKey', 'key' => 'email_payment_closing' ) ) ); return $this->sendOrderEmail(false, $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres'], $this->settings['owner_email'], $this->orderData['userInvoiceData']['Email']['value'], $filters); } /** * If necessary, send the physical delivery confirmation email for the specified order * * @param String $orderId The order ID * @return bool */ public function sendPhysicalDeliveryEmail($orderId) { global $ImMailer; $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $order = $this->getOrder($orderId); $shipping_data = array(); if (isset($order['order']['shipping_id'])) { $shipping_data = Configuration::getCart()->getShippingData([$order['order']['shipping_id']]); if (sizeof($shipping_data) > 0) { $shipping_data = $shipping_data[$order['order']['shipping_id']]; } } // Do not send if this order does not contain physical products $products = array(); foreach ($order['products'] as $product) { if ($product['physical']) { $products[] = $product; } } if (!count($products)) { return false; } $html = ""; $text = ""; // HTML if (file_exists($this->emailTemplates['physical_shipment_html'])) { $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates['physical_shipment_html']); $template->opening = $this->settings['email_physical_shipment_opening']; $template->closing = $this->settings['email_physical_shipment_closing']; $template->orderData = $order; $template->shippingData = $shipping_data; $template->products = $products; $template->baseurl = $imSettings['general']['url']; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $html = $template->render(); } // TEXT if (file_exists($this->emailTemplates['physical_shipment_text'])) { $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates['physical_shipment_text']); $template->opening = $this->settings['email_physical_shipment_opening']; $template->closing = $this->settings['email_physical_shipment_closing']; $template->orderData = $order; $template->shippingData = $shipping_data; $template->products = $products; $template->baseurl = $imSettings['general']['url']; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $text = $template->render(); } // Send the email if (!isset($imSettings['general'])) { return false; } $from = $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres']; $replyTo = $this->settings['owner_email']; // Detect the user address $to = ""; foreach ($order['invoice'] as $field) { if (isEmail($field['value'])) { $to = $field['value']; break; } } if (!strlen($to)) { return false; } return $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, str_replace('[ORDER_ID]', $orderId, l10n('cart_email_obj_processed')), $text, $html); } /** * If necessary, send the digital delivery confirmation email for the specified order * * @param String $orderId The order ID * @return bool */ public function sendDigitalDeliveryEmail($orderId) { global $ImMailer; $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $order = $this->getOrder($orderId); // Do not send if this order does not contain digital products $products = array(); foreach ($order['products'] as $product) { if ($product['digital']) { $prd = $product; // Merge the digital products data if (isset($this->digitalProducts[$product['product_id']]['description'])) { $prd['description'] = $this->digitalProducts[$product['product_id']]['description']; } if (isset($this->digitalProducts[$product['product_id']]['image'])) { $prd['image'] = $this->digitalProducts[$product['product_id']]['image']; } $products[] = $prd; } } if (!count($products)) { return false; } // HTML $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates['digital_shipment_html']); $template->opening = $this->settings['email_digital_shipment_opening']; $template->closing = $this->settings['email_digital_shipment_closing']; $template->orderData = $order; $template->products = $products; $template->baseurl = $imSettings['general']['url']; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $html = $template->render(); // TEXT $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates['digital_shipment_text']); $template->opening = $this->settings['email_digital_shipment_opening']; $template->closing = $this->settings['email_digital_shipment_closing']; $template->orderData = $order; $template->products = $products; $template->baseurl = $imSettings['general']['url']; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $text = $template->render(); // Send the email $from = $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres']; $replyTo = $this->settings['owner_email']; // Detect the user address $to = ""; foreach ($order['invoice'] as $field) { if (isEmail($field['value'])) { $to = $field['value']; break; } } if (!strlen($to)) { return false; } return $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, str_replace('[ORDER_ID]', $orderId, l10n('cart_email_obj_processed')), $text, $html); } private function getEncodedOrderDataAndCleanIt() { $cookie_name = $this->settings['order_data_cookie_prefix'] . $this->orderData['orderNo']; $value = isset($this->orderData['payment']['enc']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['enc'] : im_get_cookie($cookie_name); im_set_cookie($cookie_name, '', 1); return $value; } public function setEncodedOrderData() { im_set_cookie($this->settings['order_data_cookie_prefix'] . $this->orderData['orderNo'], $this->orderData['payment']['enc']); } /** * Download the product related to the hash provided as argument or throw an exception. * This method outputs some headers and possibly make a redirect. Do not output before calling it. * * @param String $downloadHash * * @return Void */ public function startProductDownload($downloadHash) { if (!$this->db) { throw new Exception(l10n("cart_download_db_error", "Unable to connect to the database")); } $row = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('download_hash' => $downloadHash) )); // Check that the record really exists if (!$row || !count($row)) { throw new Exception(l10n("cart_download_hash_not_found", "Cannot download the file") . " (Error 0)"); } // Do not let the user download outdated links if ($row[0]['download_end_ts'] != null && $row[0]['download_end_ts'] < date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) { throw new Exception(l10n("cart_download_outdated_file", "Cannot download the file") . " (Error 1)"); } // Remote URL (http, http, ftp or ftps) if (preg_match('/^(ht|f)tps?:\/\//', $row[0]['download_link'])) { if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { header("Location: " . $row[0]['download_link']); } else { $size = $this->getRemoteFileSize($row[0]['download_link']); $this->streamDownload($row[0]['download_link'], $size); } } // Local File else { $file = pathCombine(array("../", $row[0]['download_link'])); // Throw an error if the local file does not exist if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new Exception(l10n("cart_download_file_not_found", "Cannot download the file") . " (Error 2)"); } // Stream the file $this->streamDownload($file, filesize($file)); } } /** * Stream a file to the output * * @param String $file The file path * @param Integer $size The file size in bytes * * @return Void */ private function streamDownload($file, $size) { $filename = basename($file); $chunks = explode('?', $filename); if (is_array($chunks) && count($chunks) > 1) { $filename = $chunks[0]; } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . $size); readfile($file); } /** * Get the size of a remote file in bytes * * @param String $url The remote url * * @return Integer The remote file size in bytes */ private function getRemoteFileSize($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_exec($ch); $size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); curl_close($ch); return $size; } /** * Set the database connection data * * @param String $host * @param String $user * @param String $pwd * @param String $db * @param String $table_prefix * * @return Boolean */ public function setDatabaseConnection($db, $table_prefix) { $this->table_prefix = $table_prefix; $this->db = $db; if ($this->createTables()) { return true; } $this->db = false; return false; } /** * Close the database connection * * @return void */ public function closeDatabaseConnection() { if ($this->db) { $this->db->closeConnection(); } } /** * Get the ordered products that are not available because of the requested quantity * @return Array The products that are not available */ public function getOrderUnavailableProducts() { $return = array(); if (!$this->db || !$this->db->tableExists($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'])) { return $return; } $where = array(); foreach ($this->orderData['products'] as $hash => $product) { $where[] = "(`id`='" . $this->db->escapeString($product['id']) . "' AND `quantity`<" . $product['quantity'] . ")"; } $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('id', 'quantity'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'], 'where_flat' => array('(' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')') )); if (count($results) > 0) { foreach ($results as $dbProduct) { foreach ($this->orderData['products'] as $hash => $cartProduct) { if ($cartProduct['id'] == $dbProduct['id'] && $cartProduct['quantity'] > $dbProduct['quantity']) { $return[$cartProduct['id']] = array( "id" => $cartProduct['id'], "name" => $cartProduct['name'], "quantity" => $cartProduct['quantity'], "availableQuantity" => $dbProduct['quantity'] ); } } } } return $return; } /** * Returns true if the order can be set * @return Boolean */ public function canSetOrder() { $res = $this->getInvalidProductQuantities(); return count($res) == 0; } public function createTables() { if (!$this->db || !$this->db->testConnection()) { return false; } else { $this->db->createTable( $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], array( "id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'primary' => true), "ts" => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP'), "ip" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(45)'), "price" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "vat_name" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)'), "price_plus_vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "currency" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(4)'), "shipping_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)'), "shipping_name" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)'), "shipping_icon" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)'), "shipping_price" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "shipping_vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "shipping_vat_name" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)'), "shipping_price_plus_vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "payment_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)'), "payment_name" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)'), "payment_icon" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)'), "payment_price" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "payment_vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "payment_vat_name" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)'), "payment_price_plus_vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "coupon" => array("type" => "VARCHAR(32)"), "coupon_value" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "vat_type" => array("type" => "VARCHAR(8)"), "availability_reduction_type" => array("type" => "INT(11)"), "status" => array("type" => "VARCHAR(16)", "more" => "DEFAULT 'inbox'"), "contains_digital_products" => array("type" => "INT(1)"), "payment_data" => array("type" => "VARCHAR(128)", "more" => "DEFAULT ''"), "tracking_code" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)', "more" => "NULL"), "evaded_ts" => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP', "more" => "NULL") ) ); $this->db->createTable( $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], array( "order_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'primary' => true), "product_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'primary' => true), "option" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)', 'primary' => true), "suboption" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)', 'primary' => true), "price" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "vat_name" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)'), "price_plus_vat" => array('type' => 'FLOAT'), "quantity" => array('type' => 'INT(11)'), "name" => array('type' => 'TEXT'), // At the moment the digital/physical products are discrete: a digital product cannot be also physical // To be more future-proof, let's support products that have both a physical and a digital part "physical" => array("type" => "INT(1)"), "digital" => array("type" => "INT(1)"), "download_hash" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(40)'), "download_link" => array('type' => 'TEXT'), "download_end_ts" => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP', "more" => "NULL") ) ); $this->db->createTable( $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], array( "order_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'primary' => true), "field_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)', 'primary' => true), "label" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)'), "index" => array('type' => 'INT(11)'), "value" => array('type' => 'TEXT') ) ); $this->db->createTable( $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['shipping_addresses_table'], array( "order_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'primary' => true), "field_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(64)', 'primary' => true), "label" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(128)'), "index" => array('type' => 'INT(11)'), "value" => array('type' => 'TEXT') ) ); $this->db->createTable( $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['attachments_table'], array( "id" => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'primary' => true, "auto_increment" => true), "order_id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)'), "original_file_name" => array('type' => 'TEXT'), "server_file_name" => array('type' => 'TEXT') ) ); return true; } } /** * Save the order to DB * * @return array */ public function saveOrderToDB() { if (!$this->db) return false; // If the dynamic products are set, check their quantity and make sure the order can be set $prods = $this->getOrderUnavailableProducts(); if (count($prods) > 0) { return array( "status" => "error", "errorType" => "invalid_product_quantity", "productsData" => $prods ); } // Check if the current order number already exists do { $res = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => 'id', 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $this->orderData['orderNo']) )); if (count($res)) { $this->orderData['orderNo'] .= rand(0, 9); } } while (count($res)); // Save the order data $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'values' => array( 'id' => $this->orderData['orderNo'], 'ts' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'vat_type' => $this->settings['vat_type'], 'price' => $this->orderData['rawTotalPrice'], 'vat' => $this->orderData['rawTotalVat'], 'vat_name' => $this->orderData['vatName'], 'price_plus_vat' => $this->orderData['rawTotalPricePlusVat'], 'currency' => $this->orderData['currency'], 'shipping_id' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['id'] : ''), 'shipping_name' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['name'] : ''), 'shipping_icon' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['icon'] : ''), 'shipping_price' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['rawPrice'] : 0), 'shipping_vat' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['rawVat'] : 0), 'shipping_vat_name' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['vatName'] : 0), 'shipping_price_plus_vat' => (isset($this->orderData['shipping']) ? $this->orderData['shipping']['rawPricePlusVat'] : 0), 'payment_id' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['id'] : ''), 'payment_name' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['name'] : ''), 'payment_icon' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['icon'] : ''), 'payment_price' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['rawPrice'] : 0), 'payment_vat' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['rawVat'] : 0), 'payment_vat_name' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['vatName'] : 0), 'payment_price_plus_vat' => (isset($this->orderData['payment']) ? $this->orderData['payment']['rawPricePlusVat'] : 0), 'coupon' => (isset($this->orderData['coupon']) ? $this->orderData['coupon'] : ''), 'coupon_value' => (isset($this->orderData['rawCouponDiscount']) ? $this->orderData['rawCouponDiscount'] : 0), 'availability_reduction_type' => $this->settings['availability_reduction_type'], 'contains_digital_products' => 0 ) )); // Save the products $isDigitalOrder = false; if (isset($this->orderData['products']) && is_array($this->orderData['products'])) { foreach ($this->orderData['products'] as $key => $product) { // Check if this product is a digital download $downloadHash = ""; $downloadLink = ""; $downloadEndTs = null; $digital = false; if (isset($this->digitalProducts[$product['id']])) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $downloadHash = sha1($this->orderData['orderNo'] . $product['id'] . @$imSettings['general']['salt']); $downloadLink = $this->digitalProducts[$product['id']]["link"]; if ($this->digitalProducts[$product['id']]['temporary']) { $downloadEndTs = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("+" . $this->digitalProducts[$product['id']]['days'] . " day")); } $digital = true; $isDigitalOrder = true; } $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'values' => array( 'order_id' => $this->orderData['orderNo'], 'product_id' => $product['id'], 'option' => (isset($product['option']) ? $product['option'] : ''), 'suboption' => (isset($product['suboption']) ? $product['suboption'] : ''), 'price' => $product['rawPrice'], 'vat' => $product['rawVat'], 'vat_name' => $product['vatName'], 'price_plus_vat' => $product['rawPricePlusVat'], 'quantity' => $product['quantity'], 'name' => $product['name'], 'physical' => ($digital ? 0 : 1), 'digital' => ($digital ? 1 : 0), 'download_hash' => $downloadHash, 'download_link' => $downloadLink, 'download_end_ts' => $downloadEndTs ) )); } } // Update the order record if necessary if ($isDigitalOrder) { $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'set' => array('contains_digital_products' => 1), 'where' => array('id', $this->orderData['orderNo']) )); } // Save the invoice data if (isset($this->orderData['userInvoiceData']) && is_array($this->orderData['userInvoiceData'])) { $index = 0; $orderAttachments = array(); foreach ($this->orderData['userInvoiceData'] as $key => $field) { if ($field['value'] != "") { // If the field's ID is "Attachment", skip this field here and save the attachment info for later if ($field['id'] == "Attachment") { $serverFileName = $field['value']; $splitedFileName = explode("_", $serverFileName, 2); $originalFileName = $splitedFileName[1]; $orderAttachments[] = array("OriginalFileName" => $originalFileName, "ServerFileName" => $serverFileName); } else { $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], 'values' => array( 'order_id' => $this->orderData['orderNo'], 'field_id' => $key, 'label' => $field['label'], 'index' => ($index++), 'value' => $field['value'] ) )); } } } } // Save the shipping data if (isset($this->orderData['userShippingData']) && is_array($this->orderData['userShippingData'])) { $index = 0; foreach ($this->orderData['userShippingData'] as $key => $field) { if ($field['value'] != "") { $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['shipping_addresses_table'] , 'values' => array( 'order_id' => $this->orderData['orderNo'], 'field_id' => $key, 'label' => $field['label'], 'index' => ($index++), 'value' => $field['value'] ) )); } } } // Save the attachments (if there are some) if (isset($orderAttachments) && is_array($orderAttachments) && count($orderAttachments) > 0) { foreach ($orderAttachments as $attachment) { $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['attachments_table'], 'values' => array( 'order_id' => $this->orderData['orderNo'], 'original_file_name' => $attachment['OriginalFileName'], 'server_file_name' => $attachment['ServerFileName'] ) )); } } // If the dynamic products availability reduction must be done now, search for dynamic products if ($this->settings['availability_reduction_type'] == 1) { foreach ($this->orderData['products'] as $key => $product) { if ($this->isDynamicProduct($product['id'])) { $this->addDynamicProductItems($product['id'], -$product['quantity']); } } } return array( "status" => "ok", "orderNumber" => $this->orderData['orderNo'] ); } /** * Delete an order from the DB * * @param String $id * * @return void */ public function deleteOrderFromDb($id) { if (!$this->db) { return; } $id = $this->db->escapeString($id); $order = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); // If the order is not evaded and not int waiting and the quantity was not reduced, restore it! if ($order && count($order) && $order[0]['status'] != 'waiting' && $order[0]['availability_reduction_type'] == 1) { $products = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id) )); for ($i = 0; $products && $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($this->isDynamicProduct($products[$i]['product_id'])) { $this->addDynamicProductItems($products[$i]['product_id'], $products[$i]['quantity']); } } } // Now delete all the data about this order $this->db->delete(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id))); $this->db->delete(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id))); $this->db->delete(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['shipping_addresses_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id))); $this->db->delete(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id))); } /** * Get a list of the orders in the DB * * @param Number $pagination_start * @param Number $pagination_length * @param String $filter Filter the result matching this string * @param String $status If defined, get only the orders with the given status * * @return array */ public function getOrders($pagination_start, $pagination_length, $filter = "", $status = "") { $result = array( "orders" => array(), "paginationCount" => 0 ); if (!$this->db) { return $result; } // Search for specific orders $ids = array(); if (strlen($filter)) { // Search in the customer's data $where = array(); // If the filter is an email, target the email field only if (strpos("@", $filter) !== false) { $where['field_id'] = 'Email'; } $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => 'order_id', 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], 'where' => $where, 'where_flat' => array('value LIKE \'%' . $this->db->escapeString($filter) . '%\'') )); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $order) { $ids[] = $order['order_id']; } } // Search in the orders's data $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => 'id', 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where_flat' => array('`id` LIKE \'%' . $this->db->escapeString($filter) . '%\'') )); if ($results) { foreach ($results as $order) { $ids[] = $order['id']; } } $ids = array_unique($ids); if (count($ids) > 0) { $select = array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'order_by' => array('ts' => 'desc'), 'where' => array('id' => $ids), 'limit' => array($pagination_start, $pagination_length) ); if ($status != '') { $select['where']['status'] = $status; } $results = $this->db->select($select); if (!is_bool($results)) { $result['orders'] = $results; // Set the pagination maximum length $query = array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'as' => 'c'), 'from' => $select['from'], 'where' => $select['where'], ); $ordersCount = $this->db->select($query); $result['paginationCount'] = $ordersCount[0]['c']; } } } else { $select = array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'order_by' => array('ts' => 'desc'), 'limit' => array($pagination_start, $pagination_length) ); if ($status != '') { $select['where']['status'] = $status; } $results = $this->db->select($select); if (is_array($results) && count($results)) { $result['orders'] = $results; // Set the pagination maximum length $query = array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'as' => 'c'), 'from' => $select['from'], 'where' => $select['where'], ); $ordersCount = $this->db->select($query); $result['paginationCount'] = $ordersCount[0]['c']; for ($i=0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $ids[] = $results[$i]['id']; } } } // Populate the orders with the invoice addresses if (count($ids)) { $fields = array(); $fieldresults = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $ids), 'order_by' => array('order_id', 'index') )); for ($i = 0; $i < count($fieldresults); $i++) { if (!isset($fields[$fieldresults[$i]['order_id']])) { $fields[$fieldresults[$i]['order_id']] = array(); } $fields[$fieldresults[$i]['order_id']][] = $fieldresults[$i]; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($result['orders']); $i++) { $result['orders'][$i]['invoice'] = array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($key == $result['orders'][$i]['id']) { $result['orders'][$i]['invoice'] = $value; break; } } } } return $result; } /** * Get the number of orders set using the provided email * * @param string $email * * @return Number */ public function getOrdersCountByEmail($email) { if (!$this->db) { return 0; } $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'as' => 'count'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], 'where' => array('field_id' => 'Email', 'value' => $email) )); if ($results) { return $results[0]['count']; } return 0; } /** * Get the count of orders in the specified status * * @param String $status * @param String $from * @param String $to * * @return Number */ public function getOrdersCountByStatus($status = "", $from = "", $to = "") { $where = array(); $where_flat = array(); if (strlen($status)) { $where['status'] = $status; } if (strlen($from)) { $where_flat[] = "`ts` >= '" . $this->db->escapeString($from) . "'"; } if (strlen($to)) { $where_flat[] = "`ts` <= '" . $this->db->escapeString($to) . "'"; } $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'as' => 'count'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => $where, 'where_flat' => $where_flat )); return $results[0]['count']; } /** * Get the orders count for each day in the specified interval * * @param String $from * @param String $to * * @return Array Keys the dates and values the order count */ public function getOrdersCountByDate($from, $to) { $data = array(); // Fill the array with null values $fromTime = strtotime($from); $toTime = strtotime($to); $diff = $toTime - $fromTime; $days = $diff / (60 * 60 * 24); for ($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) { $data[date("Y-m-d", $fromTime + $i * 60 * 60 * 24)] = 0; } if (!$this->db) { return $data; } $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array( array('fn' => 'count', 'as' => 'count'), array('fn' => 'date', 'column' => 'ts', 'as' => 'date') ), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where_flat' => array( '`ts` >= \'' . $this->db->escapeString($from) . '\'', '`ts` <= \'' . $this->db->escapeString($to) . '\'' ), 'group_by' => 'date' )); if (!$results) { return $data; } foreach ($results as $row) { $data[$row['date']] = $row['count']; } return $data; } /** * Get an order * * @param String $id The order ID * * @return Array The order data */ public function getOrder($id) { $result = array(); $order = $this->db->select(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id))); if (count($order)) { $where = array('order_id' => $id); $result['order'] = $order[0]; $result['products'] = $this->db->select(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => $where)); $result['invoice'] = $this->db->select(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['invoice_addresses_table'], 'where' => $where, 'order_by' => 'index')); $result['shipping'] = $this->db->select(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['shipping_addresses_table'], 'where' => $where, 'order_by' => 'index')); $result['attachments'] = $this->db->select(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['attachments_table'], 'where' => $where)); } return $result; } /** * Translate on order loaded from the DB to the same structure used to save it on DB * * @param Array $order The order loaded from DB * * @return Array The order data used to save it to DB */ public function fromDbOrderToOrderData($order, $payment, $shipping) { $orderData = array( 'orderNo' => $order['order']['id'], 'rawTotalPrice' => $order['order']['price'], 'rawTotalVat' => $order['order']['vat'], 'rawTotalPricePlusVat' => $order['order']['price_plus_vat'], 'coupon' => $order['order']['coupon'], 'rawCouponDiscount' => $order['order']['coupon_value'], 'currency' => $this->priceFormat['currency_code'], 'shipping' => array( 'id' => $order['order']['shipping_id'], 'name' => $order['order']['shipping_name'], 'description' => $shipping['description'], 'icon' => $order['order']['shipping_icon'], 'email_text' => $shipping['email_text'], 'rawPrice' => $order['order']['shipping_price'], 'rawPricePlusVat' => $order['order']['shipping_price_plus_vat'], 'rawVat' => $order['order']['shipping_vat'] ), 'payment' => array( 'id' => $order['order']['payment_id'], 'name' => $order['order']['payment_name'], 'description' => $payment['description'], 'icon' => $order['order']['payment_icon'], 'email_text' => $payment['email_text'], 'rawPrice' => $order['order']['payment_price'], 'rawPricePlusVat' => $order['order']['payment_price_plus_vat'], 'rawVat' => $order['order']['payment_vat'], 'enableAfterPaymentEmail' => $payment['enableAfterPaymentEmail'], ), 'userInvoiceData' => array(), 'products' => array(), 'tracking_code' => $order['order']['tracking_code'] ); $orderData['totalPrice'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['rawTotalPrice']); $orderData['totalToPay'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['rawTotalPrice']); // FIXME idk diff between totalPrice and totalToPay... maybe coupon are applyed to totaltopay $orderData['totalVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['rawTotalVat']); $orderData['totalPricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['rawTotalPricePlusVat']); $orderData['couponDiscount'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['rawCouponDiscount']); $orderData['shipping']['price'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['shipping']['rawPrice']); $orderData['shipping']['pricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['shipping']['rawPricePlusVat']); $orderData['shipping']['vat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['shipping']['rawVat']); $orderData['payment']['price'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['payment']['rawPrice']); $orderData['payment']['pricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['payment']['rawPricePlusVat']); $orderData['payment']['vat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($orderData['payment']['rawVat']); //userInvoiceData if (isset($order['invoice'])) { foreach ($order['invoice'] as $field) { $orderData['userInvoiceData'][$field['field_id']] = array( 'id' => $field['field_id'], 'label' => $field['label'], 'value' => $field['value'] ); } } if ($order['attachments']){ $orderData['userInvoiceData']['Attachment'] = array( 'id' => 'Attachment', 'label' => 'Attachment', 'value' => $order['attachments']['server_file_name'] ); } //products foreach ($order['products'] as $prod) { $additionalInfos = $this->products[$prod['product_id']]; $p = array( 'id' => $prod['product_id'], 'name' => $prod['name'], 'description' => $additionalInfos['description'], 'image' => $additionalInfos['image'], 'option' => $prod['option'], 'suboption' => $prod['suboption'], 'rawSinglePrice' => $prod['price'] / $prod['quantity'], 'rawSinglePricePlusVat' => $prod['price_plus_vat'] / $prod['quantity'], 'rawSingleFullPrice' => $additionalInfos['singleFullPrice'], 'rawSingleFullPricePlusVat' => $additionalInfos['singleFullPricePlusVat'], 'rawPrice' => $prod['price'], 'rawPricePlusVat' => $prod['price_plus_vat'], 'rawFullPrice' => $additionalInfos['singleFullPrice'] * $prod['quantity'], 'rawFullPricePlusVat' => $additionalInfos['singleFullPricePlusVat'] * $prod['quantity'], 'rawSingleVat' => $prod['vat'] / $prod['quantity'], 'rawVat' => $prod['vat'], 'quantity' => $prod['quantity'] ); $p['singlePrice'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawSinglePrice']); $p['singlePricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawSinglePricePlusVat']); $p['singleFullPrice'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawSingleFullPrice']); $p['singleFullPricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawSingleFullPricePlusVat']); $p['price'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawPrice']); $p['pricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawPricePlusVat']); $p['fullPrice'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawFullPrice']); $p['fullPricePlusVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawFullPricePlusVat']); $p['singleVat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawSingleVat']); $p['vat'] = $this->applyPriceFormat($p['rawVat']); //WRN there's no way to know hash used as key, let's use ID instead $orderData['products'][$prod['product_id']] = $p; } return $orderData; } /** * Get an order's attachment infos * * @param String $idOrder The order id * @param Int $idAttachment The attachment id * * @return Array The attachment's file name on server and its original file name */ public function getOrderAttachment($idOrder, $idAttachment) { $attachment = array('server_file_name' => '', 'original_file_name' => ''); if ($this->db) { $result = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['attachments_table'], 'where' => array( 'id' => $idAttachment, 'order_id' => $idOrder ) )); if ($result && count($result) > 0) { $attachment['server_file_name'] = $result[0]['server_file_name']; $attachment['original_file_name'] = $result[0]['original_file_name']; } } return $attachment; } /** * Get the amount of sold items for each month, for each year * * @param Boolean $includePhysical * @param Boolean $includeDigital * * @return Array A structured container of the data */ public function getNonCumulativeSellings($includePhysical = true, $includeDigital = true) { $results = array(); // If no includes are defined, it's the same thing as saying that everything is included if (!$includePhysical && !$includeDigital) { $includeDigital = $includePhysical = true; } if ($this->db) { $ptable = $this->db->table($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table']); $otable = $this->db->table($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table']); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT `o`.`id` AS `order_id`, YEAR(`o`.`ts`) AS `year`, MONTH(`o`.`ts`) AS `month`, `o`.`shipping_price_plus_vat` AS `shipping_price`, `o`.`payment_price_plus_vat` AS `payment_price`, `o`.`coupon_value` AS `coupon_value`, SUM(`p`.`price_plus_vat`) AS `products_amount` FROM " . $otable . " AS `o` INNER JOIN " . $ptable . " AS `p` ON `o`.`id`=`p`.`order_id` WHERE `o`.`status`='evaded' AND (" . ($includeDigital ? "`p`.`digital`='1'" : "") . ($includeDigital && $includePhysical ? " OR " : "") . // WSXTHR-1824: the older products where physical and not marked for physical or digital delivery ($includePhysical ? "(`p`.`physical`='1' OR (`p`.`physical`='0' AND `p`.`digital`='0'))" : "") . " ) GROUP BY `order_id`, YEAR(`ts`), MONTH(`ts`), `shipping_price`, `payment_price` ORDER BY `year` DESC, `month` ASC"); if ($query) { // Set the data foreach ($query as $queryRow) { if (!isset($results["" . $queryRow['year']])) { $results["" . $queryRow['year']] = array(); } if (!isset($results["" . $queryRow['year']]["" . $queryRow['month']])) { $results["" . $queryRow['year']]["" . $queryRow['month']] = 0; } $results["" . $queryRow['year']]["" . $queryRow['month']] += $queryRow['products_amount'] + $queryRow['shipping_price'] + $queryRow['payment_price'] - $queryRow['coupon_value']; } // Fill the empty months foreach ($results as $year => $data) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 12 && !($year == date("Y") && $i."" == date("n")); $i++) { if (!isset($results[$year]["" . $i])) { $results[$year]["" . $i] = 0; } } ksort($results[$year]); } } } return $results; } /** * Get the cumulative amount of sold items for each month, for each year * * @param Boolean $includePhysical * @param Boolean $includeDigital * * @return Array A structured container of the data */ public function getCumulativeSellings($includePhysical = true, $includeDigital = true) { $results = array(); // If no includes are defined, it's the same thing as saying that everything is included if (!$includePhysical && !$includeDigital) { $includeDigital = $includePhysical = true; } if ($this->db) { $ptable = $this->db->table($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table']); $otable = $this->db->table($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table']); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT `o`.`id` AS `order_id`, YEAR(`o`.`ts`) AS `year`, MONTH(`o`.`ts`) AS `month`, `o`.`shipping_price_plus_vat` AS `shipping_price`, `o`.`payment_price_plus_vat` AS `payment_price`, `o`.`coupon_value` AS `coupon_value`, SUM(`p`.`price_plus_vat`) AS `products_amount` FROM " . $otable . " AS `o` INNER JOIN " . $ptable . " AS `p` ON `o`.`id`=`p`.`order_id` WHERE `o`.`status`='evaded' AND (" . ($includeDigital ? "`p`.`digital`='1'" : "") . ($includeDigital && $includePhysical ? " OR " : "") . // WSXTHR-1824: the older products where physical and not marked for physical or digital delivery ($includePhysical ? "(`p`.`physical`='1' OR (`p`.`physical`='0' AND `p`.`digital`='0'))" : "") . ") GROUP BY `order_id`, YEAR(`ts`), MONTH(`ts`), `shipping_price`, `payment_price` ORDER BY `year` DESC, `month` ASC"); if ($query) { $amountCounter = 0; // Set the data foreach ($query as $queryRow) { if (!isset($results[$queryRow['year']])) { $amountCounter = 0; } $amountCounter += $queryRow['products_amount'] + $queryRow['shipping_price'] + $queryRow['payment_price'] - $queryRow['coupon_value']; $results[$queryRow['year']]["" . $queryRow['month']] = $amountCounter; } // Fill the empty months foreach ($results as $year => $data) { $lastValue = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= 12 && !($year == date("Y") && $i."" == date("n")); $i++) { if (!isset($results[$year]["" . $i])) { $results[$year]["" . $i] = $lastValue; } else { $lastValue = $results[$year]["" . $i]; } } ksort($results[$year]); } } } return $results; } /** * Get the number of sold items for each item in the database, ordered by number of items * sold, descending. * * @param Number $number The number of items to show before falling into the "other" category * @param Boolean $includePhysical * @param Boolean $includeDigital * * @return Array An associative array with the required data */ public function getSoldItemsNumber($number, $includePhysical = true, $includeDigital = true) { $results = array(); // If no includes are defined, it's the same thing as saying that everything is included if (!$includePhysical && !$includeDigital) { $includeDigital = $includePhysical = true; } if ($this->db) { $ptable = $this->db->table($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table']); $otable = $this->db->table($this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table']); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT `name`, SUM(`quantity`) as `count` FROM " . $ptable . " AS p JOIN " . $otable . " AS o ON p.order_id=o.id WHERE o.status='evaded' AND (" . ($includeDigital ? "`p`.`digital`='1'" : "") . ($includeDigital && $includePhysical ? " OR " : "") . // WSXTHR-1824: the older products where physical and not marked for physical or digital delivery ($includePhysical ? "(`p`.`physical`='1' OR (`p`.`physical`='0' AND `p`.`digital`='0'))" : "") . ") GROUP BY `product_id`, `name` ORDER BY `count` DESC"); if ($query) { $count = 0; foreach ($query as $queryRow) { if ($count++ < $number) { $results[$queryRow['name']] = $queryRow['count']; } else if (!isset($results['other'])) { $results['other'] = $queryRow['count']; } else { $results['other'] += $queryRow['count']; } } } } return $results; } /** * Get the CSV data of the products * @param String $id The order id * @return String The CSV data */ public function getProductsCSV($id) { $products = $this->getOrder($id); $products = $products['products']; $csvProducts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { $csvProducts[$products[$i]['product_id']] = $products[$i]; $csvProducts[$products[$i]['product_id']]["pricePlusVat"] = $products[$i]['price_plus_vat']; $csvProducts[$products[$i]['product_id']]["singlePricePlusVat"] = $products[$i]['price_plus_vat'] / $products[$i]['quantity']; } // Use the template $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["products_csv"]); $template->orderData = array("products" => $csvProducts); $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $template->settings = $this->settings; return $template->render(); } /** * Get the CSV data of the invoice * * @param String $id The order id * * @return String The CSV data */ public function getInvoiceDataCSV($id) { $order = $this->getOrder($id); // Use the template $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["address_csv"]); $template->address = $order['invoice']; $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); return $template->render(); } /** * Get the CSV data of the shipping * * @param String $id The order id * * @return String The CSV data */ public function getShippingDataCSV($id) { $order = $this->getOrder($id); if (!count($order['shipping'])) { return ""; } // Use the template $template = new Template($this->emailTemplates["address_csv"]); $template->address = $order['shipping']; return $template->render(); } /** * Returns true if this server supports ZipArchive and so can export the zip files * * @param String $pathToRoot The path to root with a trailing slash * * @return Boolean */ private function canExportZip($pathToRoot) { global $imSettings; $test = new ImTest(); return class_exists("ZipArchive") && $test->writable_folder_test(pathCombine(array($pathToRoot, $imSettings['general']['public_folder']))); } /** * Zip the CSV files of an order into a file and get the zip path * * @param String $id The order id * @param String $pathToRoot The path to root with a trailing slash * * @return Mixed The zip path or false on error */ public function zipOrder($id, $pathToRoot) { global $imSettings; if (!$this->canExportZip($pathToRoot)) { return false; } $path = pathCombine(array($pathToRoot, $imSettings['general']['public_folder'], str_replace(" ", "_", $id) . '.tmp')); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $zip->open($path, ZipArchive::CREATE); $zip->addFromString("invoicedata.csv", $this->getInvoiceDataCSV($id)); $shippingCsv = $this->getShippingDataCSV($id); if (strlen($shippingCsv)) { $zip->addFromString("shippingdata.csv", $shippingCsv); } $zip->addFromString("products.csv", $this->getProductsCSV($id)); $zip->close(); return $path; } /** * Remove the temporary files created by exporting the zip order data * * @return void */ public function deleteTemporaryFiles($pathToRoot) { global $imSettings; $path = pathCombine(array($pathToRoot, $imSettings['general']['public_folder'])); if (file_exists($path) && $handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ((time()-filectime($path.'/'.$file)) > 600) { // Ten minutes cache if (preg_match('/\.tmp$/i', $file)) { unlink($path.'/'.$file); } } } } } /** * Move the order to the inbox * * @param String $id The order id * * @return Void */ public function moveOrderToInbox($id) { // Check the order status $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('status', 'availability_reduction_type'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (!$result || !count($result) || $result[0]['status'] != "waiting") { // You can move to the inbox only the waiting orders return; } // Update the order status $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'set' => array('status' => 'inbox'), 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); // If the availability reduction type is immediate, update the products quantity if ($result[0]['availability_reduction_type'] == 1) { $products = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id) )); if (!$products || !count($products)) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($this->isDynamicProduct($products[$i]['product_id'])) { $this->addDynamicProductItems($products[$i]['product_id'], -$products[$i]['quantity']); } } } } /** * Move the order to the waiting list * * @param String $id The order id * * @return Void */ public function moveOrderToWaiting($id) { // Check the order status $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('status', 'availability_reduction_type'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (!$result || !count($result) || $result[0]['status'] != "inbox") { // You can put to wait only inbox orders return; } // Update the order status $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'set' => array('status' => 'waiting'), 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); // If the availability reduction type is immediate, update the products quantity if ($result[0]['availability_reduction_type'] == 1) { $products = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id) )); if (!$products || !count($products)) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($this->isDynamicProduct($products[$i]['product_id'])) { $this->addDynamicProductItems($products[$i]['product_id'], $products[$i]['quantity']); } } } } public function paymentCompleted($ok, $orderId, $paymentId, $shippingId) { $this->sendPaymentCompletedEmail($ok, $orderId, $paymentId, $shippingId); header('Location: ' . $this->payments[$paymentId][$ok ? 'page_ok' : 'page_ko']); } /** * Evade the order * * @param String $id The order id * @param String $payment_data * @param String|null $tracking_code The tracking code * @return Void */ public function evadeOrder($id, $payment_data = '', $tracking_code = null) { // Check the order status $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('status', 'availability_reduction_type'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (!$result || !count($result) || $result[0]['status'] != "inbox") { // Allow only inbox orders to be evaded return; } // Update the order status $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'set' => array('status' => 'evaded', 'evaded_ts' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'payment_data' => $payment_data, 'tracking_code' => $tracking_code), 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); // Send the emails $this->sendPhysicalDeliveryEmail($id); $this->sendDigitalDeliveryEmail($id); // If the availability reduction type is postponed, update the products quantity if ($result[0]['availability_reduction_type'] == 2) { $products = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id) )); if (!$products || !count($products)) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($this->isDynamicProduct($products[$i]['product_id'])) { $this->addDynamicProductItems($products[$i]['product_id'], -$products[$i]['quantity']); } } } } /** * Remove an order from the evaded ones and move it to the inbox * * @param String $id The order id * * @return Void */ public function unevadeOrder($id) { // Check the order status $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('status', 'availability_reduction_type'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (!$result || !count($result) || $result[0]['status'] != "evaded") { // Allow only evaded orders to be unevaded return; } // Update the order status $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['orders_table'], 'set' => array('status' => 'inbox', 'evaded_ts' => null, 'tracking_code' => null), 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); // If the availability reduction type is postponed, update the products quantity if ($result[0]['availability_reduction_type'] == 2) { $products = $this->db->select(array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['products_table'], 'where' => array('order_id' => $id) )); if (!$products || !count($products)) { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { if ($this->isDynamicProduct($products[$i]['product_id'])) { $this->addDynamicProductItems($products[$i]['product_id'], $products[$i]['quantity']); } } } } /* | --------------------------- | Dynamic products management | --------------------------- */ /** * Remove a dynamic product from the availability table * * @param String $id The product id * * @return Void */ public function removeDynamicProduct($id) { if ($this->db) { $this->db->delete(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id))); } } /** * Add more elements to the specified product * * @param String $id The product id * @param Number $quantity The number to add to the current availability * * @return Void */ public function addDynamicProductItems($id, $quantity) { if (!$this->db) { return; } $quantity *= 1; $table = $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table']; // Create the table if it doesn't exist if (!$this->db->tableExists($table)) { $this->db->createTable($table, array( "id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'primary' => true), "quantity" => array('type' => 'INT(11)'), "warninglimit" => array('type' => 'INT(11)') )); } // Add the items to the table $count = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => 'quantity', 'from' => $table, 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (count($count) > 0) { if ($quantity != 0) { $newQuantity = max(0, $count[0]['quantity'] + $quantity); // Make sure that the minimum quantity is always 0 $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $table, 'set' => array('quantity' => $newQuantity), 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); } } else { // Do not allow negative quantities at first $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $table, 'values' => array( 'id' => $id, 'quantity' => max(0, $quantity), 'warninglimit' => 0 ) )); } } public function get_products_dynamic_availability() { $data = array(); if ($this->db && $this->db->testConnection()) { $rows = $this->db->select(array('from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'])); if (is_array($rows) && count($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $availability = $row['quantity'] <= 0 ? 'notavailable' : ($row['quantity'] < $row['warninglimit'] ? 'lacking' : 'available'); $data[$row['id']] = array( 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'warning_limit' => $row['warninglimit'], 'availability' => $availability ); } } } return $data; } /** * Set the quantity limit at wich a warning is triggered * * @param String $id The product id * @param Number $limit The limit * * @return Void */ public function setDynamicProductWarningLimit($id, $limit) { if ($this->db) { $table = $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table']; $limit *= 1; $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $table, 'set' => array('warninglimit' => $limit), 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); } } /** * Get the quantity of a single dynamic product * * @param String $id The product id * * @return Number The number of avilable elements */ public function getDynamicProductQuantity($id) { if ($this->db) { $table = $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table']; $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => 'quantity', 'from' => $table, 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if ($result && count($result) > 0) { return $result[0]['quantity']; } } return 0; } /** * Get the information about the status of all the dynamic products * * @param Number $pagination_start Where to start the pagination * @param Number $pagination_length The pagination length * * @return Array */ public function getDynamicProductsStatus($pagination_start = 0, $pagination_length = 0) { $result = array(); if (!$this->db) { return $result; } $select = array( 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table']); $pagination_start *= 1; $pagination_length *= 1; if ($pagination_length > 0) { $select['limit'] = array($pagination_start, $pagination_length); } $query = $this->db->select($select); if (!$query) { return $result; } foreach ($query as $product) { $result[] = array( "id" => $product['id'], "availableQuantity" => $product['quantity'], "quantityAlert" => $product['quantity'] < $product['warninglimit'] ); } return $result; } /** * Get the information about the status of all the dynamic products that are reporting an alert status * * @param Number $pagination_start Where to start the pagination * @param Number $pagination_length The pagination length * * @return Array */ public function getDynamicProductsAlertStatus($pagination_start = 0, $pagination_length = 0) { $result = array(); if (!$this->db) { return $result; } $select = array('from'=> $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'], 'where_flat'=> '`quantity`<`warninglimit` || `quantity`=0'); $pagination_start *= 1; $pagination_length *= 1; if ($pagination_length > 0) { $select['limit'] = array($pagination_start, $pagination_length); } $query = $this->db->select($select); if (!$query) { return $result; } foreach ($query as $product) { $result[] = array( "id" => $product['id'], "availableQuantity" => $product['quantity'], "quantityAlert" => $product['quantity'] < $product['warninglimit'] ); } return $result; } /** * Get an array of dynamic products that are below the warning limit, grouped by category * @param integer $pagination_start * @param integer $pagination_length * @return Array */ public function getDynamicProductsAvailabilityTable($pagination_start = 0, $pagination_length = 0) { global $imSettings; $data = $this->getDynamicProductsAlertStatus($pagination_start, $pagination_length); if (!$data || !count($data)) { return array(); } $results = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { $name = $data[$i]['id']; if (isset($imSettings['search']['products'][$name])) { $image = $imSettings['search']['products'][$name]['image']; // Extract the image path $index = strpos($image, "src=\""); if ($index !== false) { $image = substr($image, $index + 5); $index = strpos($image, "\" "); if ($index !== false) { $image = "../" . substr($image, 0, $index); } } $category = $imSettings['search']['products'][$name]['category']; if (!isset($results[$category])) { $results[$category] = array(); } $results[$category][] = array( "name" => $imSettings['search']['products'][$name]['name'], "image" => $image, "status" => $data[$i]['availableQuantity'] == 0 ? 'unavailable' : 'lack', "availableQuantity" => $data[$i]['availableQuantity'] ); } } return $results; } /** * Get the total count of dynamic products records * * @return Number The dynamic products record count */ public function getDynamicProductsCount() { if ($this->db) { return $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('fn'=>'count', 'as'=>'count'), 'from'=>$this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'] ))[0]['count']; } return 0; } /** * Check if the specified product id is a dynamic product * * @param String $id The product id * * @return boolean True if the product is using the dynamic availability */ public function isDynamicProduct($id) { if ($this->db) { $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => 'id', 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); return is_array($result) && count($result) > 0; } return false; } /** * Get the availability level of a product (available, lacking, notavailable) * * @param String $id The product id * * @return String The availability level as a string */ public function getDynamicProductAvailabilityLevel($id) { if ($this->db) { $result = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('quantity', 'warninglimit'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (is_array($result) && count($result)) { if ($result[0]['quantity'] > 0 && $result[0]['quantity'] >= $result[0]['warninglimit']) { return "available"; } if ($result[0]['quantity'] > 0 && $result[0]['quantity'] < $result[0]['warninglimit']) { return "lacking"; } } } return "notavailable"; } public function setCommentsData($commentsData) { $this->commentsData = $commentsData; return $this; } public function getCommentsData() { return $this->commentsData; } public function getComments($params = array(), $forJson = false) { if (!$this->commentsData['enabled'] || $this->commentsData['type'] !== 'websitex5') { return null; } $db = ImDb::from_db_data(getDbData($this->commentsData['db'])); $where = array(); if (isset($params['products'])) { $ids = $params['products']; if (is_string($ids) && strlen($ids) > 0) { $where['postid'] = $this->commentsData['prefix'] . $ids; } else if (is_array($ids) && count($ids) > 0) { $where['postid'] = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $where['postid'][] = $this->commentsData['prefix'] . $id; } } } $where_flat = array(); if (isset($params['from']) && strlen($params['from']) > 0) { $where_flat[] = "`timestamp` >= '" . $db->escapeString($params['from']) . "'"; } if (isset($params['to']) && strlen($params['to']) > 0) { $where_flat[] = "`timestamp` <= '" . $db->escapeString($params['to']) . "'"; } $columns = array('postid', 'commentid', 'name', 'body', 'timestamp', 'abuse', 'approved', 'rating'); if (!$forJson) { $columns[] = 'email'; } $resultSet = $db->select(array( 'select' => $columns, 'from' => $this->commentsData['table'], 'where' => $where, 'where_flat' => $where_flat )); if (isset($params['asRawDbData']) && $params['asRawDbData']) { return $resultSet; } else { return $this->commentsGroupedByProducts($resultSet); } } private function commentsGroupedByProducts($resultSet) { $posts = array(); if (is_array($resultSet) && count($resultSet) > 0) { foreach ($resultSet as $row) { $prodId = str_replace($this->commentsData['prefix'], '', $row['postid']); if (!isset($posts[$prodId])) { $posts[$prodId] = array( 'comments' => array() ); } $posts[$prodId]['comments'][$row['commentid']] = array( 'id' => $row['commentid'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'publishDate' => $row['timestamp'], 'abuse' => $row['abuse'] != 0, 'approved' => $row['approved'] != 0 ); if (isset($row['email'])) { $posts[$prodId]['comments'][$row['commentid']]['email'] = $row['email']; } if (isset($row['body']) && is_string($row['body']) && strlen($row['body'])) { $posts[$prodId]['comments'][$row['commentid']]['text'] = $row['body']; } if (isset($row['rating']) && $row['rating'] > 0) { if (!isset($posts[$prodId]['averageRating'])) { $posts[$prodId]['averageRating'] = 0; $posts[$prodId]['commentsRatedCount'] = 0; } $posts[$prodId]['comments'][$row['commentid']]['rating'] = $row['rating']; $posts[$prodId]['commentsRatedCount']++; // I know that for the moment the rating is the sum of all the ratings... $posts[$prodId]['averageRating'] += $row['rating']; } } // Now let's change the rating sum with the average rating ;-) foreach ($posts as $pid => $post) { if (isset($post['averageRating']) && $post['averageRating'] > 0) { $posts[$pid]['averageRating'] = $post['averageRating'] / $post['commentsRatedCount']; } } } return $posts; } public function setCategoriesData($array) { $this->categories = $array; return $this; } public function getCategoriesTree() { return $this->categories; } public function getCategoryByProductId($id) { $prod = $this->products[$id]; if (count($prod['categoryPath']) > 0) { $cat = array('categories' => $this->categories); foreach ($prod['categoryPath'] as $catId) { $cat = $cat['categories'][$catId]; } return $cat; } return null; } public function setSlugToProductIdMap($slugToProductIdMap){ $this->slugToProductIdMap = $slugToProductIdMap; return $this; } public function getProductIdBySlug($slug) { return isset($this->slugToProductIdMap[$slug]) ? $this->slugToProductIdMap[$slug] : null; } public function setProductsData($array) { $this->products = $array; return $this; } public function getProductsData($ids = array(), $forJson = false) { $productsData = array(); foreach ($this->normalizeProductIdsInput($ids) as $id) { if (isset($this->products[$id])) { $productsData[$id] = array_merge( $this->products[$id], $this->getProductDynamicData($id, $forJson), array('relatedProducts' => $this->getRelatedProducts($id)) ); } } return $productsData; } public function getShippingData($ids = array()) { $shippingData = array(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (isset($this->shippings[$id])) { $shippingData[$id] = $this->shippings[$id]; } } return $shippingData; } private function normalizeProductIdsInput($ids) { if (is_string($ids) && strlen($ids) > 0) { return array($ids); } else if (!is_array($ids) || count($ids) == 0) { return array_keys($this->products); } return $ids; } private function getRelatedProducts($id) { if (!isset($this->products[$id])) { return array(); } $prod = $this->products[$id]; if (isset($prod['relatedProducts']) && is_array($prod['relatedProducts']) && count($prod['relatedProducts']) > 0) { if (count($prod['relatedProducts']) == 1) { return $prod['relatedProducts']; } else { $relatedProducts = array(); foreach (array_rand($prod['relatedProducts'], min(50, count($prod['relatedProducts']))) as $key) { $relatedProducts[] = $prod['relatedProducts'][$key]; } return $relatedProducts; } } return array(); } public function getProductsDynamicData($ids) { $data = array(); foreach ($this->normalizeProductIdsInput($ids) as $id) { $data[$id] = $this->getProductDynamicData($id); } return $data; } private function getProductDynamicData($id, $forJson = false) { if (!isset($this->products[$id])) { return array(); } $prod = $this->products[$id]; $additionalData = array(); // Comments $comments = $this->getComments(array('products' => $id), $forJson); if (is_array($comments) && isset($comments[$id])) { $additionalData['comments'] = $comments[$id]; } // Dynamic availability if ($prod['availabilityType'] == 'dynamic' && $this->db && $this->db->testConnection()) { $rows = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('quantity', 'warninglimit'), 'from' => $this->table_prefix . $this->settings['dynamicproducts_table'], 'where' => array('id' => $id) )); if (is_array($rows) && count($rows) == 1) { $row = $rows[0]; $additionalData['dynamicAvailValue'] = $row['quantity'] <= 0 ? 'notavailable' : ($row['quantity'] < $row['warninglimit'] ? 'lacking' : 'available'); $additionalData['availableItems'] = $row['quantity']; $additionalData['availablilityWarningLimit'] = $row['warninglimit']; } else { $additionalData['dynamicAvailValue'] = 'notavailable'; $additionalData['availableItems'] = 0; $additionalData['availablilityWarningLimit'] = 0; } } // Discounts if (isset($prod['fixedDiscount'])) { $d = $prod['fixedDiscount']; $start_date_check = !isset($d['startDate']) || time() > $d['startDate']; $end_date_check = !isset($d['endDate']) || time() < $d['endDate']; $coupon_check = !isset($d['coupon']); $additionalData['isDiscountedRegardlessOfCouponAndQuantity'] = $start_date_check && $end_date_check && $coupon_check; } else { $additionalData['isDiscountedRegardlessOfCouponAndQuantity'] = false; } $additionalData['isDiscountedBecauseOfQuantity'] = isset($prod['quantityDiscounts']) && !$additionalData['isDiscountedRegardlessOfCouponAndQuantity']; // Schema org if (isset($prod['schemaOrg'])) { $addedData = false; if ($this->commentsData['comment_type'] !== 'comment' && isset($additionalData['comments'])) { if (isset($additionalData['comments']['averageRating']) && isset($additionalData['comments']['commentsRatedCount']) && isset($additionalData['comments']['comments']) && is_array($additionalData['comments']['comments']) && count($additionalData['comments']['comments']) > 0) { $addedData = true; $prod['schemaOrg']['aggregateRating'] = array( "ratingValue" => $additionalData['comments']['averageRating'], "ratingCount" => $additionalData['comments']['commentsRatedCount'] ); $review = null; foreach ($additionalData['comments']['comments'] as $comment) { $review = $this->bestReview($review, $comment); } if ($review != null && isset($review['rating']) && isset($review['name'])) { $prod['schemaOrg']['review'] = array( "reviewRating" => array( "ratingValue" => $review['rating'] ), "author" => array( "@type" => "Person", "name" => $review['name'] ) ); if (isset($review['publishDate'])) { $prod['schemaOrg']['review']['datePublished'] = $review['publishDate']; } if (isset($review['text'])) { $prod['schemaOrg']['review']['reviewBody'] = $review['text']; } } } } if (isset($additionalData['dynamicAvailValue']) && isset($prod['schemaOrg']['offers'])) { $addedData = true; $prod['schemaOrg']['offers']['availability'] = array( 'available' => 'http://schema.org/InStock', 'lacking' => 'http://schema.org/LimitedAvailability', 'notavailable' => 'http://schema.org/OutOfStock' )[$additionalData['dynamicAvailValue']]; } if ($addedData) { $additionalData['schemaOrg'] = $prod['schemaOrg']; } } return $additionalData; } private function bestReview($a, $b) { if ($b == null) { return $a; } if ($a == null) { return $b; } if (!isset($b['rating']) || !isset($b['publishDate'])) { return $a; } if (!isset($a['rating']) || !isset($a['publishDate'])) { return $b; } if ($a['rating'] < $b['rating']) { return $b; } if ($b['rating'] < $a['rating']) { return $a; } if ($a['publishDate'] < $b['publishDate']) { return $b; } return $a; } public function setCartDataVersion($versionString) { $this->cartDataVersion = $versionString; return $this; } public function getCartDataVersion() { return $this->cartDataVersion; } public function setSendMode($sendMode) { $this->sendMode = $sendMode; return $this; } public function enableEmailNotification() { $this->sendEmailNotification = true; return $this; } public function disableEmailNotification() { $this->sendEmailNotification = false; return $this; } public function enableManagerNotification() { $this->sendManagerNotification = true; return $this; } public function disableManagerNotification() { $this->sendManagerNotification = false; return $this; } /** * Set the digital products download data * * @param Array $array The products download data as array("productId" => array("id" =>'', "link" => '')) * * @return Void */ public function setDigitalProductsData($array) { $this->digitalProducts = $array; } public function setShippingData($array) { $this->shippings = $array; } public function setPaymentData($array) { $this->payments = $array; } public function setPriceFormatData($array) { $this->priceFormat = $array; } public function sendOrder($orderData, $notifier) { $orderNo = $orderData['orderNo']; $this->setOrderData($orderData); $this->setEncodedOrderData(); if ($this->sendMode == 'db') { $order = $this->saveOrderToDb(); if ($order['status'] == 'ok') { if ($this->sendEmailNotification) { $this->sendOwnerEmail(); } $this->sendCustomerEmail(); // Send the notification if ($this->sendManagerNotification) { $notifier->sendNotification('ECOMMERCE_ORDER', '{ "orderNumber": "' . $orderNo . '", "controlPanelQueryString": "redirect=cart-order&order_id=' . $orderNo . '" }'); if (count($this->getDynamicProductsAlertStatus()) > 0) { $notifier->sendNotification('ECOMMERCE_LOW_STOCK', '{ "controlPanelQueryString": "redirect=cart-low-stock" }'); } } } return $order; } else { $this->sendOwnerEmail(); $this->sendCustomerEmail(); return array("status" => "ok", "orderNumber" => $orderNo); } } } /** * @summary * Manage the comment structure of a topic. It can load and save the comments from/to a file or a database. * To use it, you must include __x5engine.php__ in your code. * * This class is available only in the **Professional** and **Evolution** editions. * * @description * Build a new ImComment object. * * @constructor */ class ImComment { var $comments = array(); var $error = 0; /** * Load the comments from an xml file * * @param {string} $file The source file path * * @return {Void} */ function loadFromXML($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $this->comments = array(); return; } $xmlstring = @file_get_contents($file); if (strpos($xmlstring, ".*<\/\1>/i', '', $xmlstring); $xmlstring = preg_replace('/\s*<\/comment>/i', '', $xmlstring); $comments = $xml->parse_string($xmlstring); if ($comments !== false && is_array($comments)) { $tc = array(); if (!isset($comments['comment'][0]) || !is_array($comments['comment'][0])) $comments['comment'] = array($comments['comment']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($comments['comment']); $i++) { foreach ($comments['comment'][$i] as $key => $value) { if ($key == "timestamp" && strpos($value, "-") == 2) { // The v8 and v9 timestamp was inverted. For compatibility, let's convert it to the correct format. // The v10 format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss // The v8 and v9 format is dd-mm-yyyy hh:ii:ss $value = preg_replace("/([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2})\:([0-9]{2})\:([0-9]{2})/", "$3-$2-$1 $4:$5:$6", $value); } $tc[$i][$key] = str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), htmlspecialchars_decode($value)); if ($key == "rating" && is_numeric($value) && intval($value) > 5) { $tc[$i][$key] = "5"; } } $tc[$i]['id'] = $id++; } $this->comments = $tc; } else { // The comments cannot be retrieved. The XML is jammed. // Do a backup copy of the file and then reset the xml. // Hashed names ensure that a file is not copied more than once $n = $file . "_version_" . md5($xmlstring); if (!@file_exists($n)) @copy($file, $n); $this->comments = array(); } } else { $this->loadFromOldFile($file); } } /** * Get the comments from a v8 comments file. * Use loadFromXML instead * * @see [loadFromXML](##imcommentloadfromxmlfile) * @deprecated * * @param {string} $file The source file path * * @return {Void} */ function loadFromOldFile($file) { if (!@file_exists($file)) { $this->comments = array(); return; } $f = @file_get_contents($file); $f = explode("\n", $f); for ($i = 0;$i < count($f)-1; $i += 6) { $c[$i/6]['id'] = $i / 6; $c[$i/6]['name'] = stripslashes($f[$i]); $c[$i/6]['email'] = $f[$i+1]; $c[$i/6]['url'] = $f[$i+2]; $c[$i/6]['body'] = stripslashes($f[$i+3]); $c[$i/6]['timestamp'] = preg_replace("/([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{2})\:([0-9]{2})\:([0-9]{2})/", "$3-$2-$1 $4:$5:$6", $f[$i+4]); $c[$i/6]['approved'] = $f[$i+5]; $c[$i/6]['rating'] = 0; } $this->comments = $c; } /** * Save the comments in a xml file * * @param {string} $file The destination file path * * @return {boolean} True if the file was saved correctly */ function saveToXML($file) { // If the count is 0, delete the file and exit if (count($this->comments) === 0) { if (@file_exists($file)) @unlink($file); return true; } // If the folder doesn't exists, try to create it $dir = @dirname($file); if ($dir != "" && $dir != "/" && $dir != "." && $dir != "./" && !file_exists($dir)) { @mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } $xml = "\n"; $xml .= "\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { $txml = ""; foreach ($comment as $key => $value) { // Well formed content only if (!preg_match('/[0-9]+/', $key) && in_array(gettype($value), array('string', 'integer', 'double'))) { $code = str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"', "\\\""), array("'", '"', "\""), preg_replace('/[\n\r\t]*/', '', nl2br($value))); $txml .= "\t\t<" . $key . ">\n"; } } if ($txml != "") $xml .= "\t\n" . $txml . "\t\n"; } $xml .= ""; if ((is_writable($file) || !file_exists($file))) { if (!$f = @fopen($file, 'w+')) { $this->error = -3; return false; } else { if (flock($f, LOCK_EX)) { $locked = 1; } if (fwrite($f, $xml) === false) { $this->error = -4; return false; } else { if($locked) flock($f, LOCK_UN); fclose($f); $this->error = 0; return true; } } } else { $this->error = -2; return false; } } /** * Save the comments in a DB. * **Available only in the Professional Edition** * * @param {string} $host The host name * @param {string} $user The user name * @param {string} $password The user password * @param {string} $db The db name * @param {string} $table The db table * @param {string} $postid The post id * * @return {boolean} True if the comment was saved correctly */ function saveToDb($db, $table, $postid) { // TODO: Avoid collisions and simplify update/delete the changed rows instead of deleting and rebuilding the table if (!$db->testConnection()) { return false; } // Delete the comments $db->delete(array('from' => $table, 'where' => array('postid' => $postid))); if (count($this->comments) === 0) { return true; } // Create the fields definition $fields = array( "postid" => array("type" => (is_string($postid) ? "VARCHAR(32)" : "INT(11)"), "primary" => true), "commentid" => array("type" => "INT(11)", "primary" => true), "email" => array("type" => "TEXT"), "name" => array("type" => "TEXT"), "url" => array("type" => "TEXT"), "body" => array("type" => "TEXT"), "ip" => array("type" => "TEXT"), "timestamp" => array("type" => "TIMESTAMP"), "abuse" => array("type" => "TEXT"), // Yep. These fields would be more efficient if saved as INT but we have to "approved" => array("type" => "TEXT"), // support even the old structures and the conversion between XML and MySQL. "rating" => array("type" => "TEXT") ); $db->createTable($table, $fields); // Resave them $i = 0; $e = array(); // WSXTWE-1222/1224/1283: Save only the fields that we care about, using the correct names foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { $r = $db->insert(array( 'into' => $table, 'values' => array( 'postid' => $postid, 'commentid' => $i++, 'email' => (isset($comment['email']) ? $comment['email'] : ''), 'name' => (isset($comment['name']) ? $comment['name'] : ''), 'url' => (isset($comment['url']) ? $comment['url'] : ''), 'body' => (isset($comment['body']) ? preg_replace('/[\n\r\t]*/', '', nl2br($comment['body'])) : ''), 'ip' => (isset($comment['ip']) ? $comment['ip'] : ''), 'timestamp' => (isset($comment['timestamp']) ? $comment['timestamp'] : date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), 'abuse' => (isset($comment['abuse']) ? $comment['abuse'] : '0'), 'approved' => (isset($comment['approved']) ? $comment['approved'] : '1'), 'rating' => (isset($comment['rating']) ? $comment['rating'] : '0') ) )); if(!$r){ $e[] = $db->error(); } } if (count($e)) { echo implode(PHP_EOL, $e) . PHP_EOL; } $db->closeConnection(); return !count($e); } /** * Load the comments from a DB. This method is available only in the Professional edition. * * @param {string} $host The host name * @param {string} $user The user name * @param {string} $password The user password * @param {string} $dbname The db name * @param {string} $table The db table * @param {string} $postid The post id * * @return {boolean} True if the data was loaded correctly. False instead. */ function loadFromDb($db, $table, $postid) { if (!$db->testConnection()) { return false; } // WSXTWE-1317: Detect the kind of available fields $columnsResult = $db->tableColumns($table); if (is_bool($columnsResult) && !$columnsResult) { return false; } $columns = array(); foreach ($columnsResult as $result) { $columns[] = $result['Field']; } // WSXTWE-1222/1224/1283: Only select the fields that we care about $select = array( 'select' => array( array('column' => 'commentid', 'as' => 'id') ), 'from' => $table, 'where' => array('postid' => $postid) ); if (in_array('email', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'email'; if (in_array('name', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'name'; if (in_array('url', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'url'; if (in_array('body', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'body'; if (in_array('ip', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'ip'; if (in_array('timestamp', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'timestamp'; if (in_array('abuse', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'abuse'; if (in_array('approved', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'approved'; if (in_array('rating', $columns)) $select['select'][] = 'rating'; $rows = $db->select($select); if (is_bool($rows)) { $this->comments = array(); return false; } foreach ($rows as $row) { $comment = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { // Filter some fields if (!is_numeric($key)) { $comment[$key] = $value; } if ($key == "rating" && is_numeric($value) && intval($value) > 5) { $comment[$key] = "5"; } } $this->comments[] = $comment; } return true; } /** * Add a comment to a file * * @param {array} $comment the array of data to store * * @return {Void} */ function add($comment) { foreach ($comment as $key => $value) { $comment[$key] = $this->filterCode($value, true); } $this->comments[] = $comment; } /** * Sort the array * * @param string $orderby Field to compare when ordering the array * @param string $sort Sort by ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order * * @return void */ function sort($orderby = "", $sort = "desc") { if (count($this->comments) === 0) return; // Find where the comments has this field // This is useful to order using a field which is not present in every comment (like the ts field, which is missing in the stars-only vote type) $comment = null; for ($i=0; $i < count($this->comments) && $comment == null; $i++) { if (isset($this->comments[$i][$orderby])) $comment = $this->comments[$i]; } if ($comment === null) return; // Order the array $desc = strtolower($sort) == "desc"; $compare = function ($a, $b) use ($comment, $orderby, $desc) { if (!isset($a[$orderby]) || !isset($b[$orderby]) || $a[$orderby] == $b[$orderby]) { return 0; } if (preg_match("/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/", $comment[$orderby])) { // The orderable field is a timestamp $aIsGrater = strtotime($a[$orderby]) > strtotime($b[$orderby]); } else if (is_numeric($comment[$orderby])) { // The orderable field is a number $aIsGrater = $a[$orderby] > $b[$orderby]; } else if (is_string($comment[$orderby])) { // The orderable field is a string $aIsGrater = strcmp($a[$orderby], $b[$orderby]) > 0; } else { return 0; } return $desc ^ $aIsGrater ? -1 : 1; }; // Sort and return usort($this->comments, $compare); } /** * Get all the comments loaded in this class * * @param {string} $orderby Field to compare when ordering the array * @param {string} $sort Sort by ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order * @param {boolean} $approvedOnly Show only approved comments * * @return array An array of associative arrays containing the comments data */ function getAll($orderby = "", $sort = "desc", $approvedOnly = true) { if ($orderby == "" || count($this->comments) === 0) return $this->comments; $this->sort($orderby, $sort); if (!$approvedOnly) return $this->comments; $comments = array(); foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { if (isset($comment['approved']) && $comment['approved'] == "1") { $comments[] = $comment; } } return $comments; } /** * Get the comments in the specified page when there is the specified number of comments in every page. * This is useful for pagination. * * @param {integer} $pageNumber The number of page to show (0 based) * @param {integer} $commentsPerPage Number of comments shown in each page * @param {string} $orderby Field to compare when ordering the array * @param {string} $sort Sort by ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order * @param {boolean} $approvedOnly Show only approved comments * * @return array The list of comments in the page */ function getPage($pageNumber, $commentsPerPage, $orderby = "", $sort = "desc", $approvedOnly = true) { $all = $this->getAll($orderby, $sort, $approvedOnly); // If the page number is wrong, return an empty array if ($pageNumber < 0 || $pageNumber > $this->getPagesNumber($commentsPerPage)) return array(); return array_slice($all, $pageNumber * $commentsPerPage, $commentsPerPage, false); } /** * Get the comment number n * * @param {integer} $n The comment's number * * @return {array} The comment's data or an empty array if the comment is not found */ function get($n) { if (isset($this->comments[$n])) return $this->comments[$n]; return array(); } /** * Get the pages number given the number of comments per page * * @param {integer} $commentsPerPage Number of comments in every page * @param {boolean} $approvedOnly Show only approved comments * * @return {integer} The number of pages */ function getPagesNumber($commentsPerPage, $approvedOnly = true) { if (!is_array($this->comments) || !count($this->comments)) return 0; if (!$approvedOnly) { $count = count($this->comments); } else { $count = 0; foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { if ($comment['approved'] == "1") { $count++; } } } return ceil($count / $commentsPerPage); } /** * Edit the comment number $n with the data contained in the parameter $comment * * @param {integer} $n Comment number * @param {array} $comment Comment data * * @return {boolean} True if the comment was correctly edited. False instead. */ function edit($n, $comment) { if (isset($this->comments[$n])) { $this->comments[$n] = $comment; return true; } return false; } /** * Delete the comment at $n * * @param {integer} $n The index of the comment * * @return {Void} */ function delete($n) { // Delete an element from the array and reset the indexes if (isset($this->comments[$n])) { $comments = $this->comments; $this->comments = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($comments); $i++) if ($i != $n) $this->comments[] = $comments[$i]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Clean the data from XSS * * @param string $str The string to parse * @param boolean $allow_links true to allow links * * @return string */ function filterCode($str, $allow_links = false) { global $imSettings; if (gettype($str) != 'string') return ""; // Remove javascript while (($start = imstripos($str, "") + strlen(""); $str = substr($str, 0, $start) . substr($str, $end); } // Remove PHP Code while (($start = imstripos($str, "") + strlen("?>"); $str = substr($str, 0, $start) . substr($str, $end); } // Remove ASP code while (($start = imstripos($str, "<%")) !== false) { $end = imstripos($str, "%>") + strlen("<%"); $str = substr($str, 0, $start) . substr($str, $end); } // Allow only few tags $str = strip_tags($str, '' . ($allow_links ? '' : '')); // Remove XML injection code while (($start = imstripos($str, "") !== false) { $end = imstripos($str, "]]>") + strlen("]]>"); $str = substr($str, 0, $start) . substr($str, $end); } else { $str = str_replace("")) !== false) { $str = str_replace("]]>", "", $str); } // Remove all the onmouseover, onclick etc attributes while (($res = preg_replace("/(<[\\s\\S]+) on.*\\=(['\"\"])[\\s\\S]+\\2/i", "\\1", $str)) != $str) { // Exit in case of error if ($res == null) break; $str = $res; } $matches = array(); preg_match_all('~~isU', $str, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) { if (imstripos($matches[0][$i], 'nofollow') === false && imstripos($matches[0][$i], $imSettings['general']['url']) === false) { $result = trim($matches[0][$i], ">") . ' rel="nofollow">'; $str = str_replace(strtolower($matches[0][$i]), strtolower($result), $str); } } return $str; } /** * Provide the last error * * @return int */ function lastError() { return $this->error; } } /** * An interface that defines the common methods used to access the db */ interface DatabaseAccess { public function testConnection(); public function closeConnection(); public function get_db_name(); public function createTable($name, $fields); public function deleteTable($table); public function tableExists($table); public function error(); public function lastInsertId(); public function query($query); public function escapeString($string); public function affectedRows(); } /** * @summary * A database driver class which access to the DB using the "mysql_" functions * * To use this class, you must include __x5engine.php__ in your code. * * @description Create a new ImDb Object * * @ignore * @class * @constructor * * @param {string} $host The database host address * @param {string} $user The database username * @param {string} $pwd The database password * @param {string} $db The database name */ class MySQLDriver implements DatabaseAccess { var $conn; var $db; var $db_name; var $engine = "MYISAM"; function __construct($host, $user, $pwd, $db) { $this->setUp($host, $user, $pwd, $db); } function ImDb($host, $user, $pwd, $db) { $this->setUp($host, $user, $pwd, $db); } function setUp($host, $user, $pwd, $db) { $this->db_name = $db; $this->conn = @mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd); if ($this->conn === false) return; $this->db = @mysql_select_db($db, $this->conn); if ($this->db === false) return; if (function_exists('mysql_set_charset')) @mysql_set_charset("utf8", $this->conn); else @mysql_query('SET NAMES "utf8"', $this->conn); } /** * Check if the class is connected or not to a db * * @return {boolean} True if the class is connected to a DB. False otherwise. */ function testConnection() { return ($this->conn !== false && $this->db !== false); } /** * Close the connection * * @return void */ function closeConnection() { @mysql_close($this->conn); } function get_db_name() { return $this->db_name; } /** * Create a new table or update an existing one. * * @param string $name The table name * @param array $fields The table fields list as array of associative arrays (one array item foreach table field). must be passed as stated in the example. * * @example * $db->createTable('tableName', array( * "field1" => array( * "type" => "INTEGER", * "null" => false, * "auto_increment" => true, * "primary" => true * ), * "field2" => array( * "type" => "TEXT", * "null" => true, * "auto_increment" => false, * "more" => "CHARACTER SET UTF-8" * )) * ); * * @return boolean True if the table was created succesfully. */ function createTable( $name, $fields ) { $qfields = array(); $primaries = array(); $createResult = false; // If the table does not exists, create it if (!$this->tableExists($name)) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "` ("; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $qfields[] = "`" . $key . "` " . $value['type'] . ($value['type'] == 'TEXT' || $value['type'] == 'MEDIUMTEXT' ? " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci" : "") . (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : "") . (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : "") . (isset($value['auto_increment']) ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "") . (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); if (isset($value['primary']) && $value['primary']) { $primaries[] = "`" . $key . "`"; } } $query .= implode(",", $qfields); if (count($primaries)) $query .= ", PRIMARY KEY (" . implode(",", $primaries) . ")"; $query .= ") ENGINE = " . $this->engine . " ;"; $createResult = mysql_query($query, $this->conn); } else { $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "`", $this->conn); // Alter table flag: if true execute the query at the end $alterTable = false; if ($result) { // Actual fields $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $this->db_name. "`.`" . $name . "`"; $act_fields = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $act_fields[] = $row; $act_fields_names[] = $row[0]; } // New fields $new_fields = array_diff(array_keys($fields), $act_fields_names); $new_fields = array_merge($new_fields); // Order the indexes if (count($new_fields) > 0) { foreach ($new_fields as $key) { $qfields[] = " ADD `" . $key . "` " . $fields[$key]['type'] . ($fields[$key]['type'] == 'TEXT' || $fields[$key]['type'] == 'MEDIUMTEXT' ? " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci" : "") . (!isset($fields[$key]['null']) || !$fields[$key]['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : "") . (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : "") . (isset($fields[$key]['auto_increment']) && $fields[$key]['auto_increment'] ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "") . // WSXTWE-1215: Manage the adding/removal of a primary key (isset($fields[$key]['primary']) && $fields[$key]['primary'] ? " PRIMARY KEY" : "") . (isset($fields[$key]['more']) ? " " . $fields[$key]['more'] : ""); } $alterTable = true; } // Check if it's necessary to do some changes on actual fields: if yes, consider them in the alter query foreach ($act_fields as $act_field) { foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $type = null; $currentLenght = null; $newLenght = null; if (substr(strtolower($act_field["Type"]), 0, 4) === "int(" && substr(strtolower($value['type']), 0, 4) === "int(") { $type = "int"; $currentLenght = substr(substr($act_field["Type"], strpos($act_field["Type"], "(") + 1), 0, -1); $newLenght = substr(substr($value['type'], strpos($value['type'], "(") + 1), 0, -1); } else if (substr(strtolower($act_field["Type"]), 0, 8) === "varchar(" && substr(strtolower($value['type']), 0, 8) === "varchar(") { $type = "varchar"; $currentLenght = substr(substr($act_field["Type"], strpos($act_field["Type"], "(") + 1), 0, -1); $newLenght = substr(substr($value['type'], strpos($value['type'], "(") + 1), 0, -1); } if ($act_field["Field"] == $key) { // Check if some actual "int" fields increment their length: if yes, consider them in the alter query if ($type == "int") { $fixAutoIncrement = false; // WSX5-2950: This fix some situations where an existing field lost his "auto increment" property. If there is a row with this field set to 0, update it to the next highest value. if ($value["auto_increment"] && !strpos($act_field["Extra"], "auto_increment")) { $fixAutoIncrement = true; $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "` WHERE `" . $key . "` = 0", $this->conn); $res = mysql_num_rows($q); if ($res !== false && $res > 0) { $q = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(`" . $key . "`) AS `highest` FROM `". $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "`", $this->conn); $res = mysql_fetch_array($q); $highestValue = $res !== false ? $res["highest"] : 1; mysql_query("UPDATE `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "` SET `" . $key . "` = " . ($highestValue + 1) . " WHERE `" . $key . "` = 0", $this->conn); } } if ($newLenght > $currentLenght || $fixAutoIncrement) { $modify = " MODIFY `" . $key . "` " . $value['type']; $modify .= (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['auto_increment']) && $value['auto_increment'] ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); $qfields[] = $modify; $alterTable = true; } } // Check if some actual "varchar" fields increment their length: if yes, consider them in the alter query else if ($type == "varchar" && $newLenght > $currentLenght) { $modify = " MODIFY `" . $key . "` " . $value['type']; $modify .= (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); $qfields[] = $modify; $alterTable = true; } // Check if some actual "text" fields should be altered to "mediumtext": if yes, consider them in the alter query else if (strtolower($act_field["Type"]) == "text" && strtolower($value['type']) == "mediumtext") { $modify = " MODIFY `" . $key . "` " . $value['type']; $modify .= " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci"; $modify .= (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); $qfields[] = $modify; $alterTable = true; } } } } // If alter query must be executed, execute it if ($alterTable) { $query .= implode(",", $qfields); $createResult = mysql_query($query, $this->conn); } } } return $createResult; } /** * Delete a table from the database. * * @param {string} $table The table name * * @return {Void} */ function deleteTable($table) { mysql_query("DROP TABLE " . $this->db_name . "." . $table, $this->conn); } /** * Check if the table exists * * @param {string} $table The table name * * @return {boolean} True if the table exists. False otherwise. */ function tableExists($table) { $result = mysql_query("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `" . $this->db_name . "` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($table, $this->conn) . "'", $this->conn); // Check that the name is correct (usage of LIKE is not correct if there are wildcards in the table name. Unfortunately MySQL 4 doesn't allow another syntax..) while (!is_bool($result) && $tb = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($tb[0] == $table) return true; } return false; } /** * Get the last MySQL error. * * @return {array} */ function error() { return mysql_error(); } /** * Provide the last inserted ID of the AUTOINCREMENT column * * @return {int} The id of the latest insert operation */ function lastInsertId() { $res = $this->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `id`"); if (count($res) > 0 && isset($res[0]['id'])) { return $res[0]['id']; } return 0; } /** * Execute a MySQL query. * * @param {string} $query * * @return {array} The query result or FALSE on error */ function query($query) { $result = mysql_query($query, $this->conn); if (!is_bool($result)) { $rows = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; } return $result; } /** * Escape a MySQL query string. * * @param {string} $string The string to escape * * @return {string} The escaped string */ function escapeString($string) { if (!is_array($string)) { return mysql_real_escape_string($string, $this->conn); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($string); $i++) $string[$i] = $this->escapeString($string[$i]); return $string; } } /** * Return the number of affected rows in the last query. * * @return {integer} The number of affected rows. */ function affectedRows() { return mysql_affected_rows($this->conn); } } /** * @summary * A database driver class which access to the DB using MySQLi. * * To use this class, you must include __x5engine.php__ in your code. * * @description Create a new ImDb Object * * @ignore * @class * @constructor * * @param {string} $host The database host address * @param {string} $user The database username * @param {string} $pwd The database password * @param {string} $db The database name */ class MySQLiDriver implements DatabaseAccess { private $db; private $db_name; private $engine = "INNODB"; function __construct($host, $user, $pwd, $db) { $this->db_name = $db; $this->db = @new mysqli($host, $user, $pwd); if ($this->db->connect_errno) { return; } if (strlen($db)) { $this->db->select_db($db); } if (function_exists('mysqli_set_charset')) { $this->db->set_charset("utf8"); } else { $this->db->query('SET NAMES "utf8"'); } } /** * Check if the class is connected or not to a db * * @return {boolean} True if the class is connected to a DB. False otherwise. */ function testConnection() { return ($this->db->connect_errno == 0); } /** * Close the connection * * @return void */ function closeConnection() { $this->db->close(); } function get_db_name() { return $this->db_name; } /** * Create a new table or update an existing one. * * @param string $name The table name * @param array $fields The table fields list as array of associative arrays (one array item foreach table field). must be passed as stated in the example. * * @example * $db->createTable('tableName', array( * "field1" => array( * "type" => "INTEGER", * "null" => false, * "auto_increment" => true, * "primary" => true * ), * "field2" => array( * "type" => "TEXT", * "null" => true, * "auto_increment" => false, * "more" => "CHARACTER SET UTF-8" * )) * ); * * @return boolean True if the table was created succesfully. */ function createTable( $name, $fields ) { $qfields = array(); $primaries = array(); $createResult = false; // If the table does not exists, create it if (!$this->tableExists($name)) { $query = "CREATE TABLE `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "` ("; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $qfields[] = "`" . $key . "` " . $value['type'] . ($value['type'] == 'TEXT' || $value['type'] == 'MEDIUMTEXT' ? " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci" : "") . (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : "") . (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : "") . (isset($value['auto_increment']) ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "") . (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); if (isset($value['primary']) && $value['primary']) { $primaries[] = "`" . $key . "`"; } } $query .= implode(",", $qfields); if (count($primaries)) $query .= ", PRIMARY KEY (" . implode(",", $primaries) . ")"; $query .= ") ENGINE = " . $this->engine . " ;"; $createResult = $this->db->query($query); } else { $result = $this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "`"); // Alter table flag: if true execute the query at the end $alterTable = false; if ($result) { // Actual fields $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . $this->db_name. "`.`" . $name . "`"; $act_fields = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_array()) { $act_fields[] = $row; $act_fields_names[] = $row[0]; } // New fields $new_fields = array_diff(array_keys($fields), $act_fields_names); $new_fields = array_merge($new_fields); // Order the indexes if (count($new_fields) > 0) { foreach ($new_fields as $key) { $qfields[] = " ADD `" . $key . "` " . $fields[$key]['type'] . ($fields[$key]['type'] == 'TEXT' || $fields[$key]['type'] == 'MEDIUMTEXT' ? " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci" : "") . (!isset($fields[$key]['null']) || !$fields[$key]['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : "") . (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : "") . (isset($fields[$key]['auto_increment']) && $fields[$key]['auto_increment'] ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "") . // WSXTWE-1215: Manage the adding/removal of a primary key (isset($fields[$key]['primary']) && $fields[$key]['primary'] ? " PRIMARY KEY" : "") . (isset($fields[$key]['more']) ? " " . $fields[$key]['more'] : ""); } $alterTable = true; } // Check if it's necessary to do some changes on actual fields: if yes, consider them in the alter query foreach ($act_fields as $act_field) { foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $type = null; $currentLenght = null; $newLenght = null; if (substr(strtolower($act_field["Type"]), 0, 4) === "int(" && substr(strtolower($value['type']), 0, 4) === "int(") { $type = "int"; $currentLenght = substr(substr($act_field["Type"], strpos($act_field["Type"], "(") + 1), 0, -1); $newLenght = substr(substr($value['type'], strpos($value['type'], "(") + 1), 0, -1); } else if (substr(strtolower($act_field["Type"]), 0, 8) === "varchar(" && substr(strtolower($value['type']), 0, 8) === "varchar(") { $type = "varchar"; $currentLenght = substr(substr($act_field["Type"], strpos($act_field["Type"], "(") + 1), 0, -1); $newLenght = substr(substr($value['type'], strpos($value['type'], "(") + 1), 0, -1); } if ($act_field["Field"] == $key) { // Check if some actual "int" fields increment their length: if yes, consider them in the alter query if ($type == "int") { $fixAutoIncrement = false; // WSX5-2950: This fix some situations where an existing field lost his "auto increment" property. If there is a row with this field set to 0, update it to the next highest value. if ($value["auto_increment"] && !strpos($act_field["Extra"], "auto_increment")) { $fixAutoIncrement = true; $q = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "` WHERE `" . $key . "` = 0"); if ($q->num_rows > 0) { $q = $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(`" . $key . "`) AS `highest` FROM `". $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "`"); $res = $q->fetch_array(); $highestValue = !is_null($res) ? $res["highest"] : 1; $this->db->query("UPDATE `" . $this->db_name . "`.`" . $name . "` SET `" . $key . "` = " . ($highestValue + 1) . " WHERE `" . $key . "` = 0"); } } if ($newLenght > $currentLenght || $fixAutoIncrement) { $modify = " MODIFY `" . $key . "` " . $value['type']; $modify .= (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['auto_increment']) && $value['auto_increment'] ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); $qfields[] = $modify; $alterTable = true; } } // Check if some actual "varchar" fields increment their length: if yes, consider them in the alter query else if ($type == "varchar" && $newLenght > $currentLenght) { $modify = " MODIFY `" . $key . "` " . $value['type']; $modify .= (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); $qfields[] = $modify; $alterTable = true; } // Check if some actual "text" fields should be altered to "mediumtext": if yes, consider them in the alter query else if (strtolower($act_field["Type"]) == "text" && strtolower($value['type']) == "mediumtext") { $modify = " MODIFY `" . $key . "` " . $value['type']; $modify .= " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci"; $modify .= (!isset($value['null']) || !$value['null'] ? " NOT NULL" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['unique']) && $value['unique'] ? " UNIQUE" : ""); $modify .= (isset($value['more']) ? " " . $value['more'] : ""); $qfields[] = $modify; $alterTable = true; } } } } // If alter query must be executed, execute it if ($alterTable) { $query .= implode(",", $qfields); $createResult = $this->db->query($query); } } } return $createResult; } /** * Delete a table from the database. * * @param {string} $table The table name * * @return {Void} */ function deleteTable($table) { $this->db->query("DROP TABLE " . $this->db_name . "." . $table); } /** * Check if the table exists * * @param {string} $table The table name * * @return {boolean} True if the table exists. False otherwise. */ function tableExists($table) { $result = $this->db->query("SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `" . $this->db_name . "` LIKE '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($table) . "'"); // Check that the name is correct (usage of LIKE is not correct if there are wildcards in the table name. Unfortunately MySQL 4 doesn't allow another syntax..) while (!is_bool($result) && $tb = $result->fetch_array()) { if (strtolower($tb[0]) == strtolower($table)) return true; } return false; } /** * Get the last MySQL error. * * @return {array} */ function error() { return $this->db->error; } /** * Provide the last inserted ID of the AUTOINCREMENT column * * @return {int} The id of the latest insert operation */ function lastInsertId() { $res = $this->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS `id`"); if (count($res) > 0 && isset($res[0]['id'])) { return $res[0]['id']; } return 0; } /** * Execute a MySQL query. * * @param {string} $query * * @return {array} The query result or FALSE on error */ function query($query) { $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!is_bool($result)) { $rows = array(); while($row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; } return $result; } /** * Escape a MySQL query string. * * @param {string} $string The string to escape * * @return {string} The escaped string */ function escapeString($string) { if (!is_array($string)) { return $this->db->real_escape_string($string); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($string); $i++) { $string[$i] = $this->escapeString($string[$i]); } return $string; } } /** * Return the number of affected rows in the last query. * * @return {integer} The number of affected rows. */ function affectedRows() { return $this->db->affected_rows; } } /** * @summary * A utility class which provides an easy access to the databases defined by the WSX5 user. * Detect if MySQLi is supported, otherwise fallback on MySQL. * * To use this class, you must include __x5engine.php__ in your code. * * @description Create a new ImDb Object * * @class * @constructor * * @param string $host The database host address * @param string $user The database username * @param string $pwd The database password * @param string $db The database name * @param string $table_prefix A prefix for all table names */ class ImDb implements DatabaseAccess { private $driver; private $table_prefix; function __construct($host, $user, $pwd, $db, $table_prefix) { // Detect the correct driver if (function_exists("mysqli_connect")) { $this->driver = new MySQLiDriver($host, $user, $pwd, $db); } else if (function_exists("mysql_connect")) { $this->driver = new MySQLDriver($host, $user, $pwd, $db); } else { die("No database support detected"); } $this->table_prefix = $table_prefix; } static function from_db_data($db): ImDb { return new ImDb($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['password'], $db['database'], $db['table_prefix']); } /** * Check if the class is connected or not to a db * * @return {boolean} True if the class is connected to a DB. False otherwise. */ function testConnection() { return $this->driver->testConnection(); } /** * Close the connection * * @return void */ function closeConnection() { $this->driver->closeConnection(); } function get_db_name() { return $this->driver->get_db_name(); } /** * Create a new table or update an existing one. * * @param {string} $name The table name * @param {array} $fields The table fields list as array of associative arrays (one array item foreach table field). must be passed as stated in the example. * * @example * $db->createTable('tableName', array( * "field1" => array( * "type" => "INTEGER", * "null" => false, * "auto_increment" => true, * "primary" => true * ), * "field2" => array( * "type" => "TEXT", * "null" => true, * "auto_increment" => false, * "more" => "CHARACTER SET UTF-8" * )) * ); * * @return {boolean} True if the table was created succesfully. */ function createTable($name, $fields) { return $this->driver->createTable($this->_prefixed_table_name($name), $fields); } /** * Delete a table from the database. * * @param {string} $table The table name * * @return {Void} */ function deleteTable($table) { $this->driver->deleteTable($this->_prefixed_table_name($table)); } /** * Check if the table exists * * @param {string} $table The table name * * @return {boolean} True if the table exists. False otherwise. */ function tableExists($table) { return $this->driver->tableExists($this->_prefixed_table_name($table)); } /** * Get the last MySQL error. * * @return {array} */ function error() { return $this->driver->error(); } /** * Provide the last inserted ID of the AUTOINCREMENT column * * @return {int} The id of the latest insert operation */ function lastInsertId() { return $this->driver->lastInsertId(); } /** * Execute a MySQL query. * * @param mixed $query if is_string($query) it will be executed, if is_array($query) it's used to call select, update, delete or insert function * * @return array The query result or FALSE on error */ function query($query) { if (is_string($query)) { return $this->driver->query($query); } if (is_array($query)) { if (isset($query['into'])) { return $this->insert($query); } else if (isset($query['update'])) { return $this->update($query); } else if (isset($query['delete']) || isset($query['delete_from'])) { return $this->delete($query); } else if (isset($query['select']) || isset($query['select_from']) || isset($query['order_by']) || isset($query['orderBy']) || isset($query['group_by']) || isset($query['groupBy']) || isset($query['limit'])) { return $this->select($query); } } return false; } function tableColumns($data) { if (is_string($data)) { return $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->table($data)); } else if (is_array($data) && isset($data['table'])) { return $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->table($data['table']) . (isset($data['like']) ? ' LIKE \'' . $data['like'] . '\'' : '')); } return false; } /** * Execute SQL SELECT. * * $select_data['select'] => array of 'column_name' (default: all columns). * * $select_data['from'] or $select_data['select_from'] => table name (mandatory). * * $select_data['where'] => array of 'column_name' => column_value (default: no conditions). * * $select_data['where_flat'] => array of 'condition' (default: no conditions). * * $select_data['order_by'] or $select_data['orderBy'] => array of columns / string of single column name used for ordering results. * * $select_data['group_by'] or $select_data['groupBy'] => array of columns / string of single column name used for ordering results. * * @param array $select_data * @return array The SELECT result or false on error */ public function select($select_data) { if ($this->testConnection()) { $table_name = isset($select_data['from']) ? $select_data['from'] : $select_data['select_from']; return $this->query('SELECT ' . $this->_to_sql_column_name($select_data['select']) . ' FROM ' . $this->table($table_name) . $this->_where($select_data) . $this->_group_by($select_data) . $this->_order_by($select_data) . $this->_query_limit($select_data)); } return false; } /** * Execute SQL INSERT. * * $insert_data['into'] => table name (mandatory). * * $insert_data['values'] => array of 'column_name' => column_value (mandatory). * * @param array $insert_data */ public function insert($insert_data) { if ($this->testConnection()) { return $this->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->table($insert_data['into']) . ' ' . $this->_values($insert_data['values'])); } return false; } /** * Execute SQL DELETE. * * $delete_data['from'] or $delete_data['delete_from'] => table name (mandatory). * * $delete_data['where'] => array of 'column_name' => column_value (default: no conditions). * * $delete_data['where_flat'] => array of 'condition' (default: no conditions). * * @param array $delete_data */ public function delete($delete_data) { if ($this->testConnection()) { $table_name = isset($delete_data['from']) ? $delete_data['from'] : $delete_data['delete_from']; return $this->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->table($table_name) . $this->_where($delete_data)); } return false; } /** * Execute SQL UPDATE. * * $update_data['update'] => table name (mandatory). * * $update_data['set'] => array of 'column_name' => column_value (mandatory). * * $update_data['where'] => array of 'column_name' => column_value (default: no conditions). * * $update_data['where_flat'] => array of 'condition' (default: no conditions). * * @param array $update_data */ public function update($update_data) { if ($this->testConnection()) { return $this->query('UPDATE ' . $this->table($update_data['update']) . ' ' . $this->_set($update_data['set']) . $this->_where($update_data)); } return false; } public function table($table_name): string { return '`' . (strlen($this->get_db_name()) > 0 ? $this->get_db_name() . '`.`' : '') . $this->_prefixed_table_name($table_name) . '`'; } private function _prefixed_table_name($table_name){ return $this->table_prefix . $table_name; } private function _values($values): string { return '(' . $this->_to_sql_column_name(array_keys($values)) . ') VALUES ' . $this->_to_sql_value(array_values($values)); } private function _set($values) : string { $set_array = array(); foreach ($values as $column => $value) { $set_array[] = $this->_to_sql_column_name($column) . '=' . $this->_to_sql_value($value); } return 'SET ' . implode(', ', $set_array); } private function _where($data) : string { $conditions = $this->_conditions($data); return count($conditions) ? ' WHERE ' . implode(" AND ", $conditions) : ''; } private function _conditions($data): array { $conditions = array(); if (isset($data['where'])) { foreach ($data['where'] as $column => $value) { $conditions[] = (is_string($value) ? 'BINARY ' : '') . '`' . $column . '` ' . (is_null($value) ? 'IS' : (is_array($value) ? 'IN' : '=')) . ' ' . $this->_to_sql_value($value); } } if (isset($data['where_flat'])) { if (is_string($data['where_flat'])) { $conditions[] = $data['where_flat']; } else if (is_array($data['where_flat'])) { foreach ($data['where_flat'] as $cond) { $conditions[] = $cond; } } } return $conditions; } private function _to_sql_value($value): string { if (is_null($value)) { return 'NULL'; } else if (is_array($value) && count($value)) { if (isset($value['fn'])) { return strtoupper($value['fn']) . '(' . (isset($value['value']) ? $this->_to_sql_value($value['value']) : '') . ')'; } else { return '(' . implode(', ', array_map(array($this, '_to_sql_value'), $value)) . ')'; } } else if (is_string($value)) { return '\'' . $this->escapeString($value) . '\''; } return $value; } private function _to_sql_column_name($column): string { if (isset($column)) { if (is_string($column)) { return '`' . $column . '`'; } if (is_array($column) && count($column)) { if (isset($column['column']) || isset($column['fn'])) { $name = $this->_to_sql_column_name($column['column']); $as = isset($column['as']) ? ' AS ' . $this->_to_sql_column_name($column['as']) : ''; return isset($column['fn']) ? strtoupper($column['fn']) . '(' . $name . ')' . $as : $name . $as; } else { return implode(', ', array_map(array($this, '_to_sql_column_name'), $column)); } } } return '*'; } private function _order_by($data): string { $order_data = isset($data['order_by']) ? $data['order_by'] : (isset($data['orderBy']) ? $data['orderBy'] : null); if (!is_null($order_data)) { $arr = array(); if (is_string($order_data)) { $arr[] = $this->_to_sql_column_name($order_data); } else if (is_array($order_data)) { foreach ($order_data as $k => $v) { if (is_int($k)) { $arr[] = $this->_to_sql_column_name($v); } else { $arr[] = $this->_to_sql_column_name($k) . ' ' . strtoupper($v); } } } return ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $arr); } return ''; } private function _group_by($data) : string { $group_by_data = isset($data['group_by']) ? $data['group_by'] : (isset($data['groupBy']) ? $data['groupBy'] : null); if(!is_null($group_by_data)){ return ' GROUP BY ' . $this->_to_sql_column_name($group_by_data); } return ''; } private function _query_limit($data): string { return isset($data['limit']) ? ' LIMIT ' . implode(', ', $data['limit']) : ''; } /** * Escape a MySQL query string. * * @param {string} $string The string to escape * * @return {string} The escaped string */ function escapeString($string) { return $this->driver->escapeString($string); } /** * Return the number of affected rows in the last query. * * @return {integer} The number of affected rows. */ function affectedRows() { return $this->driver->affectedRows(); } static function clone_local_tables(ImDb $db, array $table_names_map, bool $overwrite = false): array { $results = array(); if ($db->testConnection()) { foreach ($table_names_map as $master_table => $clone_table) { $res = array( 'master' => array( 'name' => $master_table, 'exist' => $db->tableExists($master_table), ), 'clone' => array( 'name' => $clone_table, 'exist' => $db->tableExists($clone_table), ) ); if ($res['clone']['exist'] && $overwrite) { $db->deleteTable($clone_table); } if ($res['master']['exist'] && (!$res['clone']['exist'] || $overwrite)) { $db->query('CREATE TABLE ' . $db->table($clone_table) . ' LIKE ' . $db->table($master_table)); $db->query('INSERT INTO ' . $db->table($clone_table) . ' SELECT * FROM ' . $db->table($master_table)); } $results[] = $res; } } return $results; } static function clone_remote_tables(ImDb $master_db, ImDb $clone_db, array $table_names_map, bool $overwrite = false): array { $results = array(); if ($master_db->testConnection() && $clone_db->testConnection()) { foreach ($table_names_map as $master_table => $clone_table) { $res = array( 'master' => array( 'name' => $master_table, 'exist' => $master_db->tableExists($master_table), ), 'clone' => array( 'name' => $clone_table, 'exist' => $clone_db->tableExists($clone_table), ) ); if ($res['clone']['exist'] && $overwrite) { $clone_db->deleteTable($clone_table); } if ($res['master']['exist'] && (!$res['clone']['exist'] || $overwrite)) { $create_table = $master_db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $master_db->table($master_table)); if (is_array($create_table)) { // Using preg_replace to replace just the first occurrency $create_table_query = preg_replace('/`' . preg_quote($master_table, '/') . '`/', $clone_db->table($clone_table), $create_table[0]['Create Table'], 1); $clone_db->query($create_table_query); $master_rows = $master_db->select(array('from' => $master_table)); foreach ($master_rows as $master_row) { $clone_db->insert(array( 'into' => $clone_table, 'values' => $master_row )); } } } $results[] = $res; } } return $results; } } /** * Analytics class * @access public */ class Analytics { private $db; private $table_name; public function __construct($db, $tableprefix) { $this->db = $db; $this->table_name = $tableprefix . "_visits"; if (!$this->db->testConnection()) { die("Analytics: Cannot connect to database"); } } /** * Register the visit of an url * * @param String $uid The current user unique id * @param String $url The visited url in the current domain * @param String $lang The user's language * @param String [$ts] The timestamp in php format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss. Leave null to set automatically. * * @return Bool True if the registration was ok */ public function visit($uid, $url, $lang, $ts = null) { $this->createTable(); if ($ts == null) { $ts = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } // Check that the uid is in the correct format if (!preg_match("/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-4[0-9A-F]{3}-[89AB][0-9A-F]{3}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i", $uid)) { return; } // Remove the text after the anchors $pos = strpos($url, "#"); if ($pos !== false) { $url = substr($url, 0, $pos); } // Remove the url params $pos = strpos($url, "?"); if ($pos !== false) { $url = substr($url, 0, $pos); } return $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->table_name, 'values' => array( 'ts' => $ts, 'uid' => $uid, 'lang' => $lang, 'url' => $url ) )); } /** * Get the unique visitors of the specified url * @param String $from The start date in format like 2015-06-25 15:00:00 * @param String $to The end date in format like 2015-06-25 15:00:00 * @param String $url The visited url. Leave empty to get the data of the whole site * * @return Array An array like $utcData => $numberOfVisitor */ public function getTotalSiteVisitors($from, $to, $url = null) { $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array( array('fn' => 'date', 'column' => 'ts', 'as' => 'date'), array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => array('fn' => 'distinct', 'column' => 'uid'), 'as' => 'count') ), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where' => $this->_where($url), 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to), 'group_by' => 'date', 'order_by' => 'date' )); $curDate = new DateTime($from); $endDate = new DateTime($to); $data = array(); // First create the empty array while ($curDate <= $endDate) { $data[$curDate->format("Y-m-d")] = 0; $curDate->modify("+1 day"); } if (is_array($results)) { // Then fill it with the known data foreach ($results as $entry) { $data[$entry['date']] = $entry['count']; } } return $data; } /** * Get the total page views * @param String $from The start date in format like 2015-06-25 15:00:00 * @param String $to The end date in format like 2015-06-25 15:00:00 * @param String $url The visited url. Leave empty to get the data of the whole site * * @return Array An array like $utcData => $numberOfViews */ public function getPageViews($from, $to, $url = null) { $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array( array('fn' => 'date', 'column' => 'ts', 'as' => 'date'), array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => 'url', 'as' => 'count') ), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where' => $this->_where($url), 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to), 'group_by' => 'date', 'order_by' => 'date' )); $curDate = new DateTime($from); $endDate = new DateTime($to); $data = array(); // First create the empty array while ($curDate <= $endDate) { $data[$curDate->format("Y-m-d")] = 0; $curDate->modify("+1 day"); } if (is_array($results)) { // Then fill it with the known data foreach ($results as $entry) { $data[$entry['date']] = $entry['count']; } } return $data; } /** * Get the total unique page views * @param String $from The start date in format like 2015-06-25 15:00:00 * @param String $to The end date in format like 2015-06-25 15:00:00 * @param String $url The visited url. Leave empty to get the data of the whole site * * @return Array An array like $utcData => $numberOfViews */ public function getUniquePageViews($from, $to, $url = null) { $results = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array( 'url', array('fn' => 'date', 'column' => 'ts', 'as' => 'date'), array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => array('fn' => 'distinct', 'column' => 'uid'), 'as' => 'count') ), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where' => $this->_where($url), 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to), 'group_by' => array('url', 'date'), 'order_by' => 'date' )); $curDate = new DateTime($from); $endDate = new DateTime($to); $data = array(); // First create the empty array while ($curDate <= $endDate) { $data[$curDate->format("Y-m-d")] = 0; $curDate->modify("+1 day"); } if (is_array($results)) { // Then fill it with the known data foreach ($results as $entry) { $data[$entry['date']] += $entry['count']; } } return $data; } /** * Get an array with the most visited urls * * @param String $from The start date * @param String $to The end date * @param String $number The number of pages you want to see. Set zero to fetch them all. * @param Bool $orderByUnique True to order by the unique count. False to order by the normal count. * * @return Array An array that contains the requested data */ public function getMostVisitedPages($from, $to, $number = 0, $orderByUnique = false) { $data = array( "total_count" => 0, "total_unique_count" => 0, "data" => array() ); $totalcount = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => 'url', 'as' => 'count'), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to) )); if (!is_array($totalcount)) { return $data; } $data['total_count'] = $totalcount[0]['count']; $uniquecountq = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => array('fn' => 'distinct', 'column' => 'url'), 'as' => 'count'), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to), 'group_by' => array('url', 'uid') )); if (!is_array($uniquecountq)) { return $data; } foreach ($uniquecountq as $count) { $data['total_unique_count'] += $count['count']; } $select = array( 'select' => array( 'url', array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => 'uid', 'as' => 'count'), array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => array('fn' => 'distinct', 'column' => 'uid'), 'as' => 'unique_count') ), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to), 'group_by' => 'url', 'order_by' => ($orderByUnique ? array('unique_count' => 'desc') : array('count' => 'desc')) ); if ($number > 0) { $select['limit'] = array(0, $number); } $results = $this->db->select($select); if (is_array($results)) { foreach ($results as $entry) { $data['data'][$entry['url']] = array( 'count' => $entry['count'], 'count_perc' => $entry['count'] / $data['total_count'], 'unique_count' => $entry['unique_count'], 'unique_count_perc' => $entry['unique_count'] / $data['total_unique_count'] ); } } return $data; } /** * Get an array with the most popular browser language * * @param String $from The start date * @param String $to The end date * @param Number $number The number of languages you want to see. Set zero to fetch them all. * * @return Array An array like $language => $count */ public function getBrowserLanguages($from, $to, $number = 0) { $data = array( "total_count" => 0, "data" => array() ); $total = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => array('fn' => 'distinct', 'column' => 'uid'), 'as' => 'count'), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to) )); if (!is_array($total)) { return $data; } $data['total_count'] = $total[0]['count']; $select = array( 'select' => array( 'lang', array('fn' => 'count', 'column' => array('fn' => 'distinct', 'column' => 'uid'), 'as' => 'count') ), 'from' => $this->table_name, 'where_flat' => $this->_where_flat($from, $to), 'group_by' => 'lang', 'order_by' => array('count' => 'desc') ); if ($number > 0) { $select['limit'] = array(0, $number); } $results = $this->db->select($select); if (is_array($results)) { foreach ($results as $entry) { $data['data'][$entry['lang']] = array( "count" => $entry['count'], "perc" => $entry['count'] / $data['total_count'] ); } } return $data; } /** * Create the DB tables used by the analytics system * * @return Void */ private function createTable() { if (!$this->db->tableExists($this->table_name)) { $this->db->createTable( $this->table_name, array( "id" => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'primary' => true, 'auto_increment' => true), "ts" => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP'), "uid" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(36)'), "lang" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(8)'), "url" => array('type' => 'TEXT') ) ); } } private function _where($url): array { if (is_null($url)) { return array(); } else { return array('url' => $url); } } private function _where_flat($from, $to): array { return array( 'DATE(`ts`) >= DATE(\'' . $this->db->escapeString($from) . '\')', 'DATE(`ts`) <= DATE(\'' . $this->db->escapeString($to) . '\')' ); } } class DynamicObject { private $body; private $storageId; private $defaultText; /** * Create a new DynamicObject * * @param string $storageId The id used to store this object */ function __construct($storageId) { $this->storageId = $storageId; $this->body = ""; $this->defaultText = ""; } function setDefaultText($text) { $this->defaultText = $text; } function setContent($content) { $this->body = $content; } function getContent() { if (strlen($this->body)) { return $this->body; } return $this->defaultText; } /** * Setup the folder * * @param string $folder The folder path to prepare * * @return string */ function prepFolder($folder) { if (strlen(trim($folder)) == 0) { return "./"; } if (substr($folder, 0, -1) != "/") { $folder .= "/"; } return $folder; } function loadFromFile($folder) { $folder = $this->prepFolder($folder); if (file_exists($folder . $this->storageId . ".txt")) { $this->body = @file_get_contents($folder . $this->storageId . ".txt"); } else { $this->body = ""; } } function saveToFile($folder) { $folder = $this->prepFolder($folder); if ($folder != "" && $folder != "/" && $folder != "." && $folder != "./" && !file_exists($folder)) { @mkdir($folder, 0777, true); } return @file_put_contents($folder . $this->storageId . ".txt", $this->body); } function loadFromDb($db, $table) { if (!$db->testConnection()) { return false; } $data = $db->select(array('from' => $table, 'where' => array('id' => $this->storageId))); if (is_bool($data)) { return false; } if (!isset($data[0]['body'])) { return false; } $this->body = $data[0]['body']; return true; } function saveToDb($db, $table) { if (!$db->testConnection()) { return false; } $db->createTable( $table, array( "id" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(32)', 'primary' => true), "body" => array('type' => 'MEDIUMTEXT') ) ); $exists = $db->select(array('from' => $table, 'where' => array('id' => $this->storageId))); if ($exists) { return $db->update(array('update' => $table, 'set' => array('body' => $this->body), 'where' => array('id' => $this->storageId))); } return $db->insert(array('into' => $table, 'values' => array('id' => $this->storageId, 'body' => $this->body))); } } /** * Provide support for sending and saving the email form data */ class ImForm { var $fields = array(); var $files = array(); var $answers = array(); /** * Set the data of a field * * @param string $label The field label * @param strin $value The field value * @param string $dbname The name to use in the db * @param boolean $isSeparator True if this field must be used as separator in the email * * @return boolean */ function setField($label, $value, $dbname = "", $isSeparator = false) { $this->fields[] = array( "label" => $label, "value" => is_null($value) ? "" : $value, "dbname" => $dbname, "isSeparator" => $isSeparator ); return true; } /** * Provide the currently set fields * * @return array */ function fields() { return $this->fields; } /** * Set a file field * * @param string $label The field label * @param file $value The $_FILE[id] content * @param string $folder The folder in which the file must be saved * @param string $dbname The db column in which this filed must be saved * @param mixed $extensions The extensions allowed for the file (string or array) * @param integer $maxsize The max size (0 to not check this) * * @param integer 1 = No file uploaded, 0 = success, -1 = generic error, -2 = extension not allowed, -3 = File too large */ function setFile($label, $value, $folder = "", $dbname = "", $extensions = array(), $maxsize = 0) { if (is_string($extensions)) $extensions = strlen($extensions) ? explode(",", trim(strtolower($extensions), ",")) : array(); // WSXELE-738: Fix extensions separated by spaces for ($i = 0; $i < count($extensions); $i++) { $extensions[$i] = trim($extensions[$i]); } $exists = file_exists($value['tmp_name']); if (!$exists) return 1; // If the file doesn't exists it means that it was not uploaded $fileExtension = strtolower(substr($value['name'], strpos($value['name'], ".") + 1)); $extension = (count($extensions) == 0 || in_array($fileExtension, $extensions)); $size = ($maxsize == 0 || $maxsize >= $value['size']); if (!$extension) return -2; if (!$size) return -3; if ($folder != "" && substr($folder, 0, -1) != "/") $folder .= "/"; $this->files[] = array( "value" => $value, "label" => $label, "dbname" => $dbname, "folder" => $folder, // Save the file content to set is as available for every istance in the class // This because after calling move_uploaded_file the temp file is not available anymore "content" => @file_get_contents($value['tmp_name']) ); return 0; } /** * Provides the currently set files * * @return array */ function files() { return $this->files; } /** * Set the answer to check * * @param string $questionId The question id * @param string $answer The correct answer * * @return void */ function setAnswer($questionId, $answer) { $this->answers[$questionId] = $answer; } /** * Check if the answer $answer is correct for question $questionId * * @param string $questionId The question id * @param string $answer The answer * * @return boolean */ function checkAnswer($questionId, $answer) { $questionId = strval($questionId); return (isset($this->answers[$questionId]) && trim(strtolower($this->answers[$questionId])) == trim(strtolower($answer))); } /** * Provides the currently set answers * * @return array */ function answers() { return $this->answers; } /** * Save the data in the database * * @param string $host * @param string $user * @param string $passwd * @param string $database * @param string $table * * @return boolean */ function saveToDb($db, $table) { if (!$db->testConnection()) return false; $fields = array(); // WSXTWE-1215: Add an autoincrement primary key $fields["id"] = array( "type" => "INT(11)", "null" => false, "auto_increment" => true, "primary" => true ); $i = 0; $insert = array('into' => $table, 'values' => array()); foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if (!$field['isSeparator']) { $name = isset($field['dbname']) && $field['dbname'] !== "" ? $field['dbname'] : "field_" . $i++; $fields[$name] = array( "type" => "TEXT" ); $insert['values'][$name] = is_array($field['value']) ? implode(", ", $field['value']) : $field['value']; } } $i = 0; foreach ($this->files as $file) { $fieldname = isset($file['dbname']) && $file['dbname'] !== "" ? $file['dbname'] : "file_" . $i++; $filename = $this->findFileName($file['folder'], $file['value']['name']); $fields[$fieldname] = array( "type" => "TEXT" ); $insert['values'][$fieldname] = $filename; // Create and check the folder $folder = "../"; if (($pos = strpos($file['folder'], "/")) === 0) $file['folder'] = substr($file['folder'], 1); $folder .= $file['folder']; if ($folder != "../" && !file_exists($folder)) @mkdir($folder, 0777, true); $folder = str_replace("//", "/", $folder .= $filename); // Save the file @move_uploaded_file($file['value']['tmp_name'], $folder); } // Create the table $db->createTable($table, $fields); // Save the fields data $db->insert($insert); $db->closeConnection(); return true; } /** * Find a free filename * * @param string $folder The folder in which the file is being saved * @param string $tmp_name The filename * * @return string The new name */ function findFileName($folder, $tmp_name) { $pos = strrpos($tmp_name, "."); $ext = ($pos !== false ? substr($tmp_name, $pos) : ""); $fname = basename($tmp_name, $ext); do { $rname = $fname . "_" . rand(0, 10000) . $ext; } while (file_exists($folder . $rname)); return $rname; } /** * Send the email to the site's owner * * @param string $from * @param string $replyTo * @param string $to * @param string $subject * @param string $text The email body * @param boolean $csv Attach the CSV files? * * @return boolean */ function mailToOwner($from, $replyTo, $to, $subject, $text, $csv = false) { global $ImMailer; //Form Data $txtData = strip_tags($text); if (strlen($txtData)) $txtData .= "\n\n"; $htmData = nl2br($text); if (strlen($htmData)) $htmData .= "\n

\n"; $htmData .= "\r\n"; $csvHeader = ""; $csvData = ""; $firstField = true; foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field['isSeparator']) { // // This field is a form separator // $txtData .= (!$firstField ? "\r\n" : "") . $field['label'] . "\r\n" . str_repeat("=", strlen($field['label'])) . "\r\n"; $htmData .= "\r\n"; } else { // // This field is a classic form field // $label = ($field['label'] != "" ? $field['label'] . ": " : ""); if (is_array($field['value'])) { $txtData .= $label . implode(", ", $field['value']) . "\r\n"; $htmData .= "\r\n"; if ($csv) { $csvHeader .= $field['label'] . ";"; $csvData .= implode(", ", $field['value']) . ";"; } } else { $txtData .= $label . $field['value'] . "\r\n"; // Is it an email? if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9])(([-a-z0-9._])*([a-z0-9]))*\@([a-z0-9])' . '(([a-z0-9-])*([a-z0-9]))+' . '(\.([a-z0-9])([-a-z0-9_-])?([a-z0-9])+)+$/i', $field['value'])) { $htmData .= "\r\n"; } else if (preg_match('/^http[s]?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]{2,}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}/', $field['value'])) { // Is it an URL? $htmData .= "\r\n"; } else { $htmData .= "\r\n"; } if ($csv) { $csvHeader .= str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['label']) . ";"; $csvData .= str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['value']) . ";"; } } } $firstField = false; } $htmData .= "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['label']) . "
" . $label . "" . implode(", ", $field['value']) . "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $label) . "". $field['value'] . "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $label) . "". $field['value'] . "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $label) . "" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['value']) . "
"; $attachments = array(); if ($csv) { $attachments[] = array( "name" => "form_data.csv", "content" => $csvHeader . "\n" . $csvData, "mime" => "text/csv" ); } foreach ($this->files as $file) { $attachments[] = array( 'name' => $file['value']['name'], 'content' => $file['content'], 'mime' => $file['value']['type'] ); } return $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, $subject, $txtData, $htmData, $attachments); } /** * Send the email to the site's customer * * @param string $from * @param string $reolyTo * @param string $to * @param string $subject * @param string $text The email body * @param boolean $summary Append the data to the email? (It's not an attachment) * * @return boolean */ function mailToCustomer($from, $replyTo, $to, $subject, $text, $csv = false) { global $ImMailer; //Form Data $txtData = strip_tags($text); if (strlen($txtData)) $txtData .= "\n\n"; $htmData = nl2br($text); if (strlen($htmData)) $htmData .= "\n

\n"; $csvHeader = ""; $csvData = ""; $firstField = true; if ($csv) { $htmData .= "\r\n"; foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field['isSeparator']) { // // This field is a form separator // $txtData .= (!$firstField ? "\r\n" : "") . $field['label'] . "\r\n" . str_repeat("=", strlen($field['label'])) . "\r\n"; $htmData .= "\r\n"; } else { // // This field is a classic form field // $label = ($field['label'] != "" ? $field['label'] . ": " : ""); if (is_array($field['value'])) { $txtData .= $label . implode(", ", $field['value']) . "\r\n"; $htmData .= "\r\n"; if ($csv) { $csvHeader .= $field['label'] . ";"; $csvData .= implode(", ", $field['value']) . ";"; } } else { $txtData .= $label . $field['value'] . "\r\n"; // Is it an email? if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9])(([-a-z0-9._])*([a-z0-9]))*\@([a-z0-9])' . '(([a-z0-9-])*([a-z0-9]))+' . '(\.([a-z0-9])([-a-z0-9_-])?([a-z0-9])+)+$/i', $field['value'])) { $htmData .= "\r\n"; } else if (preg_match('/^http[s]?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]{2,}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}/', $field['value'])) { // Is it an URL? $htmData .= "\r\n"; } else { $htmData .= "\r\n"; } if ($csv) { $csvHeader .= str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['label']) . ";"; $csvData .= str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['value']) . ";"; } } } $firstField = false; } $htmData .= "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['label']) . "
" . $label . "" . implode(", ", $field['value']) . "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $label) . "". $field['value'] . "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $label) . "". $field['value'] . "
" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $label) . "" . str_replace(array("\\'", '\\"'), array("'", '"'), $field['value']) . "
\n"; } return $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, $subject, $txtData, $htmData); } } /** * Blog class * @access public */ class ImGuestbook { /** * Get all the comments from all the guestbooks in the current website * * @param String $from The start date (can be empty) * @param String $to The end date (can be empty) * @param Boolean $approved True to get only the approved comments, false to the only the ones waiting for validation * * @return Array */ static public function getAllComments($from = "", $to = "", $approved = true) { global $imSettings; $commentsArray = array(); foreach ($imSettings['guestbooks'] as $gb) { $comments = new ImTopic($gb['id'], "", "../", "index.php?id=" . $gb['id']); if ($gb['sendmode'] == "db") $comments->loadDb(ImDb::from_db_data(getDbData($gb['dbid'])), $gb['table']); else $comments->loadXML($gb['folder']); foreach ($comments->getComments($from, $to, $approved) as $comment) { $comment['topicid'] = $gb['id']; $comment['title'] = ""; $commentsArray[] = $comment; } } usort($commentsArray, array("ImTopic", "compareCommentsArray")); return $commentsArray; } } /** * Manage the redirect to different pages basin gon the user's language */ class LanguageRedirect { /** * The associative array of language => page * @var array */ private $languages; private $defaultUrl; public function __construct() { $this->languages = array(); $this->defaultUrl = ""; } /** * Add a redirect rule * * @param String $langId The language id * @param String $redirectUrl The url to wich the user is redirect to * * @return void */ public function addRedirectRule($langId, $redirectUrl) { if (strlen($langId) > 0 && strlen($redirectUrl) > 0) { $parsedLang = $this->parseLanguage($langId); if ($parsedLang !== false) { $this->languages[] = array( "language" => $parsedLang, "url" => $redirectUrl ); } } } /** * Set the default redirect URL used when the set languages are not enough. * * @param String $url The default url * * @return void */ public function setDefaultUrl($url) { $this->defaultUrl = $url; } /** * Get the redirect URL basing on the current language and the rules set * * @return String The URL */ public function getRedirectUrl() { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) { $detectedLangs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); $matches = array(); // Look for all the languages that match as primary foreach ($detectedLangs as $lang) { $lang = $this->parseLanguage($lang); // Look for a similar language foreach ($this->languages as $entry) { if (strtolower($lang["primary"]) == strtolower($entry["language"]["primary"])) { // If this is the first language that matches as primary, just keep it // Or if this language is not the first to match, make sure that matches with the other ones already in the list if (count($matches) == 0 || $matches[0]["language"]["primary"] == $entry["language"]["primary"]) { $matches[] = $entry; } } } } // Look if there are some specific matches if (count($matches) > 0) { foreach ($detectedLangs as $lang) { $lang = $this->parseLanguage($lang); // Look for the very same language foreach ($matches as $entry) { if (strtolower($lang["primary"]) == strtolower($entry["language"]["primary"]) && strtolower($lang["subtag"]) == strtolower($entry["language"]["subtag"])) { return $entry["url"]; } } } return $matches[0]["url"]; } } // Or return the default url return $this->defaultUrl; } /** * Execute the redirect basing on the specified languages * * @return bool True if the redirect is being made */ public function redirect() { $url = $this->getRedirectUrl(); if (strlen($url)) { echo ""; return true; } return false; } /** * Parse a string (RFC 2616) and convert it to a language array * @param String $languageString The string to be parsed * @return array An associative array containing the language data or false on error */ private function parseLanguage($languageString) { $pattern = '/^(?P[a-zA-Z]{2,8})' . '(?:-(?P[a-zA-Z]{2,8}))?(?:(?:;q=)' . '(?P\d\.\d))?$/'; if (preg_match($pattern, $languageString, $splits)) { return array( "primary" => $splits["primarytag"], "subtag" => isset($splits["subtag"]) ? $splits["subtag"] : "", "quantifier" => isset($splits["quantifier"]) ? $splits["quantifier"] : "" ); } return false; } } /** * Manage the notifications to the WSX5 Manager server */ class Notifier { public $siteTitle; public $siteImage; private $publicKey; private $privateKey; private $serverUrl; private $siteUrl; /** * Create a new notifier that uses the provided keys * * @param string $siteUrl This site url * @param string $serverUrl * @param string $privateKey * @param string $publicKey */ public function __construct($siteUrl, $serverUrl, $privateKey, $publicKey) { $this->publicKey = $publicKey; $this->privateKey = $privateKey; $this->serverUrl = trim($serverUrl, "/") . "/"; $this->siteUrl = $siteUrl; $this->siteTitle = ""; $this->siteImage = ""; } /** * Send a notification to the server * * @param string $type The notification type * @param string $extra The extra data to send (JSON) * * @return void */ public function sendNotification($type, $extra) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $this->serverUrl . "notify"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("X-Key: " . $this->signUrl("notify"))); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // To avoid echoing the response curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array( "url" => $this->siteUrl, "type" => $type, "title" => $this->siteTitle, "image" => $this->siteImage, "extra" => $extra )); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } /** * Sign an url given the public and the private keys * * @param string $url The url that should be signed * * @return string The url signature */ private function signUrl($url) { $uriChunks = explode('/', $url); $chunks_md5s = ""; foreach ($uriChunks as $uri_chunk) { if ($uri_chunk != '') { $chunks_md5s .= md5($uri_chunk); } } $chunks_signature = md5($chunks_md5s . $this->privateKey); return $this->publicKey . substr($chunks_signature, 16); } } /** * @summary * Provides a set of useful methods for managing the private area, the users and the accesses. * To use it, you must include __x5engine.php__ in your code. * * @description Create a new ImDb Object * * @class * @constructor */ class imPrivateArea { private const CNG_PWD_TOKEN_LENGTH = 32; private const CNG_PWD_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME = 86400; //1 day public $admin_email; private $session_type; private $session_email; private $session_real_name; private $session_first_name; private $session_last_name; private $session_uid; private $session_gids; private $session_page; private $session_change_pwd_request; private $cookie_name; private $salt; private $db = false; private $db_table; function __construct() { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $this->session_type = "im_access_utype"; $this->session_email = "im_access_email"; $this->session_real_name = "im_access_real_name"; $this->session_first_name = "im_access_first_name"; $this->session_last_name = "im_access_last_name"; $this->session_page = "im_access_request_page"; $this->session_change_pwd_request = 'im_access_change_pwd_request'; $this->session_uid = "im_access_uid"; $this->session_gids = "im_access_gids"; $this->cookie_name = "im_access_cookie_uid"; $this->salt = $imSettings['general']['salt']; } /** * Login a user with username and password * * @param {string} $email Email (or username on fallback) * @param {string} $pwd Password * * @return {int} An error code: * -5 if the user email is not validated, * -2 if the username or password are invalid, * -1 if there's a db error, * 0 if the process exits correctly */ public function login($email, $pwd) { if (!strlen($email) || !strlen($pwd)) return -2; $user = $this->getUser($email, $pwd); if (is_array($user)) { if (!$user['validated']) { return -5; } else if ($this->_setLoggedUser($user)) { return 0; } } return -2; } public function getUser($username, $pwd) { $user = $this->getUserByUsername($username); if ($user && self::_check_password($pwd, $user['password'], $user['crypt_encoding'])) { return $user; } return false; } private static function _encode_password($pwd){ return self::_password_crypt_encoding()['encode']($pwd); } private static function _check_password($pwd, $encoded, $encoding_id){ return self::_password_crypt_encoding($encoding_id)['check']($pwd, $encoded); } private static function _password_crypt_encoding($encoding_id = null){ $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); return isset( $imSettings['access']['password_crypt']['encodings'][$encoding_id]) ? $imSettings['access']['password_crypt']['encodings'][$encoding_id] : $imSettings['access']['password_crypt']['encodings'][$imSettings['access']['password_crypt']['encoding_id']]; } public function encrypt_DB_passwords($no_crypt_encoding_id) { $encoding_id = Configuration::getSettings()['access']['password_crypt']['encoding_id']; $select = $this->db->select(array( "select" => array("id", "password"), "from" => $this->db_table, "where_flat" => "crypt_encoding = '" . $no_crypt_encoding_id . "' OR crypt_encoding = '' OR crypt_encoding is NULL" )); if (!is_bool($select)) { foreach ($select as $info) { $this->db->update(array( "update" => $this->db_table, "set" => array( "password" => self::_encode_password($info['password']), "crypt_encoding" => $encoding_id ), "where" => array('id' => $info['id']) )); } } } /** * Logout a user * * @return {Void} */ public function logout() { $_SESSION[$this->session_type] = ""; $_SESSION[$this->session_email] = ""; $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] = ""; $_SESSION[$this->session_page] = ""; $_SESSION[$this->session_gids] = array(); $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = ""; im_set_cookie($this->cookie_name, "", time() - 3600, "/"); $_COOKIE[im_cookie_name($this->cookie_name)] = ""; } /** * Save the current page as the referer * * @param {String} $page The page to store * * @return {Void} */ public function savePage($page = "") { $url = strlen($page) ? $page : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_SESSION[$this->session_page] = $this->_encode($url, $this->salt); } /** * Clear the current saved page */ public function clearSavedPage() { $_SESSION[$this->session_page] = ""; } /** * Return the referer page name (the one which caused the user to land on the login page). * * @method getSavedPage * * @return {mixed} The name of the page or false if no referer is available. */ public function getSavedPage() { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); if (isset($_SESSION[$this->session_page]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_page] != "") return $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_page], $this->salt); return false; } /** * Use whoIsLogged instead * * @deprecated * * @return {mixed} */ public function who_is_logged() { return $this->whoIsLogged(); } /** * Get an array of data about the logged user * * @return {mixed} An array containing the data of the current logged user or false if no user is logged. */ public function whoIsLogged() { if (isset($_SESSION[$this->session_email]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_email] != "" && isset($_SESSION[$this->session_email])) { $email = $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_email], $this->salt); $firstname = trim($this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_first_name], $this->salt)); $lastname = trim($this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_last_name], $this->salt)); $uid = isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uid]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] != "" ? $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uid], $this->salt) : ""; $groups = isset($_SESSION[$this->session_gids]) ? $_SESSION[$this->session_gids] : ""; return array( "email" => $email, "uid" => $uid, "firstname" => $firstname, "lastname" => $lastname, "groups" => $groups, // Compatibility mode for the old code snippets "realname" => strlen($firstname) || strlen($lastname) ? trim($firstname . " " . $lastname) : $email, "username" => $email ); } return false; } /** * Check if the logged user can access to a specific page. * The page is provided using its page id. * * @param {int} $page The page id. You can retrieve the page id from the file x5settings.php. * * @return {int} 0 if the current user can access the page, * -2 if the XSS security checks are not met * -3 if the user is not logged * -4 if the user is still not validated * -8 if the user cannot access the page */ public function checkAccess($page) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); // // The session can live only in the same browser // if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->session_type]) || $_SESSION[$this->session_type] == "" || !isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uid]) || $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] == "") return -3; if (!isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] != md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $this->salt)) return -2; if ($this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_type], $this->salt) == "0" && $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] != "") { if (!@in_array($page, $imSettings['access']['waitingpages'])) return -4; return 0; } $uid = $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uid], $this->salt); if ((!isset($imSettings['access']['pages'][$page]) || !@in_array($uid, $imSettings['access']['pages'][$page])) && !@in_array($uid, $imSettings['access']['admins'])) return -8; // The active user cannot access to this page return 0; } /** * Get the current user's landing page. * * @return {mixed} The filename of the user's landing page or false if the * user is not logged or has no landing page. */ public function getLandingPage() { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->session_type]) || !isset($_SESSION[$this->session_email]) || $_SESSION[$this->session_email] === '' || !isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uid]) || $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] === '') return false; if ($this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_type], $this->salt) == "0") return $imSettings['access']['entrancepage']; // WSX5-845: The registration page can be activated or deactivated // The following may return boolean value 'false' if the user has no // active landing page $session_email = $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_email], $this->salt); if (isset($imSettings['access']['users'][$session_email])) { return $imSettings['access']['users'][$session_email]['page']; } return false; } /** * Convert a status code to a text message * * @param {int} $code The error code * * @return {string} The text message related to the provided error code */ public function messageFromStatusCode($code) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); switch ($code) { // Error case -12 : return l10n("private_area_password_recovery_not_equals_passwords", "Confirmation password is different from password."); case -11 : return l10n("private_area_password_recovery_expired_token", "Your change password request has expired, do it again."); case -10 : return l10n("private_area_password_recovery_bad_request", "Bad Request!"); case -9 : $reason = l10n("form_password", "The password entered must comply with the following rules:"); $reason = $reason . "
" . str_replace("{0}", $imSettings['password_policy']['minimum_characters'], l10n("form_password_length", "- at least {0} characters")); if($imSettings['password_policy']['include_uppercase']){ $reason = $reason . "
" . l10n("form_password_upper", "- at least one capital letter (A-Z)"); } if($imSettings['password_policy']['include_numeric']){ $reason = $reason . "
" . l10n("form_password_numeric", "- at least one number (0-9)"); } if($imSettings['password_policy']['include_special']){ $reason = $reason . "
" . l10n("form_password_special", "- at least one special character (!@#$%&*()<>?)"); } return $reason; case -8 : return l10n("private_area_account_not_allowed", "Your account is not allowed to access the selected page"); case -7 : return l10n("private_area_lostpassword_error", "We cannot find your data."); case -6 : return l10n("private_area_user_already_exists", "The user already exists."); case -5 : return l10n("private_area_not_validated", "Your account is not yet validated."); case -4 : return l10n("private_area_waiting", "Your account is not yet active."); //case -3 : return l10n("private_area_not_allowed", "A login is required to access this page."); case -2 : return l10n("private_area_login_error", "Wrong username or password."); case 0 : case -1 : return l10n("private_area_generic_error", "Generic error."); // Success case 1 : return l10n('private_area_login_success', "Login succesful."); case 2 : return l10n('private_area_validation_sent', 'We sent you a validation email.'); case 3 : return l10n('private_area_registration_success', 'You are now registered.'); case 4 : return l10n('private_area_lostpassword_success', 'We sent you an email with your password.'); default : return ""; } } /** * Redirect in a session safe mode. IIS requires this. * * @ignore * * @param {string} $to The redirect URL. * * @return {void} */ public function sessionSafeRedirect($to) { exit('Loading...


'); } /** * Get the data about a user. * * @param {string} $id The username * * @return {mixed} The user's data (As associative array) or null if the user is not found. * The associative array contains the following keys: id, ts, ip, username, password, realname, email, key, validated, groups, hash */ public function getUserByUsername($username) { // Search in the DB if ($this->db) { $users = $this->_get_db_users(array('email' => $username)); if (is_array($users) && count($users) > 0) { return $users[0]; } } return self::_get_local_user($username);; } private static function _get_local_user($username) { $user = self::_get_local_user_info($username); if ($user && !$user['db_stored']) { return $user; } return null; } private static function _get_local_user_info($username) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); if (isset($imSettings['access']['users'][$username])) { $user = $imSettings['access']['users'][$username]; return array( 'user_type' => '1', 'db_stored' => $user['db_stored'], "id" => $user['id'], "ts" => "", "ip" => "", "username" => $username, "email" => $username, "password" => $user['password'], "orderscount" => Configuration::getCart()->getOrdersCountByEmail($user['email']), "firstname" => $user['firstname'], "lastname" => $user['lastname'], // Compatibility mode for old code snippets "realname" => isset($user['realname']) ? $user['realname'] : trim($user['firstname'] . " " . $user['lastname']), "key" => "", "validated" => true, "groups" => $user['groups'], "hash" => self::_getUserHash($username, $user['password']), "crypt_encoding" => $user['crypt_encoding'] ); } return null; } /** * Get the user data relative to an hash. * This method is available only in the **Professional** edition. * * @param {string} $hash The user's hash * * @return {array} An associative array containing the users' data or false if the user is not found * The array keys are: id, ts, ip, username, password, realname, email, key, validated, hash */ public function getUserByHash($hash) { // Look inside the database foreach ($this->_get_db_users() as $data) { if ($data['hash'] == $hash) { return $data; } } // Look inside the static entries foreach (Configuration::getSettings()['access']['users'] as $user => $data) { if (self::_getUserHash($user, $data['password']) == $hash) { return $this->getUserByUsername($user); } } return false; } /** * Get the login token for the provided username * * @ignore * * @param {string} $username * @return {array} An associative array with the token and the expiration date in seconds since * the Unix Epoch or false if the user was not found */ public function getUserLoginToken($username) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); if (is_array($this->getUserByUsername($username))) { $expires = date("U", strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59"))); $date = date("Y-m-d"); // if the expiration time is less than 10 minutes, move it to the next day if ($expires - date("U") < 600) { $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day")); $expires = date("U", strtotime(date("Y-m-d 23:59:59")) + 60 * 60 * 24); } return array( "token" => sha1($username . $date . $imSettings['general']['salt']), "expires" => $expires ); } return false; } /** * Execute the login action using a token * * @ignore * * @param {string} $token The login token * @return {number} The same codes returned by the login function */ public function loginByToken($token) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); // Look inside the database foreach ($this->_get_db_users() as $data) { if (self::_isTokenValidForUser($token, $data['email'])) { if ($this->_setLoggedUser($data)) { return 0; } } } // Look inside the static entries foreach ($imSettings['access']['users'] as $user => $data) { if (self::_isTokenValidForUser($token, $user)) { if ($this->_setLoggedUser(self::_get_local_user($user))) { return 0; } } } return -2; } /** * Check that a token is valid for the provided user * @param {string} $token * @param {string} $username * @return boolean */ private static function _isTokenValidForUser($token, $username) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $token1 = sha1($username . date("Y-m-d") . $imSettings['general']['salt']); $token2 = sha1($username . date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day")) . $imSettings['general']['salt']); return $token == $token1 || $token == $token2; } /** * Get the user data relative to a set of user ids. * This method is available only in the **Professional** edition. * * @param {array} $ids The array of user ids. * @param String $from The start date in YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format * @param String $to The end date in YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format * * @return {array} An array of associative arrays containing the users' data. * The array keys are: id, ts, ip, username, password, realname, email, key, validated, hash */ public function getUsersById($ids = array(), $from = "", $to = "") { if (is_string($ids)) { if (strlen($ids)) { $ids = array_map('trim', explode(',', $ids)); } else { $ids = array(); } } $ids_count = count($ids); $where_conditions = array(); $id_condition = $ids_count == 1 ? intval($ids[0]) : ($ids_count > 1 ? array_map('intval', $ids) : false); if ($id_condition) { $where_conditions['id'] = $id_condition; } return $this->_get_db_users($where_conditions, $from, $to); } private function _user_query($where_conditions = array(), $from = "", $to = "") { if ($this->db) { $flat_conditions = array(); if (strlen($from)) { $flat_conditions[] = "`ts` >= '" . $this->db->escapeString($from) . "'"; } if (strlen($to)) { $flat_conditions[] = "`ts` <= '" . $this->db->escapeString($to) . "'"; } return $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('id', 'ts', 'ip', 'password', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'key', 'validated', 'crypt_encoding'), 'from' => $this->db_table, 'where' => $where_conditions, 'where_flat' => $flat_conditions )); } return false; } private function _get_db_users($where_conditions = array(), $from = "", $to = "") { $users = array(); $db_users = $this->_user_query($where_conditions, $from, $to); if ($db_users) { $default_groups_array = array(Configuration::getSettings()['access']['webregistrations_gid']); $ecommerce = Configuration::getCart(); foreach ($db_users as $user) { $local_user = self::_get_local_user_info($user['email']); $users[] = array( 'user_type' => isset($local_user['user_type']) ? $local_user['user_type'] : '0', 'db_stored' => true, "id" => isset($local_user['id']) ? $local_user['id'] : $user['id'], "ts" => $user['ts'], "ip" => $user['ip'], 'username' => $user['email'], "email" => $user['email'], "password" => $user['password'], "orderscount" => $ecommerce->getOrdersCountByEmail($user['email']), "firstname" => $user['firstname'], "lastname" => $user['lastname'], // Compatibility with older code snippets "realname" => isset($user['realname']) ? $user['realname'] : trim($user['firstname'] . " " . $user['lastname']), "key" => $user['key'], "validated" => $user['validated'], 'groups' => isset($local_user['groups']) ? $local_user['groups'] : $default_groups_array, "hash" => self::_getUserHash($user['email'], $user['password']), 'crypt_encoding' => $user['crypt_encoding'] ); } } return $users; } /** * Setup the db connection. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param {string} $host * @param {string} $username * @param {string} $password * @param {string} $dbname * @param {string} $dbtable * * @return {Void} */ public function setDBData($db, $dbtable) { $this->db = $db; if ($this->db->testConnection()) { $this->db_table = $dbtable; $this->createUsersTable(); return $this->db; } die("Unable to connect to DB"); } /** * Get an encoded JSON list of the waiting users' data. * A waiting user is simply a users that has not been downloaded yet. * It does not matter if it's validated or not. * * @ignore * * @param string $encKey The encryption key used to encode the json data * * @return string */ public function getWaitingUsers($encKey = "") { if (!$this->db) { return ""; } $users = array( "extra" => array("timestamp" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), "users" => array() ); if ($this->db->tableExists($this->db_table)) { $users["users"] = $this->_get_db_users(); } return json_encode($users); } public function getDbUsers($wsx5_call_version) { if (!$this->db) { return ""; } $users = array( "extra" => array("version" => 1, "wsx5CallVersion" => $wsx5_call_version, "timestamp" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")), "users" => array() ); if ($this->db->tableExists($this->db_table)) { $users["users"] = $this->_user_query(); } return json_encode($users); } /** * Validate the waiting users listed in $ids. It must be an array of DB ids. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param array $dbid * * @return bool */ public function validateWaitingUserById($dbids = array()) { if (!is_array($dbids)) $dbids = array($dbids); if (!count($dbids)) return false; $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->db_table, 'set' => array('validated' => 1), 'where' => array('validated' => 0, 'id' => $dbids) )); return $this->db->affectedRows() > 0; } /** * Validate the waiting users listed in $keys. It must be an array of DB keys. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param array $keys * @param boolean $login Automatically login the user if validation is succesful * * @return booleal */ public function validateWaitingUserByKey($keys = array(), $login = false) { if (!is_array($keys)) $keys = array($keys); $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->db_table, 'set' => array('validated' => 1, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'ts' => array('fn' => 'now')), 'where' => array('validated' => 0, 'key' => $keys) )); if ($login && count($keys) == 1 && $this->db->affectedRows()){ $user = $this->getUserByUsername($this->db->select(array("select" => "email", "from" => $this->db_table, "where" => array("key" => $keys[0])))[0]); return $this->_setLoggedUser($user); } return $this->db->affectedRows() > 0; } /** * Remove the remaining waiting users. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param string $ts Remove only the users registered before this timestamp. * @param array $usersToKeep Remove all the users but keep the ones listed in this array * * @return void */ public function removeWaitingUsers($ts, $usersToKeep = array()) { if (!$this->db || !$this->db->tableExists($this->db_table)) return; $query = array('delete_from' => $this->db_table, 'where_flat' => array('`ts`<=\'' . $this->db->escapeString($ts) . '\'')); if (!is_array($usersToKeep)) $usersToKeep = array($usersToKeep); if (count($usersToKeep)) $query['where_flat'][] = "id NOT IN (" . implode(",", $this->db->escapeString($usersToKeep)) . ")"; $this->db->delete($query); } /** * Get the validation key of user $dbid. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param string $dbid * * @return string The validation key */ public function getKeyFromId($dbid) { $key = $this->db->select(array('select' => 'key', 'from' => $this->db_table, 'where' => array('id' => (int) $dbid))); if (!is_bool($key) && count($key)) return $key[0]['key']; return false; } /** * Create the users table if it doesn't exist * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @return void */ public function createUsersTable() { if ($this->db) { $this->db->createTable( $this->db_table, array( "id" => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'primary' => true, 'auto_increment' => true), "ts" => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP'), "ip" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(45)'), "password" => array('type' => 'TEXT'), "firstname" => array('type' => 'TEXT', "default" => "NULL"), "lastname" => array('type' => 'TEXT', "default" => "NULL"), "email" => array('type' => 'TEXT'), "key" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(32)'), "validated" => array('type' => 'INT(1)'), "crypt_encoding" => array('type' => 'TEXT', 'null' => true, 'default' => null), "cng_pwd_token" => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(' . 2 * self::CNG_PWD_TOKEN_LENGTH . ')', 'null' => true, 'unique' => true, 'default' => null), "cng_pwd_token_expire" => array('type' => 'INT(11)', 'null' => true, 'default' => null) ) ); // Compatibility: the realname field used in the old tables // did not set a default text...so it fails during inserts $col = $this->db->tableColumns(array('table'=>$this->db_table, 'like' => 'realname')); if (is_array($col) && count($col)) { $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $this->db->table($this->db_table) . "` CHANGE `realname` `realname` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL"); } } } /** * Register a new user in the database. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param string $email * @param string $password * @param string $firstname * @param string $lastname * @param string $validated * * @return {int} the user's ID or the error number (-1: user already exists, -2: generic error) */ public function registerNewUser($email, $password, $firstname, $lastname, $validated, $skipSetSimpleSession = false) { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); //check that the password policy is respected, if enabled password policy if (!self::_check_password_policy($password)) { return -9; } if (!$this->db) return -1; if (!strlen($password) || !strlen($email)) return -1; // Check if the user already exists if ($this->getUserByUsername($email)) { return -6; } // Save the basic data about this user if (!$skipSetSimpleSession) { $this->_setSimpleSession($email, $firstname, $lastname); } return $this->createUser($email, $password, $firstname, $lastname, $validated); } private static function _check_password_policy(string $password): bool { $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); if ($imSettings['password_policy']['required_policy']) { return (!isset($imSettings['password_policy']['minimum_characters']) || strlen($password) >= $imSettings['password_policy']['minimum_characters']) && (!isset($imSettings['password_policy']['include_uppercase']) || !$imSettings['password_policy']['include_uppercase'] || preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $password)) && (!isset($imSettings['password_policy']['include_numeric']) || !$imSettings['password_policy']['include_numeric'] || preg_match("/[0-9]/", $password)) && (!isset($imSettings['password_policy']['include_special']) || !$imSettings['password_policy']['include_special'] || preg_match("/[!?<>#$%&*@()]/", $password)); } return strlen($password) > 0; } public function createUser($email, $password, $firstname, $lastname, $validated) { $this->db->insert(array( 'into' => $this->db_table, 'values' => array( 'ts' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'email' => $email, 'password' => self::_encode_password($password), 'firstname' => $firstname, 'lastname' => $lastname, 'key' => md5($email . $password . date("U") . rand(1000, 9999)), 'validated' => $validated, 'crypt_encoding' => Configuration::getSettings()['access']['password_crypt']['encoding_id'] ) )); return $this->db->lastInsertId(); } /** * Delete this user from the DB * @param String $email * @return Void */ public function deleteUser($email) { if ($this->db) { $this->db->delete(array( 'from' => $this->db_table, 'where' => array('email' => $email) )); } } /** * Notify the registration of a new user to the site's owner. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param {int} $id The user id * * @return {Void} */ public function sendNotificationEmail($id) { global $ImMailer; $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $html = ""; $user = $this->_get_db_users(array('id' => intval($id)))[0]; if (is_bool($user) || !count($user)) return; // --------------------------------------------------- $from = $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres']; $replyTo = $user['email']; // --------------------------------------------------- $subject = str_replace("[FIELD]", $imSettings['general']['url'], l10n("private_area_newregistration_subject", "A new user registered to your private area at [FIELD]")); $html .= nl2br(str_replace( array("[FIELD]", "\n"), array($imSettings['general']['url'], "
\n"), l10n("private_area_newregistration_body", "Here's his data.") )) . "

\n\n"; $html .= "" . l10n("private_area_realname", "Name") . ": " . $user['firstname'] . " " . $user['lastname'] . "
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n("private_area_username", "Username") . ": " . $user['username'] . "
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n("private_area_email", "Email") . ": " . $user['email'] . "
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n("private_area_ip", "IP") . ": " . $user['ip'] . "
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n("private_area_ts", "Time") . ": " . $user['ts'] . "
\n"; $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $this->admin_email, $subject, strip_tags($html), $html); } /** * Send the validation email for the user indentified by $id. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param {string} $id * * @return {Void} */ public function sendValidationEmail($dbid) { global $ImMailer; $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $html = ""; $user = $this->_get_db_users(array('id' => intval($dbid)))[0]; if (is_bool($user) || !count($user)) return; // --------------------------------------------------- $replyTo = $this->admin_email; $from = $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres']; // --------------------------------------------------- $subject = str_replace("[FIELD]", $imSettings['general']['url'], l10n("private_area_validation_subject", "Validate your account on [FIELD]")); $html .= l10n("private_area_validation_body", "Click here to validate your account:") . " "; $html .= "
"; $html .= $imSettings['general']['url'] . "imlogin.php?validate=" . $user['key']; $html .= ""; $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $user['email'], $subject, strip_tags($html), $html); } /** * If the user has provided an email address, he receives a message with his password. * If the user's email is not available, the request is notified to the site's admin. * This method is only available in the **Professional edition**. * * @param {string} $data The user's email or username * * @return {boolean} True if the email is sent correctly. */ public function sendLostPasswordEmail($data) { global $ImMailer; $imSettings = Configuration::getSettings(); $user = $this->getUserByUsername($data); if ($user) { // --------------------------------------------------- $replyTo = $this->admin_email; $from = $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres']; // --------------------------------------------------- if ($user['db_stored']) { // Send an email to the user $emailTo = $user['email']; $reset_pwd_page_url = $imSettings['general']['url'] . "imlogin.php?cngpwd=" . $this->_get_token_for_change_password($user['email']) . "&cngpwdml=" . $user['email']; $subject = str_replace('{0}', $imSettings['general']['url'], l10n("private_area_password_recovery_mail_subject", 'Reset password request from {0}')); $template = new Template(dirname(__FILE__) . '/emailtemplates/passwordreset.html.template.php'); $template->data = array( 'username' => $user['firstname'], 'email' => $user['email'], 'reset_url' => $reset_pwd_page_url ); $template->l10n = Configuration::getLocalizations(); $html = $template->render(); } else { // Send an email to the admin $emailTo = $this->admin_email; $subject = str_replace("[FIELD]", $imSettings['general']['url'], l10n("private_area_password_recovery_subject_admin", "Password recovery request from [FIELD]")); $html = nl2br(str_replace( array("[FIELD]", "[URL]", "\n"), array($user['email'], $imSettings['general']['url'], "
\n"), l10n("private_area_password_recovery_body_admin", "The user [FIELD] on [URL] wants to recover his own username and password.") )); } $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $emailTo, $subject, strip_tags($html), $html); return true; } return false; } /** * Change password of a user and return a status code that describes the result of the operation. * * __Status codes__ * -     __0__ OK * -   __-9__ New password doesn't respect password policy (the request seems to be OK, but desired password need to be changed) * - __-10__ Invalid change password request (may be a security attack) * - __-11__ Expired token (the request seems to be OK, but the token was expired) * * @param string $email The user's email * @param string $token The user's change password token * @param string $new_password The desired password * @return int $status_code * @see imPrivateArea::messageFromStatusCode Can be used to transform $status_code to error message */ public function change_password(string $email, string $token, string $new_password): int { $token_status = $this->get_token_status_code($email, $token); if ($token_status == 0) { if (self::_check_password_policy($new_password)) { $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->db_table, 'set' => array( 'validated' => 1, 'password' => self::_encode_password($new_password), 'crypt_encoding' => Configuration::getSettings()['access']['password_crypt']['encoding_id'], 'cng_pwd_token' => null, 'cng_pwd_token_expire' => null ), 'where' => array('email' => $email) )); $this->_setLoggedUser($this->getUserByUsername($email)); } else { // Password policy return -9; } } return $token_status; } /** * Get token status code. * * __Status codes__ * -     __0__ OK * - __-10__ Invalid token (may be a security attack) * - __-11__ Expired token (the request seems to be OK, but the token was expired) * * @param string $email The user's email * @param string $token The user's change password token * @return int $status_code * @see imPrivateArea::messageFromStatusCode Can be used to transform $status_code to error message */ public function get_token_status_code(string $email, string $token): int { if (isset($email) && is_string($email) && isset($token) && is_string($token)) { $cng_pwd_info = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('cng_pwd_token_expire'), 'from' => $this->db_table, 'where' => array('email' => $email, 'cng_pwd_token' => $token) )); if (is_array($cng_pwd_info) && count($cng_pwd_info) == 1) { $info = $cng_pwd_info[0]; if (!isset($info['cng_pwd_token_expire']) || !$info['cng_pwd_token_expire'] || $info['cng_pwd_token_expire'] < time()) { // Expired token return -11; } // OK return 0; } } // Invalid request return -10; } private function _get_token_for_change_password($email): string { $now = time(); $current_token_info = $this->db->select(array( 'select' => array('cng_pwd_token', 'cng_pwd_token_expire'), 'from' => $this->db_table, 'where' => array('email' => $email) ))[0]; $expire_time = $now + self::CNG_PWD_TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME; if ($now < $current_token_info['cng_pwd_token_expire']) { // The token is not yet expired, let's update expire_time and return this token $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->db_table, 'set' => array('cng_pwd_token_expire' => $expire_time), 'where' => array('email' => $email) )); return $current_token_info['cng_pwd_token']; } else { $token = self::_create_rnd_token(); while (!$this->_try_to_save_token($email, $token, $expire_time)) { $token = self::_create_rnd_token(); } return $token; } } private function _try_to_save_token($email, $token, $expire_time): bool { return $this->db->update(array( 'update' => $this->db_table, 'set' => array( 'cng_pwd_token' => $token, 'cng_pwd_token_expire' => $expire_time ), 'where' => array('email' => $email) )); } private static function _create_rnd_token() { return bin2hex(random_bytes(self::CNG_PWD_TOKEN_LENGTH)); } /** * Encode the string * * @ignore * * @param string $string The string to encode * @param $key The encryption key * * @return string The encoded string */ private function _encode($s, $k) { if (strlen($s) == 0) { return ""; } $r = array(); for($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) { $r[] = ord($s[$i]) + ord($k[$i % strlen($k)]); } // Try to encode it using base64 if (function_exists("base64_encode") && function_exists("base64_decode")) { return base64_encode(implode('.', $r)); } return implode('.', $r); } /** * Decode the string * * @ignore * * @param string $s The string to decode * @param string $k The encryption key * * @return string The decoded string */ private function _decode($s, $k) { if (strlen($s) == 0) { return ""; } // Try to decode it using base64 if (function_exists("base64_encode") && function_exists("base64_decode")) { $s = base64_decode($s); } $s = explode(".", $s); $r = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($s); $i++) { $r[$i] = chr($s[$i] - ord($k[$i % strlen($k)])); } return implode('', $r); } /** * Setup a simple session that does not allow to login but rather contains * some useful data about the user. * * This is used mainly to provide some informations about the user * once registration but BEFORE validation and login. * This data can be retrieve using $this->whoIsLogged(); * * @ignore * * @param String $email * @param String $firstname * @param String $lastname */ private function _setSimpleSession($email, $firstname, $lastname) { $_SESSION[$this->session_email] = $this->_encode($email, $this->salt); $_SESSION[$this->session_first_name] = $this->_encode($firstname, $this->salt); $_SESSION[$this->session_last_name] = $this->_encode($lastname, $this->salt); } /** * Set the session after the login * * @ignore * * @param {string} $type "0" or "1" * @param {string} $uid * @param {array} $gids * @param {string} $email * @param {string} $firstname * @param {string} $lastname * * @return {Void} */ private function _setSession($type, $uid, $gids, $email, $firstname, $lastname) { @session_regenerate_id(); $this->_setSimpleSession($email, $firstname, $lastname); $_SESSION[$this->session_type] = $this->_encode($type, $this->salt); $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] = $this->_encode($uid, $this->salt); $_SESSION[$this->session_gids] = $gids; $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $this->salt); im_set_cookie($this->cookie_name, $this->_encode($uid, $this->salt), 0, "/"); // Expires when the browser is closed } private function _setLoggedUser($user) : bool { $this->_setSession( $user['user_type'], $user['id'], $user['groups'], $user['email'], $user['firstname'], $user['lastname'] ); return true; } /** * Get the user's hashcode * * @ignore * * @param {string} $username * @param {string} $password * @return {string} */ private static function _getUserHash($username, $password) { return sha1($username . ":3cea997e06cdfe42f36ba21473ca9b57:" . $password); } } /** * Contains the methods used by the search engine * @access public */ class imSearch { var $scope; var $page; var $results_per_page; function __construct() { $this->setScope(); $this->results_per_page = 10; if (function_exists("mb_internal_encoding")) { mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); } } /** * Loads the pages defined in search.inc.php to the search scope * @access public */ function setScope() { global $imSettings; $scope = $imSettings['search']['general']['defaultScope']; // Logged users can search in their private pages $pa = new imPrivateArea(); if ($user = $pa->who_is_logged()) { foreach ($imSettings['search']['general']['extendedScope'] as $key => $value) { if (isset($imSettings['access']['pages'][$key]) && in_array($user['uid'], $imSettings['access']['pages'][$key])) $scope[] = $value; } } $this->scope = $scope; } /** * Do the pages search * @access public * @param queries The search query (array) */ function searchPages($queries) { global $imSettings; $html = ""; $found_content = array(); $found_count = array(); if (is_array($this->scope)) { foreach ($this->scope as $filename) { $count = 0; $weight = 0; $file_content = @implode("\n", file($filename)); // Replace the nonbreaking space with a white space // to avoid that is converted to a 196+160 UTF8 char $file_content = str_replace(" ", " ", $file_content); if (function_exists("html_entity_decode")) $file_content = html_entity_decode($file_content, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); // Remove contents wrapped between "" comments while (stristr($file_content, "") !== false) { $unsearchable_start = stripos($file_content, ""); $unsearchable_end = stripos($file_content, "", $unsearchable_start) + strlen(""); $unsearchable = substr($file_content, $unsearchable_start, $unsearchable_end - $unsearchable_start); $file_content = str_replace($unsearchable, "", $file_content); } // Remove the breadcrumbs while (stristr($file_content, "
", $imbreadcrumb_start) + strlen("
"); $imbreadcrumb = substr($file_content, $imbreadcrumb_start, $imbreadcrumb_end - $imbreadcrumb_start); $file_content = str_replace($imbreadcrumb, "", $file_content); } // Remove CSS while (stristr($file_content, "", $style_start) + strlen(""); $style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start); $file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content); } // Remove JS while (stristr($file_content, "", $script_start) + strlen(""); $script = substr($file_content, $script_start, $script_end - $script_start); $file_content = str_replace($script, "", $file_content); } // Remove noscript tag while (stristr($file_content, "", $noscript_start) + strlen(""); $noscript = substr($file_content, $noscript_start, $noscript_end - $noscript_start); $file_content = str_replace($noscript, "", $file_content); } // Remove the hidden spans while (stristr($file_content, "", $imhidden_start) + strlen(""); $imhidden = substr($file_content, $imhidden_start, $imhidden_end - $imhidden_start); $file_content = str_replace($imhidden, "", $file_content); } // Remove PHP while (stristr($file_content, "", $php_start) !== false ? stripos($file_content, "?>", $php_start) + 2 : strlen($file_content); $php = substr($file_content, $php_start, $php_end - $php_start); $file_content = str_replace($php, "", $file_content); } // Replace the dynamic objects with their content if (is_array($imSettings['search']['dynamicobjects'])) { foreach ($imSettings['search']['dynamicobjects'] as $id => $object) { // Only if the object is in the current scope if ($object['Page'] != $filename) continue; // Load the object's content $dynobj = new DynamicObject($object['ObjectId']); $dynobj->setDefaultText($object['DefaultText']); if (isset($object['Folder'])) { // Load from file $dynobj->loadFromFile(pathCombine(array($imSettings['general']['public_folder'], $object['Folder']))); } else if (isset($object['Database']) && isset($object['Table'])) { // Load from db $db = getDbData($object['Database']); $dynobj->loadFromDb(ImDb::from_db_data($db), $object['Table']); } // Replace the content $needle_start = ""; $needle_end = ""; $find_start = strpos($file_content, $needle_start); $find_end = strpos($file_content, $needle_end) + strlen($needle_end); $file_content = substr($file_content, 0, $find_start) . $dynobj->getContent() . substr($file_content, $find_end); } } // Get the title of the page $file_titles = array(); if (preg_match_all('/\<(?:title|header[^\>]*\>[^\<]*\<(h2|h1|div)[^\>]*)\>([^\<]*)\<\/(?:title|\1)\>/', $file_content, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { $file_titles = $matches[2]; } foreach ($file_titles as $file_title) { foreach ($queries as $query) { $title = imstrtolower($file_title); while (($title = imstristr($title, $query)) !== false) { $weight += 3; $count++; $title = imsubstr($title, imstrlen($query)); } } } // Get the keywords preg_match('/\/', $file_content, $matches); if (count($matches) > 1) { $keywords = $matches[1]; foreach ($queries as $query) { $tkeywords = imstrtolower($keywords); while (($tkeywords = imstristr($tkeywords, $query)) !== false) { $weight += 4; $count++; $tkeywords = imsubstr($tkeywords, imstrlen($query)); } } } // Get the description preg_match('/\/', $file_content, $matches); if (count($matches) > 1) { $keywords = $matches[1]; foreach ($queries as $query) { $tkeywords = imstrtolower($keywords); while (($tkeywords = imstristr($tkeywords, $query)) !== false) { $weight += 3; $count++; $tkeywords = imsubstr($tkeywords, imstrlen($query)); } } } $page_pos = strpos($file_content, "
") + imstrlen("
"); if ($page_pos == false) $page_pos = strpos($file_content, "") + strlen(""); $page_end = strpos($file_content, "
") + strlen("
"); if ($page_end == false) $page_end = strpos($file_content, "") + strlen(""); $file_content = strip_tags(substr($file_content, $page_pos, $page_end-$page_pos)); $t_file_content = imstrtolower($file_content); foreach ($queries as $query) { $file = $t_file_content; while (($file = imstristr($file, $query)) !== false) { $count++; $weight++; $file = imsubstr($file, imstrlen($query)); } } if ($count > 0) { $found_count[$filename] = $count; $found_weight[$filename] = $weight; $found_content[$filename] = $file_content; if (count($file_titles) == 0) $found_title[$filename] = $filename; else $found_title[$filename] = $file_titles[0]; } } } if (count($found_count)) { arsort($found_weight); $i = 0; foreach ($found_weight as $name => $weight) { $count = $found_count[$name]; $i++; if (($i > $this->page * $this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page + 1) * $this->results_per_page)) { $title = strip_tags($found_title[$name]); $file = $found_content[$name]; $file = strip_tags($file); $ap = 0; $filelen = imstrlen($file); $text = ""; for ($j=0; $j < ($count > 6 ? 6 : $count); $j++) { $minpos = $filelen; $word = ""; foreach ($queries as $query) { if ($ap < $filelen && ($pos = imstrpos(imstrtoupper($file), imstrtoupper($query), $ap)) !== false) { if ($pos < $minpos) { $minpos = $pos; $word = $query; } } } $prev = explode(" ", imsubstr($file, $ap, $minpos-$ap)); if (count($prev) > ($ap > 0 ? 9 : 8)) $prev = ($ap > 0 ? implode(" ", array_slice($prev, 0, 8)) : "") . " ... " . implode(" ", array_slice($prev, -8)); else $prev = implode(" ", $prev); if (imstrlen($word)) { $text .= $prev . "" . imsubstr($file, $minpos, imstrlen($word)) . ""; $ap = $minpos + imstrlen($word); } } $next = explode(" ", imsubstr($file, $ap)); if (count($next) > 9) $text .= implode(" ", array_slice($next, 0, 8)) . "..."; else $text .= implode(" ", $next); $text = str_replace("|", "", $text); $text = str_replace("
", " ", $text); $text = str_replace("
", " ", $text); $text = str_replace("\n", " ", $text); $text = str_replace("\t", " ", $text); $text = trim($text); $html .= "\n"; } } $html = preg_replace_callback('/\\s+/', function ($matches) { return implode(' ', $matches); }, $html); $html .= "
\n"; } return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_content)); } /** * Do the blog posts search * @access public * @param queries The search query (array) */ function searchBlog($queries) { global $imSettings; $html = ""; $found_content = array(); $found_count = array(); if (isset($imSettings['blog']) && is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts'])) { foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts'] as $key => $value) { // WSXELE-799: Skip the post that are published in the future if ($value['utc_time'] > time()) { continue; } $count = 0; $weight = 0; $qs = isset($value['slug']) ? $value['slug'] : ('id=' . $key); $filename = 'blog/index.php?' . $qs; $file_content = $value['body']; // Rimuovo le briciole dal contenuto while (stristr($file_content, "
", $imbreadcrumb_start) + strlen("
"); $imbreadcrumb = substr($file_content, $imbreadcrumb_start, $imbreadcrumb_end - $imbreadcrumb_start); $file_content = str_replace($imbreadcrumb, "", $file_content); } // Rimuovo gli stili dal contenuto while (stristr($file_content, "", $style_start) + strlen(""); $style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start); $file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content); } // Rimuovo i JS dal contenuto while (stristr($file_content, "", $script_start) + strlen(""); $script = substr($file_content, $script_start, $script_end - $script_start); $file_content = str_replace($script, "", $file_content); } foreach ($queries as $query) { $queryRegex = '/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/'; // Conto il numero di match nei titoli if (($t_count = preg_match_all($queryRegex, imstrtolower($value['title']), $matches))) { $weight += ($t_count * 3); $count += $t_count; } // tag_description if (preg_match($queryRegex, $value['tag_description']) === 1) { $count++; $weight += 2; } // keywords if (preg_match($queryRegex, $value['keywords']) === 1) { $count++; $weight += 2; } // Conto il numero di match nei tag if (in_array($query, $value['tag'])) { $count++; $weight += 4; } // Conto occorrenze nel contenuto if (($t_count = preg_match_all($queryRegex, imstrtolower(strip_tags($file_content)), $matches))) { $weight += $t_count; $count += $t_count; } } $title = "Blog >> " . $value['title']; if ($count > 0) { $found_count[$filename] = $count; $found_weight[$filename] = $weight; $found_content[$filename] = $file_content; $found_breadcrumbs[$filename] = "
"; if ($value['author'] != "" || $value['category'] != "") { $found_breadcrumbs[$filename] .= l10n('blog_published') . " "; if ($value['author'] != "") { $found_breadcrumbs[$filename] .= l10n('blog_by') . " " . $value['author'] . " "; } if ($value['category'] != "") { $found_breadcrumbs[$filename] .= l10n('blog_in') . " " . $value['category'] . " "; } $found_breadcrumbs[$filename] .= "· "; } $found_breadcrumbs[$filename] .= $value['timestamp'] . "
"; if ($title == "") $found_title[$filename] = $filename; else $found_title[$filename] = $title; } } } if (count($found_count)) { arsort($found_weight); $i = 0; foreach ($found_weight as $name => $weight) { $count = $found_count[$name]; $i++; if (($i > $this->page * $this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page + 1) * $this->results_per_page)) { $title = strip_tags($found_title[$name]); $file = $found_content[$name]; $file = strip_tags($file); $ap = 0; $filelen = imstrlen($file); $text = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < ($count > 6 ? 6 : $count); $j++) { $minpos = $filelen; $word = ""; foreach ($queries as $query) { if ($ap < $filelen && ($pos = imstrpos(imstrtoupper($file), imstrtoupper($query), $ap)) !== false) { if ($pos < $minpos) { $minpos = $pos; $word = $query; } } } $prev = explode(" ", imsubstr($file, $ap, $minpos-$ap)); if(count($prev) > ($ap > 0 ? 9 : 8)) $prev = ($ap > 0 ? implode(" ", array_slice($prev, 0, 8)) : "") . " ... " . implode(" ", array_slice($prev, -8)); else $prev = implode(" ", $prev); $text .= $prev . "" . imsubstr($file, $minpos, imstrlen($word)) . " "; $ap = $minpos + imstrlen($word); } $next = explode(" ", imsubstr($file, $ap)); if(count($next) > 9) $text .= implode(" ", array_slice($next, 0, 8)) . "..."; else $text .= implode(" ", $next); $text = str_replace("|", "", $text); $html .= "\n"; } } echo "
\n"; } $html = preg_replace_callback('/\\s+/', function ($matches) { return implode(' ', $matches); }, $html); return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_content)); } /** * Do the products search * @access public * @param queries The search query (array) */ function searchProducts($queries) { // Di questa funzione manca la paginazione! global $imSettings; $html = ""; $found_products = array(); $found_count = array(); foreach ($imSettings['search']['products'] as $id => $product) { $count = 0; $weight = 0; $t_title = strip_tags(imstrtolower($product['name'])); $t_description = strip_tags(imstrtolower($product['description'])); $t_sku = strip_tags(imstrtolower($product['sku'])); // Conto il numero di match nel titolo foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', $t_title, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight += ($t_count * 4); $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nella descrizione foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', $t_description, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight++; $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nello SKU foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', $t_sku, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight++; $count += $t_count; } } if ($count > 0) { $found_products[$id] = $product; $found_weight[$id] = $weight; $found_count[$id] = $count; } } if (count($found_count)) { arsort($found_weight); $i = 0; foreach ($found_products as $id => $product) { $i++; if (($i > $this->page * $this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page + 1) * $this->results_per_page)) { $count = $found_count[$id]; $html .= "
"; // Top row $html .= "
"; $html .= $product['image']; $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= "

" . $product['title_link'] . "

"; $html .= "" . $product['price'] . "" . l10n('cart_add') . ""; $html .= "
"; $html .= "

" . strip_tags($product['description']) . "

"; $html .= "
"; // Close the container $html .= "
"; } } } return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_products)); } /** * Do the images search * @access public * @param queries The search query (array) */ function searchImages($queries) { // Di questa funzione manca la paginazione! global $imSettings; $id = 0; $html = ""; $found_images = array(); $found_count = array(); foreach ($imSettings['search']['images'] as $image) { $count = 0; $weight = 0; $t_title = strip_tags(imstrtolower($image['title'])); $t_description = strip_tags(imstrtolower($image['description'])); // Conto il numero di match nel titolo foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', $t_title, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight += ($t_count * 4); $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nella location foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', imstrtolower($image['location']), $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight += ($t_count * 2); $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nella descrizione foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', $t_description, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight++; $count += $t_count; } } if ($count > 0) { $found_images[$id] = $image; $found_weight[$id] = $weight; $found_count[$id] = $count; } $id++; } if (count($found_count)) { arsort($found_weight); $i = 0; foreach ($found_images as $id => $image) { $i++; if (($i > $this->page * $this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page + 1) * $this->results_per_page)) { $count = $found_count[$id]; $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= "

" . $image['title']; if ($image['location'] != "") $html .= " (" . $image['location'] . ")"; $html .= "

"; $html .= strip_tags($image['description']); $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; } } } return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_images)); } /** * Do the videos search * @access public * @param queries The search query (array) */ function searchVideos($queries) { // Di questa funzione manca la paginazione! global $imSettings; $id = 0; $found_count = array(); $found_videos = array(); $html = ""; $month = 7776000; foreach ($imSettings['search']['videos'] as $video) { $count = 0; $weight = 0; $t_title = strip_tags(imstrtolower($video['title'])); $t_description = strip_tags(imstrtolower($video['description'])); // I video più recenti hanno maggiore peso in proporzione $time = strtotime($video['date']); $ago = strtotime("-3 months"); if ($time - $ago > 0) $weight += 5 * max(0, ($time - $ago) / $month); // Conto il numero di match nei tag foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/\\s*' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '\\s*/', imstrtolower($video['tags']), $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight += ($t_count * 10); $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nel titolo foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', $t_title, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight += ($t_count * 4); $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nella categoria foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query, '/') . '/', imstrtolower($video['category']), $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight += ($t_count * 2); $count += $t_count; } } // Conto il numero di match nella descrizione foreach ($queries as $query) { $t_count = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($query) . '/', $t_description, $matches); if ($t_count !== false) { $weight++; $count += $t_count; } } if ($count > 0) { $found_videos[$id] = $video; $found_weight[$id] = $weight; $found_count[$id] = $count; } $id++; } if ($found_count) { arsort($found_weight); $i = 0; foreach ($found_videos as $id => $video) { $i++; if (($i > $this->page * $this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page + 1) * $this->results_per_page)) { $count = $found_count[$id]; $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= "

" . $video['title']; if (!$video['familyfriendly']) $html .= " [18+]"; $html .= "

"; $html .= strip_tags($video['description']); if ($video['duration'] > 0) { if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $html .= "" . l10n('search_duration') . ": " . date("H:i:s", $video['duration']) . ""; } $html .= "
"; $html .= "
"; } } } return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_videos)); } /** * Start the site search * * @param array $keys The search keys as string (string) * @param string $page Page to show (integer) * @param string $type The content type to show * * @return void */ function search($keys, $page, $type) { global $imSettings; $html = ""; $content = ""; $emptyResultsHtml = "
" . l10n('search_empty') . "
\n"; $html .= "
"; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= "
\n"; // Exit if no search query was given if (trim($keys) == "" || $keys == null) { $html .= $emptyResultsHtml; return $html; } $search = trim(imstrtolower($keys)); $this->page = $page; $queries = preg_split("/\s+/", $search); // Search everywhere to populate the results numbers shown in the sidebar menu // Pages $pages = $this->searchPages($queries); // Fallback on the selection if there are no pages if ($pages['count'] == 0 && $type == "pages") $type = "blog"; // Blog if (isset($imSettings['blog']) && is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts']) && count($imSettings['blog']['posts']) > 0) $blog = $this->searchBlog($queries); else $blog = array("count" => 0); // Fallback on the selection if there is no blog if ($blog['count'] == 0 && $type == "blog") $type = "products"; // Products if (is_array($imSettings['search']['products']) && count($imSettings['search']['products']) > 0) $products = $this->searchProducts($queries); else $products = array("count" => 0); // Fallback on the selection if there are no products if ($products['count'] == 0 && $type == "products") $type = "images"; // Images if (is_array($imSettings['search']['images']) && count($imSettings['search']['images']) > 0) $images = $this->searchImages($queries); else $images = array("count" => 0); // Fallback on the selection if there are no images if ($images['count'] == 0 && $type == "images") $type = "videos"; // Videos if (is_array($imSettings['search']['videos']) && count($imSettings['search']['videos']) > 0) $videos = $this->searchVideos($queries); else $videos = array("count" => 0); // Fallback on the selection if there are no videos if ($videos['count'] == 0 && $type == "videos") $type = "pages"; // Show only the requested content type switch ($type) { case "pages": if ($pages['count'] > 0) $content .= "
" . $pages['content'] . "
\n"; $results_count = $pages['count']; break; case "blog": if ($blog['count'] > 0) $content .= "
" . $blog['content'] . "
\n"; $results_count = $blog['count']; break; case "products": if ($products['count'] > 0) $content .= "
" . $products['content'] . "
\n"; $results_count = $products['count']; break; case "images": if ($images['count'] > 0) $content .= "
" . $images['content'] . "
\n"; $results_count = $images['count']; break; case "videos": if ($videos['count'] > 0) $content .= "
" . $videos['content'] . "
\n"; $results_count = $videos['count']; break; } // Exit if there are no results if (!$results_count) { $html .= $emptyResultsHtml; return $html; } $sidebar = "\n"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "\t
" . $sidebar . "
\n"; $html .= "\t
" . $content . "
\n"; $html .= "
\n"; // Pagination if ($results_count > $this->results_per_page) { $html .= "
"; // Back if ($page > 0) { $html .= "<< "; } // Central pages $start = max($page - 5, 0); $end = min($page + 10, ceil($results_count / $this->results_per_page)); for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { if ($i != $this->page) $html .= "" . ($i + 1) . " "; else $html .= ($i + 1) . " "; } // Next if ($results_count > ($page + 1) * $this->results_per_page) { $html .= ">>"; } $html .= "
"; } return $html; } } use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; require_once("PHPMailerAutoload.php"); /** * Contains the methods used to style and send emails * @access public */ class ImSendEmail { var $header; var $footer; var $bodyBackground; var $bodyBackgroundEven; var $bodyBackgroundOdd; var $bodyBackgroundBorder; var $bodyTextColorOdd; var $bodySeparatorBorderColor; var $emailBackground; var $emailContentStyle; var $emailContentFontFamily; var $emailType = "html"; var $pathToRoot = "../"; var $use_smtp = false; var $use_smtp_auth = false; var $smtp_host; var $smtp_port; var $smtp_username; var $smtp_password; var $smtp_encryption = 'none'; var $exposeWsx5 = true; /** * Apply the CSS style to the HTML code * @param string $html The HTML code * @return string The styled HTML code */ function styleHTML($html) { $html = str_replace("[email:contentStyle]", $this->emailContentStyle, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:contentFontFamily]", $this->emailContentFontFamily, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackground]", $this->bodyBackground, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackgroundBorder]", $this->bodyBackgroundBorder, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackgroundOdd]", $this->bodyBackgroundOdd, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackgroundEven]", $this->bodyBackgroundEven, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:bodyTextColorOdd]", $this->bodyTextColorOdd, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:bodySeparatorBorderColor]", $this->bodySeparatorBorderColor, $html); $html = str_replace("[email:emailBackground]", $this->emailBackground, $html); return $html; } /** * Send an email * * @param string $from Self explanatory * @param string $to Self explanatory * @param string $subject Self explanatory * @param string $text Self explanatory * @param string $html Self explanatory * @param array $attachments Self explanatory * * @return boolean */ function send($from = "", $replyTo = "", $to = "", $subject = "", $text = "", $html = "", $attachments = array()) { /* |-------------- | PHPMailer |-------------- */ if ($this->emailType == 'phpmailer') { $email = new PHPMailer(false); // SMTP support if ($this->use_smtp) { $email->isSMTP(); $email->Host = $this->smtp_host; $email->Port = $this->smtp_port; if ($this->smtp_encryption != 'none') { $email->SMTPSecure = $this->smtp_encryption; } $email->SMTPAuth = $this->use_smtp_auth; if ($this->use_smtp_auth) { $email->Username = $this->smtp_username; $email->Password = $this->smtp_password; } } // Meta $email->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; // WSXELE-1067: Force UTF-8 $email->Subject = $subject; $email->From = addressFromEmail($from); $email->FromName = nameFromEmail($from); $replyTo = addressFromEmail($replyTo); if (strlen($replyTo) !== 0 && $email->From !== $replyTo) { $email->addReplyTo($replyTo); } // WSXELE-1120: Split the email addresses if necessary $to = str_replace(";", ",", $to); // Make sure it works for both "," and ";" separators foreach (explode(",", $to) as $addr) { // WSXELE-1157: Provide support for the format John Doe $email->addAddress(addressFromEmail($addr), nameFromEmail($addr)); } // Content $email->isHTML(true); $email->Body = $this->header . $this->styleHTML($html) . $this->footer; $email->AltBody = $text; // Attachments foreach ($attachments as $file) { if (isset($file['name']) && isset($file['content']) && isset($file['mime'])) { $email->addStringAttachment($file['content'], $file['name'], 'base64', $file['mime'], 'attachment'); } } if (!$email->send()) { $this->registerLog($email->ErrorInfo); return false; } return true; } /* |-------------- | WSX5 class |-------------- */ $email = new imEMail($from, $replyTo, $to, $subject, "utf-8"); $email->setExpose($this->exposeWsx5); $email->setText($text); $email->setHTML($this->header . $this->styleHTML($html) . $this->footer); $email->setStandardType($this->emailType); foreach ($attachments as $a) { if (isset($a['name']) && isset($a['content']) && isset($a['mime'])) { $email->attachFile($a['name'], $a['content'], $a['mime']); } } if (!$email->send()) { $this->registerLog("Cannot send email with internal script"); return false; } return true; } /** * Restore some special chars escaped previously in WSX5 * * @param string $str The string to be restored * * @return string */ function restoreSpecialChars($str) { $str = str_replace("{1}", "'", $str); $str = str_replace("{2}", "\"", $str); $str = str_replace("{3}", "\\", $str); $str = str_replace("{4}", "<", $str); $str = str_replace("{5}", ">", $str); return $str; } /** * Decode the Unicode escaped chars like %u1239 * * @param string $str The string to be decoded * * @return string */ function decodeUnicodeString($str) { $res = ''; $i = 0; $max = strlen($str) - 6; while ($i <= $max) { $character = $str[$i]; if ($character == '%' && $str[$i + 1] == 'u') { $value = hexdec(substr($str, $i + 2, 4)); $i += 6; if ($value < 0x0080) // 1 byte: 0xxxxxxx $character = chr($value); else if ($value < 0x0800) // 2 bytes: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx $character = chr((($value & 0x07c0) >> 6) | 0xc0) . chr(($value & 0x3f) | 0x80); else // 3 bytes: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $character = chr((($value & 0xf000) >> 12) | 0xe0) . chr((($value & 0x0fc0) >> 6) | 0x80) . chr(($value & 0x3f) | 0x80); } else $i++; $res .= $character; } return $res . substr($str, $i); } /** * Get the email log path (relative to the sites' root) * @return String */ function getLogPath() { global $imSettings; return pathCombine(array($imSettings['general']['public_folder'], "email_log.txt")); } /** * Register a message in the email log * @param String $message The message to be saved in the log * @return void */ function registerLog($message) { if (function_exists("file_get_contents") && function_exists("file_put_contents")) { $data = ""; $file = pathCombine(array($this->pathToRoot, $this->getLogPath())); if (file_exists($file)) { $data = @file_get_contents($file); } $data = "[" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "] " . $message . PHP_EOL . $data; @file_put_contents($file, $data); } } } /** * Provide the smallest and simplest PHP templating engine ever */ class Template { private $vars = array(); private $view_template_file; public function __construct($view_template_file) { $this->view_template_file = $view_template_file; } public function __get($name) { return $this->vars[$name]; } public function __set($name, $value) { if($name == 'view_template_file') { throw new Exception("Cannot bind variable named 'view_template_file'"); } $this->vars[$name] = $value; } public function render() { extract($this->vars); ob_start(); include($this->view_template_file); return ob_get_clean(); } } /** * @summary * Manage the user messages in a topic or discussion. * To use it, you must include __x5engine.php__ in your code. * * @description Create a new instance of ImTopic class * * @class * @constructor * * @param {string} $id The topic id * @param {string} $basepath The base path * @param {string} $postUrl The URL to post to */ class ImTopic { /** * The captcha code used inside this class * @var string */ static $captcha_code = ""; public $comments = null; private $id; private $target; private $db = null; private $table = ""; private $folder = ""; private $storageType = "xml"; private $basepath = ""; private $posturl = ""; private $title = ""; private $comPerPage = 10; private $paginationNumbers = 10; /** * Create a new instance of ImTopic class * * <@ignore> * * @param {string} $id The topic id * @param {string} $target Id container * @param {string} $basepath The base path * @param {string} $postUrl The URL to post to */ function __construct($id, $target = "", $basepath = "", $postUrl = "", $queryString = null, $queryStringFallbackAll = false) { $this->id = $id; $this->target = $target; $this->basePathRes = $basepath; if (strlen($postUrl)) { $this->posturl = trim($postUrl, "?&"); $this->posturl .=(strpos($this->posturl, "?") === false ? "?" : "&"); } else { $this->posturl = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?"; } //adding parameters of querystring to url if is present if ($queryString != null) { $found = false; foreach ($queryString as $value) { if ($_GET[$value] != null && $_GET[$value] != "") { $this->posturl .= $value . "=" . $_GET[$value] . "&"; $found = true; } } if(!$found && $queryStringFallbackAll){ $this->posturl .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } if (substr($this->posturl, -1) == "&") { $this->posturl = substr($this->posturl, 0, -1); } } $this->basepath = $this->prepFolder($basepath); // Create the comments array $this->comments = new ImComment(); } /** * Set the number of comments to show in each page * * @param {integer} $n * * @return {Void} */ function setCommentsPerPage($n) { $this->comPerPage = $n; } /** * Set the path to wich the data is posted to when a message is submitted * * @param {string} $posturl * * @return {Void} */ function setPostUrl($posturl) { $this->posturl = $posturl . (strpos($posturl, "?") === false ? "?" : "&"); } /** * Set the title of this topic * * @param {string} $title * * @return {Void} */ function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * Return the encrypted filename of a string * * @ignore * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function encFileName($str) { return substr(md5($str), 0, 8) . substr($str, -4); } /** * Load the data from the xml file contained in the specified folder. * The filename of this topic is automatically calculated basing on the topic's id to provide a major lever of security. * * @param {string} $folder The file's folder * * @return {Void} */ function loadXML($folder = "") { if ($this->comments == null) return; $this->folder = $this->prepFolder($folder); $encName = $this->encFileName($this->id); // Check if the encrypted filename exists if (file_exists($this->basepath . $this->folder . $encName)) $this->comments->loadFromXML($this->basepath . $this->folder . $encName); // If the encrypted filename doesn't exist, try the normal filename else $this->comments->loadFromXML($this->basepath . $this->folder . $this->id); $this->storageType = "xml"; } /** * Save the data to an xml file in the provided folder. * The filename of this topic is automatically calculated basing on the topic's id to provide a major lever of security. * * @param {string} $folder The folder where is saved the file * * @return {boolean} True if the file is saved correctly */ function saveXML($folder = "") { if ($this->comments == null) return; $encName = $this->encFileName($this->id); $folder = $folder != "" ? $this->prepFolder($folder) : $this->folder; if ($this->comments->saveToXML($this->basepath . $folder . $encName)) { // If the comments can be saved, check if the non-encrypted file exists. If so, delete it. if (file_exists($this->basepath . $this->folder . $this->id)) unlink($this->basepath . $this->folder . $this->id); return true; } return false; } /** * Setup the folder * * @ignore * * @param string $folder The folder path to prepare * * @return string */ function prepFolder($folder) { if (strlen(trim($folder)) == 0) return "./"; if (substr($folder, 0, -1) != "/") $folder .= "/"; return $folder; } /** * Load the data from the database. * This method is available only in the **Professional** edition. * * @param {string} $host The dbname * @param {string} $user The db user name * @param {string} $pwd The db user password * @param {string} $db The db name * @param {string} $table The db table * * @return {Void} */ function loadDb($db, $table) { if ($this->comments == null) return; $this->db = $db; $this->table = $table; $this->storageType = "database"; $this->comments->loadFromDb($this->db, $this->table, $this->id); } /** * Save the comments to a database. * This method is available only in the **Professional** edition. * * @param {string} $host The dbname * @param {string} $user The db user name * @param {string} $pwd The db user password * @param {string} $db The db name * @param {string} $table The db table * * @return {boolean} True if the comments are saved correctly */ function saveDb($db = "", $table = "") { if ($this->comments == null) return false; $db = $db != "" ? $db : $this->db; $table = $table != "" ? $table : $this->table; return $this->comments->saveToDb($db, $table, $this->id); } /** * Save the topic usin the correct storage type * * @return Boolean */ function save() { return $this->storageType == "xml" ? $this->saveXML() : $this->saveDb(); } /** * Checks the $_POST array for new messages * * @ignore * * @param boolean $moderate TRUE to show only approved comments * @param string $to The email to notify the new comment * @param string $type The topic type (guestbook|blog) * @param string $moderateurl The url where the user can moderate the comments * * @return boolean */ function checkNewMessages($moderate = true, $to = "", $type = "guestbook", $moderateurl = "") { global $ImMailer; global $imSettings; /* |------------------------------------------- | Check for new messages |------------------------------------------- */ if (!isset($_POST['x5topicid']) || $_POST['x5topicid'] != $this->id) return false; if (!checkJsAndSpam(md5($this->id))) return false; $comment = array( "email" => $_POST['email'], "name" => $_POST['name'], "url" => $_POST['url'], "body" => $_POST['body'], "ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "timestamp" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "abuse" => "0", "approved" => $moderate ? "0" : "1" ); if (isset($_POST['rating'])) $comment['rating'] = $_POST['rating']; $this->comments->add($comment); if (!$this->save()) { echo ""; return false; } // Send the notification email if ($to != "") { // --------------------------------------------------- $from = $imSettings['general']['common_email_sender_addres']; $replyTo = $comment['email']; // --------------------------------------------------- if ($type == "guestbook") $html = str_replace(array("Blog", "blog"), array("Guestbook", "guestbook"), l10n('blog_new_comment_text')) . " \"" . $this->title . "\":

\n\n"; else if ($type == "productpage") $html = l10n('cart_new_comment_text') . " \"" . $this->title . "\":

\n\n"; else $html = l10n('blog_new_comment_text') . ":

\n\n"; $html .= "" . l10n('blog_name') . " " . stripslashes($_POST['name']) . "
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n('blog_email') . " " . $_POST['email'] . "
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n('blog_website') . " " . $_POST['url'] . "
\n"; if (isset($_POST['rating'])) $html .= "" . l10n('blog_rating', "Vote:") . " " . $_POST['rating'] . "/5
\n"; $html .= "" . l10n('blog_message') . " " . stripslashes($_POST['body']) . "

\n\n"; // Set the proper link if ($moderateurl != "") { $html .= ($moderate ? l10n('blog_unapprove_link') : l10n('blog_approve_link')) . ":
\n"; $html .= "" . $moderateurl . ""; } if ($type == "guestbook") $subject = str_replace(array("Blog", "blog"), array("Guestbook", "guestbook"), l10n('blog_new_comment_object')); else if ($type == "productpage") $subject = str_replace(array("Blog", "blog"), array($this->title, $this->title), l10n('blog_new_comment_object')); else $subject = l10n('blog_new_comment_object'); $ImMailer->send($from, $replyTo, $to, $subject, strip_tags($html), $html); } // Redirect echo ""; return true; } /** * Get the comments sent in the specified period that already validated * * @param String $from * @param String $to * * @return Array */ function getComments($from = "", $to = "", $approved = true) { $comments = array(); foreach ($this->comments->comments as $comment) { if ($approved && $comment['approved'] != 1 || !$approved && $comment['approved'] != 0) { continue; } if (strlen($from) && strtotime($comment['timestamp']) < strtotime($from)) { continue; } if (strlen($to) && strtotime($comment['timestamp']) > strtotime($to)) { continue; } $comments[] = $comment; } usort($comments, array("ImTopic", "compareCommentsArray")); return $comments; } /** * Used in getCommentsToValidate in order to sort the comments array in the right descending order * @param Array $a The comment data a * @param Array $b The comment data b * @return Void */ static function compareCommentsArray($a, $b) { $ta = strtotime($a['timestamp']); $tb = strtotime($b['timestamp']); if ($ta == $tb) { return 0; } if ($ta < $tb) { return 1; } return -1; } /** * Check for new abuses * * @ignore * * @return void */ function checkNewAbuses() { if (isset($_GET['x5topicid']) && $_GET['x5topicid'] == $this->id) { if (isset($_GET['abuse'])) { $n = intval($_GET['abuse']); $c = $this->comments->get($n); $c['abuse'] = "1"; $this->comments->edit($n, $c); $this->save(); echo "ok"; } } } /** * Show the comments form * * @param {boolean} $rating true to show the rating * @param {boolean} $captcha true to enable captcha * * @return bool True if a new comment has been */ function showForm($rating = true, $captcha = true) { global $imSettings; $id = $this->id . "-topic-form"; $this->checkNewAbuses(); /* |------------------------------------------- | Show the form |------------------------------------------- */ if (isset($_GET[$this->id . 'success'])) { echo "
" . l10n('blog_send_confirmation') . "
"; } else if (isset($_GET[$this->id . 'error'])) { echo "
" . l10n('blog_send_error') . "
"; } echo "
posturl . "\" method=\"post\"> id . "\"/>
"; if ($rating) { //note: star-full Input occupies the same width as the stars and is used to understand if at least one star has been selected //and to make the "mandatory" tip appear to the right of the stars: the span kills 0% if a score is not selected. echo "
"; } echo "
"; if ($captcha) { echo ImTopic::$captcha_code; } echo "id . "\" name=\"x5topicid\">"; echo ""; echo "
\n"; } /** * Show the topic summary * * @param {boolean} $rating TRUE to show the ratings * @param {boolean} $admin TRUE to show approved and unapproved comments * @param {boolean} $hideifempty true to hide the summary if there are no comments * * @return {Void} */ function showSummary($ratingAndStars = true, $admin = false, $hideifempty = true) { $data = $this->getRatingsDataSummary(); $classContainer = "topic-summary" . ($data["totalComments"] > 0 ? "" : " no-review"); $classContainer .= $ratingAndStars ? " comments-and-star" : " comments"; echo "
id . "-topic-summary\" class=\"" . $classContainer . "\">\n"; if ( $ratingAndStars ) { /** case comment and star **/ //add block of topic average echo $data["totalComments"] == 0 ? $this->getTopicZeroAverage() : $this->getTopicAverage($data["totalComments"], $data["vote"]); //add block topic bars echo $this->getTopicBars($data["votescount"], $data["ratingByValue"]); //add block of add review button echo $this->getTopicAddReviewHtml(); } else { /** case only comment **/ echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
" . $data["totalComments"] . "
"; echo "
" . ( $data["totalComments"] == 1 ? l10n('comments_and_ratings_label_review') : l10n('comments_and_ratings_label_reviews') ) . "
"; echo "
"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; //add block of button of topic to add review echo $this->getTopicAddReviewHtml(); echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; } echo "
\n"; //end topic-summary } function getRatingsDataSummary() { $c = $this->comments->getAll(); $vote = 0; $votes = 0; $votescount = 0; $ratingByValue = array("1"=> 0, "2"=> 0, "3"=> 0, "4"=> 0, "5"=> 0); $totalComments = 0; if (count($c) > 0) { foreach ($c as $comment) { if ($comment['approved'] == "1" || $admin) { if ( isset($comment['body']) ) { $totalComments++; if ( isset($comment['rating']) && $comment['rating'] > 0 ) { $votes += $comment['rating']; $votescount++; $ratingByValue[$comment['rating']] = $ratingByValue[$comment['rating']] + 1; } } } } $vote = $votescount > 0 ? $votes / $votescount : 0; } return array( "vote" => $vote, "formatVote" => number_format($vote, 1), "votescount" => $votescount, "ratingByValue" => $ratingByValue, "totalComments" => $totalComments ); } /** * Get the rating of the topic * * @ignore * * @return Array( "count" => "number of comments", "rating" => "the post rating out of 5 stars") */ function getRating() { $results = array("count" => 0, "rating" => 0, "hasrating" => false); $c = $this->comments->getAll(); $comments = array(); $votes = 0; $votescount = 0; foreach ($c as $comment) { if (isset($comment['body'])) { $comments[] = $comment; } if (isset($comment['rating']) && $comment['rating'] > 0) { $votes += $comment['rating']; $votescount++; } } $count = count($comments); $vote = $votescount > 0 ? $votes / $votescount : 0; if ($count == 0) { return $results; } $results["count"] = $count; $results["rating"] = $vote; return $results; } /** * Returns html of box average of topic with zero comment * @return string */ function getTopicZeroAverage() { $average = "
"; $average .= "
" . l10n('comments_and_ratings_no_reviews') . "
"; $average .= "
"; $average .= "
\n"; //end topic-average return $average; } /** * Returns html of box average of topic * @return string */ function getTopicAverage($totalComments, $vote) { $average = "
"; $average .= "
"; $average .= "
" . ( $vote == 0 ? "-" : number_format($vote, 1) ) . " / 5
"; $average .= "
"; $average .= ""; $average .= ""; $average .= "\n"; $average .= "
" . $totalComments . " " . ( $totalComments == 1 ? l10n('comments_and_ratings_label_review') : l10n('comments_and_ratings_label_reviews') ) . "
"; $average .= "
"; $average .= "
\n"; //end topic-average return $average; } /** * Returns html of box topic bars * @return string */ function getTopicBars($votescount, $ratingByValue) { $topicBars = "
"; for ($i = 5; $i > 0; $i--) { $topicBars .= "
"; $topicBars .= "
" . $i . " 
\n"; $topicBars .= "
0 ? ( ($ratingByValue[$i] * 100) / $votescount ) : 0) ."%;\">
\n"; $topicBars .= "
". $ratingByValue[$i] ."
\n"; $topicBars .= "
\n"; //end topic-bar } $topicBars .= "
"; $topicBars .= "
\n"; //end topic-bars return $topicBars; } /** * Returns html of button to add add review of topic * @return string */ function getTopicAddReviewHtml() { $addReview = "
"; $addReview .= ""; $addReview .= "
"; $addReview .= "
"; return $addReview; } /** * Returns true if this topic has comments * @return boolean */ function hasComments() { return $this->comments && count($this->comments->getAll()) > 0; } /** * Show the comments list * * @param {integer} $page The page to show * @param {integer} $commentsPerPage The number of comments to show for each page * @param {boolean} $rating True to show the ratings * @param {string} $order desc or asc * @param {boolean} $showabuse True to show the "Abuse" button * @param {boolean} $hideifempty True to hide the summary if there are no comments * * @return {Void} */ function showComments($rating = true, $order = "desc", $showabuse = true, $showOnMultipleColumns = false, $hideifempty = false) { global $imSettings; $page = @$_GET[$this->id . "page"]; $c = $this->comments->getPage($page, $this->comPerPage, "timestamp", $order, true); $ncolumns = 1; if ( count($c) == 0 && $hideifempty ) { return; } echo "
\n"; if ( count($c) > 0 ) { $ncolumns = min(count($c), 4); // Show the comments $i = 0; foreach ( $c as $comment ) { if ( isset($comment['body']) && $comment['approved'] == "1" ) { //format date to d-m-Y (es. '12 June 2020') $createDate = new DateTime($comment['timestamp']); $formatDate = $createDate->format('d-m-Y'); $text = l10n('date_months'); $formatDate = explode('-', $formatDate); $formatDate[1] = $text[$formatDate[1] - 1]; $formatDate = implode(' ', $formatDate); //check to make sure that the text does not exceed the maximum font size. If it passes I cut the text $body = $comment['body']; if ( function_exists("mb_strlen") ) { if ( mb_strlen( $comment['body']) > 1500 ) { $body = mb_substr($comment['body'], 0, 1500) . '...'; } } else { if ( strlen( $comment['body']) > 1500 ) { $body = substr($comment['body'], 0, 1500) . '...'; } } //avatar setting $gravatar = new X5Gravatar($comment['email']); $extra = "alt='' class='avatar-img'"; $gravatar->setExtra($extra); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
" . $gravatar->toHTML() . "
\n"; if ( $showOnMultipleColumns ) { echo "
\n"; } echo "
"; echo stristr($comment['url'], "http") ? "" . $comment['name'] . "" : "" . $comment['name'] . ""; echo "
"; echo "
" . $formatDate . "
\n"; if ( $rating && isset($comment['rating']) && $comment['rating'] > 0 ) { echo "
\n"; } if ( $showOnMultipleColumns ) { echo "
\n"; // closed topic-comment-info-details } echo "
\n"; // closed topic-info echo "
" . $body . "
\n"; echo "
\n"; // closed topic-info-body if ( $showabuse ) { echo "', postUrl: '" . $this->posturl . "x5topicid=" . $this->id . "&abuse=" . $comment['id'] . "'});\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\">" . l10n('blog_abuse') . "\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; // closed topic-comment } $i++; } echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; if ( $showOnMultipleColumns ) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } // Show the pagination $this->showPagination($page); } /** * Show the pagination links for this topic * * @param {int} $page Page number * * @return {Void} */ function showPagination($page) { $currentPage = is_null($page) ? 0 : $page; $pages = $this->comments->getPagesNumber($this->comPerPage, true); if ($pages < 2) { return; } echo "
\n"; $anchor = "?#" .$this->id . "-topic-summary"; $interval = floor($this->paginationNumbers / 2); if ( $currentPage > 0 ) { $pageToGo = $currentPage - 1; $link = updateQueryStringVar($this->id . "page", $pageToGo) . $anchor; echo "\t" . l10n("cmn_pagination_prev") . "\n"; } $leading_dots = false; $trailing_dots = false; for ($i = max(0, $page - $interval); $i < min($pages, $i + $interval); $i++) { if ($pages < 7 || $i == 1 || $i == $pages || ($i >= $currentPage - 1 && $i <= $currentPage + 1)) { $cl = "page"; $cl .= $i == $page ? " current" : ""; $link = updateQueryStringVar($this->id . "page", $i) . $anchor; echo "\t" . ($i + 1) . "\n"; } else if ($i < $currentPage - 1 && !$leading_dots) { echo "..."; $leading_dots = true; } else if ($i > $currentPage + 1 && !$trailing_dots) { echo "..."; $trailing_dots = true; } } if ( $currentPage < ($pages - 1) ) { $pageToGo = $currentPage + 1; $link = updateQueryStringVar($this->id . "page", $pageToGo) . $anchor; echo "\t" . l10n("cmn_pagination_next") . "\n"; } echo "
\n"; } /** * Show the comments list in a administration section * * @ignore * * @param boolean $rating true to show the ratings * @param string $order desc or asc * * @return void */ function showAdminComments($rating = true, $order = "desc") { global $imSettings; $this->comments->sort("ts", $order); if (isset($_GET['disable'])) { $n = (int)$_GET['disable']; $c = $this->comments->get($n); if (count($c) != 0) { $c['approved'] = "0"; $this->comments->edit($n, $c); $this->storageType == "xml" ? $this->saveXML() : $this->saveDb(); } } if (isset($_GET['enable'])) { $n = (int)$_GET['enable']; $c = $this->comments->get($n); if (count($c) != 0) { $c['approved'] = "1"; $this->comments->edit($n, $c); $this->storageType == "xml" ? $this->saveXML() : $this->saveDb(); } } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $this->comments->delete((int)$_GET['delete']); $this->storageType == "xml" ? $this->saveXML() : $this->saveDb(); } if (isset($_GET['unabuse'])) { $n = (int)$_GET['unabuse']; $c = $this->comments->get($n); if (count($c)) { $c['abuse'] = "0"; $this->comments->edit($n, $c); $this->storageType == "xml" ? $this->saveXML() : $this->saveDb(); } } if (isset($_GET['disable']) || isset($_GET['enable']) || isset($_GET['delete']) || isset($_GET['unabuse'])) { echo "\n"; exit(); } echo "
\n"; $c = $this->comments->getAll(); if (count($c) > 0) { // Show the comments for ($i = 0; $i < count($c); $i++) { $comment = $c[$i]; if (isset($comment['body'])) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\t\t
"; // Abuse sign if ($comment['abuse'] == "1") { echo "basepath . "res/exclamation.png\" alt=\"Abuse\" title=\"" . l10n('admin_comment_abuse') . "\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\">\n"; } // User name (with link to its url if available) // Prepare the url if (isset($comment['url']) && strlen($comment['url']) > 0) { if (strpos($comment['url'], "http://") !== 0 && strpos($comment['url'], "https://") !== 0) { $comment['url'] = "http://" . $comment['url']; } echo "" . $comment['name'] . ""; } else { echo $comment['name']; } // Email if (isset($comment['email'])) { echo " (" . $comment['email'] . ")"; } echo "\t\t
" . $comment['timestamp'] . "
\n"; // Rating if ($rating && isset($comment['rating']) && $comment['rating'] > 0) { echo "\t\t
\n"; } echo "\t\t
\n"; echo "\t\t
" . $comment['body'] . "
\n"; echo "\t
\n"; echo "\t\n"; echo "
\n"; } } } else { echo "
" . l10n('blog_no_comment') . "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; } /** * Show a rating form * * @return void */ function showRating() { global $imSettings; //if null cookie $cookieVotedIsNull = is_null(im_get_cookie('vtd' . $this->id)); //value of voted $cookieVotedValue = $cookieVotedIsNull ? 0 : im_get_cookie('vtd' . $this->id); if ( isset($_POST['x5topicid']) && $_POST['x5topicid'] == $this->id && $cookieVotedIsNull && isset($_POST['imJsCheck']) && $_POST['imJsCheck'] == 'jsactive' ) { $this->comments->add( array( "rating" => $_POST['rating'], "approved" => "1" ) ); $this->storageType == "xml" ? $this->saveXML() : $this->saveDb(); } $data = $this->getRatingsDataRating(); $classContainer = "topic-summary star" . ($data["totalComments"] > 0 ? "" : " no-review"); echo "
id . "-topic-summary\" class=\"" . $classContainer . "\">\n"; //add block of topic average echo $data["totalComments"] == 0 ? $this->getTopicZeroAverage() : $this->getTopicAverage($data["totalComments"], $data["vote"]); //add block topic bars echo $this->getTopicBars($data["totalComments"], $data["ratingByValue"]); //add block vote with stars echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
" . ( $cookieVotedIsNull ? l10n("comments_and_ratings_enter_rating") : l10n("comments_and_ratings_thanks") ) . "
"; echo "
posturl . "\" data-id=\"" . $this->id . "\">"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
\n"; //end topic-summary } function getRatingsDataRating() { $c = $this->comments->getAll(); $totalComments = 0; $votes = 0; $ratingByValue = array("1"=> 0, "2"=> 0, "3"=> 0, "4"=> 0, "5"=> 0); $vote = 0; if ( count($c) > 0 ) { // Check aproved comments count $ca = array(); foreach ($c as $comment) { if ( $comment['approved'] == "1" && isset($comment['rating']) && $comment['rating'] > 0 ) { $totalComments++; $votes += $comment['rating']; $ratingByValue[$comment['rating']] = $ratingByValue[$comment['rating']] + 1; } } $vote = ( $totalComments > 0 ? $votes/$totalComments : 0 ); } return array( "vote" => $vote, "formatVote" => number_format($vote, 1), "ratingByValue" => $ratingByValue, "totalComments" => $totalComments ); } } /** * XML Handling class * @access public */ class imXML { var $tree = array(); var $force_to_array = array(); var $error = null; var $parser; var $inside = false; function __construct($encoding = 'UTF-8') { $this->parser = xml_parser_create($encoding); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); // $this was passed as reference &$this xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "startEl", "stopEl"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, "charData"); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8'); } function parse_file($file) { $fp = @fopen($file, "r"); if (!$fp) return false; while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $data, feof($fp))) { return false; } } fclose($fp); return $this->tree[0]["content"]; } function parse_string($str) { if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $str)) return false; if (isset($this->tree[0]["content"])) return $this->tree[0]["content"]; return false; } function startEl($parser, $name, $attrs) { array_unshift($this->tree, array("name" => $name)); $this->inside = false; } function stopEl($parser, $name) { if ($name != $this->tree[0]["name"]) return false; if (count($this->tree) > 1) { $elem = array_shift($this->tree); if (isset($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]])) { if (is_array($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]]) && isset($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]][0])) { array_push($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]], $elem["content"]); } else { $this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]] = array($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]],$elem["content"]); } } else { if (in_array($elem["name"], $this->force_to_array)) { $this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]] = array($elem["content"]); } else { if (!isset($elem["content"])) $elem["content"] = ""; $this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]] = $elem["content"]; } } } $this->inside = false; } function charData($parser, $data) { if (!preg_match("/\\S/", $data)) return false; if ($this->inside) { $this->tree[0]["content"] .= $data; } else { $this->tree[0]["content"] = $data; } $this->inside_data = true; } } /** * Prints an error that warns the user that JavaScript is not enabled, then redirects to the previous page after 5 seconds. * * @param {boolean} $docType True to use the meta redirect with a complete document. False to use a javascript code. * * @return {Void} */ function imPrintJsError($docType = true) { $message = l10n('form_js_error') . "
" . l10n('form_js_error_redirect'); return imPrintError(message, $docType); } /** * Prints a custom error message then redirects to the previous page after 5 seconds. * * @param {string} $message The message to show * @param {boolean} $docType True to use the meta redirect with a complete document. False to use a javascript code. * * @return {Void} */ function imPrintError($message, $docType = true) { if ($docType) { $html = " "; $html .= $message; $html .= ""; } else { $html = " "; $html .= $message; } return $html; } /** * Check if the current user can access to the provided page id. * If not, the user is redirected to the login page. * * @method imCheckAccess * * @param {string} $page The id of the page to check * @param {string} $pathToRoot The path to reach the root from the current folder * * @return {Void} */ function imCheckAccess($page, $pathToRoot = "") { $pa = Configuration::getPrivateArea(); $stat = $pa->checkAccess($page); if ($stat !== 0) { $pa->savePage(); header("Location: " . $pathToRoot . "imlogin.php?loginstatus=" . $stat ); exit; } } /** * Show the guestbook * This function is provided as compatibility for v9 guestbook widget * * @param string $id The guestbook id * @param string $filepath The folder where the comments must be stored * @param string $email The email to notify the new comments * @param boolean $captcha true to show the captcha * @param boolean $direct_approval true to directly approve comments * * @return void */ function showGuestBook($id, $filepath, $email, $captcha = true, $direct_approval = true) { global $imSettings; $gb = new ImTopic("gb" . $id); $gb->loadXML($filepath); $gb->showSummary(false); $gb->showForm(false, $captcha, !$direct_approval, $email, "guestbook", $imSettings['general']['url'] . "/admin/guestbook.php?id=" . $id); $gb->showComments(false); } /** * Provide the database connection data of given id * * @method getDbData * * @param {string} $dbid The database id, if not specified, will be used the first available database * * @return {array} an array like array('description' => '', 'host' => '', 'database' => '', 'user' => '', 'password' => '') */ function getDbData($dbid = '') { global $imSettings; if ($dbid == '') { $dbs = array_values($imSettings['databases']); if (!is_array($dbs) || count($dbs) == 0) { return false; } return $dbs[0]; } if (!isset($imSettings['databases'][$dbid])) return false; return $imSettings['databases'][$dbid]; } /** * Shuffle an associative array * * @method shuffleAssoc * * @param {array} $list The array to shuffle * * @return {array} The shuffled array */ function shuffleAssoc($list) { if (!is_array($list)) return $list; $keys = array_keys($list); shuffle($keys); $random = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) $random[$key] = $list[$key]; return $random; } /** * Looks for function existence and caches the result * * @method cached_function_exists * * @param {string} $function The function name * * @return {bool} Existence of the function */ $function_exists_cache = array(); function cached_function_exists($function) { global $function_exists_cache; if (!isset($function_exists_cache[$function])) { $function_exists_cache[$function] = function_exists($function); } return $function_exists_cache[$function]; } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of stripos. * Use this function only if $needle can contain non latin chars. * * @method imstripos * * @param {string} $haystack Where to search * @param {string} $needle What to replace * @param {integer} $offset Start searching from here * * @return {integer} The position of the searched string */ function imstripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { if (cached_function_exists('mb_stripos')) return mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); return stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of strpos. * Use this function only if $needle can contain non latin chars. * * @method imstrpos * * @param {string} $haystack Where to search * @param {string} $needle What to replace * @param {integer} $offset Start searching from here * * @return {integer} The position of the searched string */ function imstrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { if (cached_function_exists('mb_strpos')) return mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of stristr. * Use this function only if $needle can contain non latin chars. * * @method imstristr * * @param {string} $haystack Where to search * @param {string} $needle What to replace * * @return {string} Haystack starting from needle */ function imstristr($haystack, $needle) { if (cached_function_exists('mb_stristr')) return mb_stristr($haystack, $needle); return stristr($haystack, $needle); } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of substr. * Use this function only if using other imstr functions. * * @method imsubstr * * @param {string} $string String to extract the substring from * @param {integer} $start Starting position * @param {integer} $length Substring length * * @return {string} Substring */ function imsubstr($string, $start, $length = NULL) { if (cached_function_exists('mb_substr')) return mb_substr($string, $start, $length); return substr($string, $start, $length); } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of strtolower. * Use this function only if $str can contain non latin chars. * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function imstrtolower($str) { return (cached_function_exists("mb_strtolower") ? mb_strtolower($str) : strtolower($str)); } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of strtoupper. * Use this function only if $str can contain non latin chars. * * @param string $str * * @return string */ function imstrtoupper($str) { return (cached_function_exists("mb_strtoupper") ? mb_strtoupper($str) : strtoupper($str)); } /** * If you want to support Multibyte Languages, use this function instead of strlen. * Use this function only if $str can contain non latin chars or with other imstr functions. * * @param string $str * * @return integer */ function imstrlen($str) { if (cached_function_exists('mb_strlen')) return mb_strlen($str); return strlen($str); } /** * Get a localization string. * The string is taken from the ones specified at step 1 of WSX5 * * @method l10n * * @param {string} $id The localization key * @param {string} $default The default string * * @return {string} The localization */ function l10n($id, $default = "") { global $l10n; if (!isset($l10n[$id])) return $default; return $l10n[$id]; } /** * Combine a series of paths * * @method pathCombine * * @param {array} $paths The array with the elements of the path * * @return {string} The path created combining the elements of the array */ function pathCombine($paths = array()) { $s = array(); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (strlen($path)) { $s[] = trim($path, "/\\ "); } } return implode("/", $s); } /** * Check if the argument is an email address * @param String $email * @return boolean */ function isEmail($email) { return strpos($email, "@") > 0 && preg_match('/^([a-z0-9])(([-a-z0-9._])*([a-z0-9]))*\@([a-z0-9])' . '(([a-z0-9-])*([a-z0-9]))+' . '(\.([a-z0-9])([-a-z0-9_-])?([a-z0-9])+)+$/i', $email); } if (!function_exists('htmlspecialchars_decode')) { /** * Fallback for htmlspecialchars_decode in PHP4 * @ignore * @param string $text * @param integer $quote_style * @return string */ function htmlspecialchars_decode($text, $quote_style = ENT_COMPAT) { return strtr($text, array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style))); } } if (!function_exists('json_encode')) { /** * Fallback for json_encode * @ignore */ function json_encode($data) { switch ($type = gettype($data)) { case 'NULL': return 'null'; case 'boolean': return ($data ? 'true' : 'false'); case 'integer': case 'double': case 'float': return $data; case 'string': return '"' . addcslashes($data, "\/\"\n\r\f\t") . '"'; case 'object': $data = get_object_vars($data); case 'array': $output_index_count = 0; $output_indexed = array(); $output_associative = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $output_indexed[] = json_encode($value); $output_associative[] = json_encode($key) . ':' . json_encode($value); if ($output_index_count !== NULL && $output_index_count++ !== $key) { $output_index_count = NULL; } } if ($output_index_count !== NULL) { return '[' . implode(',', $output_indexed) . ']'; } else { return '{' . implode(',', $output_associative) . '}'; } default: return ''; // Not supported } } } /** * Check for the valid data about spam and js * * @param string $expectedValue The expected value for the JS check field * * @return bool */ function checkJsAndSpam($expectedValue = "") { // Spam! if ($_POST['prt'] != "") { return false; } // Javascript disabled if (!isset($_POST['imJsCheck'])) { echo imPrintJsError(false); return false; } if (strlen($_POST['imJsCheck']) && $_POST['imJsCheck'] != $expectedValue) { echo imPrintJsError(false); return false; } return true; } /** * Search if at least one element of $needle is in $haystack. * @param Array $needle Non-associative array * @param Array $haystack Non-associative array * @param boolean $all Set to true to ensure that all the elements in $needle are in $haystack * @return boolean */ function in_array_field($needle, $haystack, $all = false) { if ($all) { foreach ($needle as $key) if (!in_array($key, $haystack)) return false; return true; } else { foreach ($needle as $key) if (in_array($key, $haystack)) return true; return false; } } /** * Get the most recent date in the provided array of PHP times that do not define a future time. * The date is provided in the RSS format Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:15:07 GMT * @param array $timeArr * @return string */ function getLastAvailableDate($timeArr) { if (count($timeArr) > 0) { sort($timeArr, SORT_DESC); $utcTime = time() + date("Z", time()); foreach ($timeArr as $time) { if ($time <= $utcTime) { return date("r", $time); } } } return date("r", time()); } /** * Update the query string adding or updating a variable with a specified value * * @param string $name The variable to be replaced * @param string $value The value to set * * @return string The updated query string */ function updateQueryStringVar($name, $value) { if (!isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) return ""; $qs = array(); parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $qs); $qs[$name] = $value; return http_build_query($qs); } /** * Get the email address from a string formatted like "John Doe " * * @param String $email The email string * * @return String The email address */ function addressFromEmail($email) { $start = strpos($email, "<"); $end = strpos($email, ">"); if ($start > 0 && $end !== false) { return trim(substr($email, $start + 1, $end - $start - 1)); } return $email; } /** * Get the user name from a string formatted like "John Doe " * * @param String $email The email string * * @return String The user name */ function nameFromEmail($email) { $end = strpos($email, "<"); if ($end > 0) { return trim(substr($email, 0, $end)); } return $email; } /** * If you want to get the request headers and still support PHP 4, use this function. * * @return array The request headers array or FALSE on failure */ function imRequestHeaders() { $headers = array(); // If apache supports apache_request_headers, use it! if (function_exists('apache_request_headers')) { $headers = apache_request_headers(); if (!is_array($headers)) return false; } else { // Build the array manually foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { if (strncmp($key, 'HTTP_', 5) === 0) { $headers[substr($key, 5)] = $_SERVER[$key]; } } if (count($headers) === 0) return false; $headers['Content-Type'] = (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) ? $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] : @getenv('CONTENT_TYPE'); } // Format the headers name correctly. For example, turn CONTENT_TYPE into Content-Type. foreach ($headers as $key => $val) { $key = str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($key)); $key = str_replace(' ', '-', ucwords($key)); $headers[$key] = $val; } return $headers; } $imSettings = Array(); $l10n = Array(); $phpError = false; $ImMailer = new ImSendEmail(); @include_once "imemail.inc.php"; // Email class - Static @include_once "x5settings.php"; // Basic settings - Dynamically created by WebSite X5 @include_once "blog.inc.php"; // Blog data - Dynamically created by WebSite X5 @include_once "access.inc.php"; // Private area data - Dynamically created by WebSite X5 @include_once "l10n.php"; // Localizations - Dynamically created by WebSite X5 @include_once "search.inc.php" ; // Search engine data - Dynamically created by WebSite X5 /** * From Gravatar Help: * "A gravatar is a dynamic image resource that is requested from our server. The request * URL is presented here, broken into its segments." * Source: * http://site.gravatar.com/site/implement * * Usage: * * $email = "youremail@yourhost.com"; * $default = "http://www.yourhost.com/default_image.jpg"; // Optional * $gravatar = new Gravatar($email, $default); * $gravatar->size = 40; * $gravatar->rating = "G"; * $gravatar->imageset = "identicon"; * $gravatar->border = "FF0000"; * * echo $gravatar; // Or echo $gravatar->toHTML(); * * * @access public */ class X5Gravatar { /** * Gravatar's url */ const GRAVATAR_URL = "https://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php"; /** * Ratings available */ private $GRAVATAR_RATING = array("G", "PG", "R", "X"); /** * Default imageset */ private $GRAVATAR_IMAGESET = array("404", "mp", "identicon", "monsterid", "wavatar"); /** * Query string. key/value */ protected $properties = array( "gravatar_id" => NULL, "default" => NULL, "s" => 40, // size: the default value "r" => "G", // rating: the default rating "d" => "identicon", // imageset: the default imageset "border" => NULL, ); /** * E-mail. This will be converted to md5($email) */ protected $email = ""; /** * Extra attributes to the IMG tag like ALT, CLASS, STYLE... */ protected $extra = ""; /** * */ public function __construct($email=NULL, $default=NULL) { $this->setEmail($email); $this->setDefault($default); } /** * */ public function setEmail($email) { $this->email = $email; $this->properties['gravatar_id'] = md5(strtolower($this->email)); return true; } /** * */ public function setDefault($default) { $this->properties['default'] = $default; } /** * */ public function setRating($rating) { if (in_array($rating, $this->GRAVATAR_RATING)) { $this->properties['r'] = $rating; return true; } return false; } /** * */ public function setImageset($imageset) { if (in_array($imageset, $this->GRAVATAR_IMAGESET)) { $this->properties['d'] = $imageset; return true; } return false; } /** * */ public function setSize($size) { $size = (int) $size; if ($size <= 0) $size = NULL; // Use the default size $this->properties['s'] = $size; } /** * */ public function setExtra($extra) { $this->extra = $extra; } /** * Object property overloading */ public function __get($var) { return @$this->properties[$var]; } /** * Object property overloading */ public function __set($var, $value) { switch($var) { case "email": return $this->setEmail($value); case "rating": return $this->setRating($value); case "default": return $this->setDefault($value); case "imageset": return $this->setImageset($value); case "size": return $this->setSize($value); // Cannot set gravatar_id case "gravatar_id": return; } return @$this->properties[$var] = $value; } /** * Object property overloading */ public function __isset($var) { return isset($this->properties[$var]); } /** * Object property overloading */ public function __unset($var) { return @$this->properties[$var] == NULL; } /** * Get source */ public function getSrc() { $url = self::GRAVATAR_URL ."?"; $first = true; foreach($this->properties as $key => $value) { if (isset($value)) { if (!$first) $url .= "&"; $url .= $key."=".urlencode($value); $first = false; } } return $url; } /** * toHTML */ public function toHTML() { return 's) ? "" : ' width="'.$this->s.'" height="'.$this->s.'"') .$this->extra .' />'; } /** * toString */ public function __toString() { return $this->toHTML(); } } // End of file